THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMVEGON ORCHESTRA. 0 I K R LEW H. CLEMENT, ____ Loc h. s (-l]i, r Thail 10S. MAIN 6T. Dire Ct andj Manager. .UL1I I6LUL ,it ±iAo ?IGHIGAN IENTA Grade, Moderate Prices. Time Table (ievised Feb. 11th, 1894. No. 9 South Main street, (Formerly Two 1Sams. .____ A.M...AM. THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. O~co htgmhn .1R. Exp... ..10 N. S. Limited.... 1080 CHICAGO 106 Wabash Ave., 13. F. C,1,:r til. OF TO-WT: Mail and Exp. 418 Fast Iwesto Exp.P15S Vergil, Acn. 1203. 4,84(1ostirs. Filled. 1-:i o itiouRoFlled , W . 4 Fast East's Rap.. 920 G.i.E....,.. 160 SEND FOR OUR AGENCY MANUAL. U)Nh OKASE . S. Limied..1:M,3adct tExpress... 955 1 1'WR I O Eoso, .WHTO AGiCE Botn Cico, Feld,555~5G. . 1e T. Agt., Chicgo. At, An Arbor.Ne York, Los Augeles, Tro0n1. Y iili j5, 1. IALTY UT. OF M. CALENDAR. u7 g jR SPEND YU OUTING ON THE GREAT Fri. ere., ay 11-Engines baqiet a1til ~1l~5 ORLKS Gagrshal.Il llclF Visit picturesque Mackinac Island. It i~~t anaeero L A lctrl oleemet 110w ir eto o duplicating wvill only cost you about $12.50 from Do. in roomy), ass bilding, a 100a. M. coieso it wriingos nd drawings. troi $from Toledo; $8 from Cleveland, l~y 1 IHGN StMy1.-nvriyvs. Unliesity o for the round trip, icluding meals and - I ,Ta MICAN - Ilos at Ath.lerti ly berths. Avoidi the heat and dust by travel. Time Table laMing e et Sunday. Mrh 25 Sat., May 12.-Msusicle o1 the Wom's ing on the D. & C. loing places. Tbe JtW, Trains roave Aon Arbor by Crtral Legu, r iee AMemorial Bllhl, at 40. . attractions of a t 2i) ts the Mckinac ergon Standrd Time. Sa ia .- Srior class mtisg, rIoo A, re nssrpssod. lie .!l itself is a 7:15a. in.o1u . Si.nla.radro atic po+ t ClimacteioOmIost in- * 15 p. m. 1 ta. m. Suit., a 3 .(- Asiere nel eotvigoraing Twoonew Stel passenger 415 p. m. 11)000."01., SIl.,werM ay l-S.1 . Autbe anoielolsteamers have plut ben built for tho 4.Tra.ns .un0 b.tweln Nenbeeryor5and Toledo 111uppee 1ake 1011( , Costilg $300,000 each. only. co ciMnlI, My 14.-Ser insioes, at Chapel. They rc eqiippedl with every modern Atin- dilyexcept Sunday. 'Meln, May 1U.-Catilian, Seior lit pbliea- ( IMApLE, CH E AP,RSGENOD wiAnArotnu.Iv('L convenen e,..liciaor, bathrooms, W. . 1EN NhV, . . A. Tledo.+" - AND E FF'ECTIE etc., illo t,.;eda Ilgiotby electricity, ______________SS___LOCALS._TI E.and are akrn ee 1 to ho thigandest, BUIoSLCL. Eiosdb v rd,00Usrs argest tad -(Ceorblelleon fresh wae. BG-F U -RO T I ST-A pair of spectacles on hI-bennsor0-0Hai0 on y cdlIc- y laperThs steamrsf abylcoprwih h a 1 Her ou ..l1i r m c pae- the gret ocean iCrsin contuto n campus Tuesday afternoon. Finder !I) y 11)11mansciptprdued Isped.Fou strucr ee btonnd ..-1S IET- please return to s5 S. Ingalls and co 1)01 .. rc)11Ie iclrantrap11 ~llleo 01Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Aackin, St. receive reward. swort,..I-0,N0 l S ANED. gnae Petoskey, Chicago, "Soo," Ma- For fine soaps, tooth brushes and LA.WTON & CO., quette and Dultlh Daily between Cleve- INDIANAPOLIS, cgrgot ha. .lrgsoe 0V1 eySl (/171, )'Ptt) lork. land and Detroit. Daily between Cev- cigars,_gototheB._&_M._Drugstore. land and Pt-in-Bay. The cabins, parlors LOUISVILLE, College students wanting employ- g II CATRn S o and staterooms f theso steamers are do- ment for the summer should ad- 6.bGTMI ; 1, E. ShasbiaiglolIStreet. signed for the completo entetainment of and INCNNA I. dessP. . Zigle & o. Px ro rhumanity under home conditions; the pa- anAICNN T.des ES.Zege Wo. o ~~ ~55 ,111.1151 .55.Flosta. (Grwer of atial equipnent, the luxury of the ap- _________ Philadelphia, Pa., who offer gra Roes cs0n110115 511 Flowers of all va- lpotments. makes traveing on these inducements for special sork to o. ta~ osrlo denssignlamdeOp.upoohhortcetrge.notce steamers thorouhly enjoyable. Send for T EGSA~nTT' which students are well fitted, and .,.. illustrated descriptive pamphlet. Address THROUH SLEPINGCARSwhichl pays $75 to $150 per month. Ann Arbor Savings Bank A. A. SCHANT, . P. & T, A., D. & C. 'II3RUGHSLIEYIG CRSAtn Arbor. Mih. Capital-tol, f50,iiW. Detroit, Mich. For reduced rate tickets to Oso, surplls. SISII+K. -ervwEEN- West Ya. anid Old Va. points apply to =0Ortaized tdrtheGeerCINGig aw (ef R. S. Greenwood, Ticket Agt., Toefth sstt.Rciel- depsits,buysyland DANCIGanal(D LSAn. E > llesexasgr 111the pincipIl l pinlpop11r MRS. ANE'BARDFSE Pcsettl~. Losetldle <7.1 Ann Abor & North Mich. UnitedI Staes. drats cashdI lpon prpe(m91 n i i1' OS - -YL.-~--- t- dnticaltiona, Sarty deposit ioes 111ret.46.SatSre. Cfa~cfnseertf STUDENTSFICRSChraCiseltian s Slck, rea.; W. D. SONA4-6 . S~late reet.l rls SUETHlrrimaVice Fes.; Chase.E. Hiecoc, Ca- MONAY -.% 11114 iGisfro. a .11 ( l~.1~llr~trl a~lt Soy17 The prices are very reasonable f0o blrr I .Frt so.Cshier . 5ODYt1 0 ais l~lreea. _________ "Living Whist," text Friday even- IENDAY i p. m. tedelcetrls. c wiloc 'os10TCtiSVA ing. Sixty ladies and gentlenmen in-c . best dancersKETofVthe\T) ATC ItAY 11. I. Gntlleme's dimingl lutding tie very bet acesofte 'e 0i BIG FOUR ROUTE. University and city will take part < =4 'm. Yadis'dacincilass111. T'he entertainment consits of na 5 p m1. liIldr n dlarol lass,. tional and character dances includ-_________ YIpitot O. IS CORIs5IC, D. MARtTIN, ing a game of Whist with ladies antd rIOAttUN IT H 1assenger Ora~c Mg,l Gte. . . 1. Agt. gentlemen dressed to represent the 5t n . $T TC $AVIflG$ BA2K .. cards. Don't forget to get your seas ARE THE BEST. c rA. a',1,))51(1- tl Waigto Srets. r reerved at Watts' jewelry store im- CIARETE SMOKERS wos are wi1- A.. N na rIC-11OO~tIM $2 0C E E A D medliately, as they are going fast, ingto pya litle oore leon e price S2.5 TO ~Mr. Ross Grangersil showo the w-1-fdISBAND spcrior 10 alles, b PEN MKR BUFFALO. people of Ann Arbor and adjoining Th ihodS h u o1 croons twsthat an amateur company nn h ihodSraigtCtN ' VIA 11C. & B LIME." der his drilling can poduce a far CIA. TESr Cl omending siths p 11111001fInaigtion better entertainmnetitthan the ma- se maec rom te brigtest, msos delcae ,c , E. , J .rT- (aouot Aprilllol. SMasificentlide-shoel stel in5flavsor, and higs cot GLD LEAF co~srr; St~l~.joriy of the attractions which have grown mn Vrgna. 1 50I O n "Sae ho"ad'tl o e ok" appeared at the Grantd this season. BEWARE OF IMITIOINS, 511d osevevo Stt fOi"ad SttofNwYr,_.thttenmoftemuacrrssAILY TIME TAL. $20 TO $40 below is on cvry pckage.p - u I o~uo IIWM-R. IFpUL E a, Lv~Is ((te 1115 pcin e fIllo, - (15 ioo a week can e made by stldnts .Aaac V r V- Ar~tl'lo :;3am r~t~eana 7,Y3amduring vacation sworking for us n ESANGt-I , 9.le ssSN-beo ca .5151LA0555L~aa raoete t ' .B I. lieSte1 l)l(ies aodl -v handling our lpublications in their 1,WIiiro I el-. I 1. door 1 5e-.I 1)Sate t.rSceti_ fIlagara Falls. Toronto, New ork, own locality. Address fr further Boston, Albany. Thousand Islands, .eor ay particulars, The Werner Co., 29 Chlpr urio Weoly t Niaa a Monre ae.,Detroit, Mc. 'iw'A I'' -tc'.O I OU..teWe fo01 l((oieOlplt ahlblt Rpubians' Imortant! J. , H. R. ROGERS, T. F. NEWMAN. An inlpotant n1thetnc of te Rel y 1 ~(0y114 v I II deltao 51 IellSlll- p.tublican club s calledl 1for 1ustday ke el tl iilt. 0 ' in, - i ((1 ,oi("citl t GLEfVELAYD, 0. evening, May i.,, a tlaw lecture « ~ room at 730o. A tdelegate to repre- v (0110i.41 ,ii Sasn -ANN .ARBOR sent the club at the Dener National (( convetion cail other matters of i mFi l als V - _WIEIJ4 L'7{iUND1RY G0. portance to repulblican studetts will 22 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. brought beore the meeting.c.l E.S. 51010715, M- nage1.5-5.9es. MAIN ST.