THE U. *OF M. DAILY. "MMe A CAMEIFRA, NOW IF YOU HAl) ONE. c'craiiiood alues a t regular LG woul aabr havethe money thni9 Calkins" Pharmacy. STIFF H$4. I I 90Hats Only $2.49. 0BOWDISH &+ MATTESON, 0 I MQQE~EJ &'FMXXEL27 NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. TE IS4Z, BASEBALL AND SPORTING GOODS Which they offer ast pricess (imisateed to be as :Low as can be Obtained IElsewhe............ WINCHELL'S TEACHERS' AGENCY '262 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. Aiiitd with t1heliBaacnTeacer ' A (miy, Boton.ti t lirtiin hi'n. iMot liw>ra ito mombrs. Mtks a sn .itnof iiihei- oiirls twtir, ei'1+;eil:'tiyli:l~ttte al, OC. Ocoir OrASll FORCIRCUAS. 1 Nant Lapeal cores- poat it lt I Aetwe. tWrite ftnitpeai~ttrms. ci W~~T E G031 3~EiE _ ,R FOTC7UNt7AI FitELT lPtiIECT 5FttINti ilOt-Ktitfitted withhriest qialityoftGold Pens.Itiyouiw at - the bstnl askfr thPARIKTU. Illusti I I cetcaltie frenupon appication.The IParker Pen Co.,Jinesilie, Wis. Sheehan &Co.,Exlsie Acets in AiriArbhr, The re is one peculiar Th ]: lt thit 1 lit the Ir ,,Strng9eat- " ~ V I cCcls.Eeryone wn~ter pt tysrc N~eed acre aee e< 1podcd Ty aeawondefulwechani- ca rumh ,i ay nhe interestT ofrdr.Therad treelfitted wit rad iecmletewih COLY 25 Lbs.C Y Yet tcrre he sm ineraii garastae as hteaviee wheels. ItI m~iseat tte minimumt of weight admaxmuii at streengt.a Cit te Itet aliel wade-but i t casts Osiy $125.XYauhare berd st Ii climis btfraebat hare yo u xvruseentihiemin inpractical Cam: m i Seeing is btieveing."Ini this ease "seeing is baying, and beying is concnmy. Catalogues Free. Taws ma Mr.O.,01 SPRINGFIELD, MASS. SAR STEAM LAUNDRY HIGR CLASS WORK. UOWDISH & HOUSE, Proprietors. OFFICE, 322 SOUTHn STATE STREEr. _CIGARS P- CIGAIRS Fotr10l tartar. Forae. 1Each. lice,:lt. Far 2s. Each. \0..15tt Loi let- tit-il- l"t 4 21; Prctdig- Ciars _ i-ia 1. c or5 W5in't o A C--- 100 20 4 c S. &S.tatOwlCiast 2.95 4 I! Litt lnoh iis1.1, 15 13 r BiacceriacTar- :1.10 ;1 1lc Domninoato-f(c___ i Ia 1 Or tc Royal Banniieecie3r-,3a tie Wtcolt n ic s-, 1.U 15 > c: trn Scot i 00cr- -- t110 l ti For ed}, H;; ry Clayti aai a75aa a0c Cttmrmr Cgr - 12 3 ae lailita Ci :3rKey Wt itart a .;5a lC Bually BoiCtii r__-1.:a f 44 South Main Street. Ann Arbor, Mich- DEAN & COMPANY. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Smeltzer will be back to college --tdyoTooro.H wl ae The tennia coorta are nosy ready trwthd rthemlrn node golwith for usetcwihteta an go h. si eokyo them on the easterii trip. IL.J. ltaay t n Ptoaey fl The nenior clans meeting which busiess.was to htave occorred lant Saturday, S. D. Coon, law ' 73, in practicing will be held thin weekc Saturday in at Loiai, Micli. RoomoA, at 9:30o'clock. D. K. McMullen it attending the Th 9eio:ein3 es frBo phii delta theta convention at tndi- Te tonorvmoringteavelrivote anapolis. crThyFraiak Andersona, lit 'go, is United ca. The will visit the asylunm and States mineral surveyor at Salt Lake witness several intereating experi- oaents. City, Utah.; Joseph Merckeins, of Cologne, The outgoing officera of the S. C- Germany, a junior dent, and Ed- A., will give their annual report' ward Horsky, a junior law, of next Sunday morning. Helena, Mont., were arrested yes- The freshman and lunior base terday for riding bicycles on the ball teams will cross bats on the sidewalk. campus this afternoon. --=-- The reshan bll tans aveBase Sail. The reshan all eam aveExcursion, Sunday, May 13ths. On placed orders for new uniforms, above date the T., A. A. & N. M. which are expected here this week. Ry., will run an excursion train to The engineers' banquet which will Toledo and return, leaving Ann Ac- he held at Granger's hall, tomorrow bor 9:22 a. in., returning leave To- evening will be an elaborate affair. ledo 7:00 p. m. Fare, $n.oo. At. traction: League game of ball Toasts will be responded to by various between Toledo and Indianapolis members of the engineering faculty at 3 p. in., at Ball Park. and by Pres. Angell. R. S. GREEJNwooD, Agt. ~--_U. OF M.FLAGS. trliin Sivsr,eriariirl in yellowiranitttbice, -tirOck t oreiatrtipin. Prire, 11.0 JVM. A RNOLD, Jei ri. W'AE ARE IN IT With a Fine Lice of Imported aisit Domestic SPRING and i --#- + SUMMER 1'I1 IJL FOR FASHIONABLE \WEAR. GM 14E WILp3, THE LEA DING TAILOR. No. 2 E. Washington St., NEARN STOEN Iue youswheiehlC Slainstthftfoi ol shoo~i~yreial SPIG ATlS NOW READY. ELEGANT ASSORTMENT. PRICES RIGHT. SEE OUR LINE OF RAZOR TOES. Goodppeed',, 17 S. MAIN ST. J