THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAIVEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, 51 SO. MAIN ST. Director and Manager. InXICHTGAN GEN~i Time Table (Reied) Feb. 11th, 184. Atlantic Espress.. 50 Mail & Exp...8505 . & J. Expres .. 7 55 Chic. Spic.....7 05 G. I. Exp...1105 N. S. Limitd.... .103 Hail and Ex. .418 Fast WestE Exp. 1555 Fast Easte Efxi.. 20 GOit.SE.......0+ N. S. Limited. 10 1U 3 Pacic Express... 9 55 OW. RUGsGLS, H. W. HAYES, G. . & T. At., Chicago. At., Ann Arbor. ,a lU H ICHIGAN , Time Table takinfe ct Sonday, Mrar~h 25 184, Trains lae Ass Arbor by Cnral Sanoard Tinos. NORiTH. 0(1171. 1:5 a. s. 7:15a. . 135p. m. I10a. a0. only, Aull aies airy xrpt8uosday. 1.. GRiEENWOODII, Aernt, An Arbor. W. H. i3ENN'T', .1. A. TorLdo. -BESOT LINE T- INDIANAPOLIS, LOUISVILLE, and CINCINNATI. THRIOUGH SLEI?:NG CARS PIetoskey. Lotsville 0111df win1)1 Iniagurated about,1"ly 1.1 AS41 Oll TICKEFT PI. BIG FOUR ROUTE. E. O. McCORMICK, D. IB. MARTIN, Psseger Trafc Mg1r Oe. P. & T. Ag. S2.50OCLEVEOLAND BUFFALO. VIA °"C. & BLINE." Commrcsocsowth openigofenavigaion (abot April 1st. ilagicet ide-Wheel steel "Sate of Ohio1' and "State of New York" DAILY TIME TABLE. Lv Clrrrlandl,113pm j Lv IBuffalo, - liti5ps Ar Buffalo, - 773 0 Ar (leeland, 7:30 m Tale he "C. &1B. Lie" stalars an enjov a rerershing night' rest W henelrote toBuf- fao, Niagara Falla. Toront, New York, Boston, Albany, Thuand Islands, or any Easerrn or Caaia poit. Chep hooiriono Wekly to NiaraFallI Write for tourit pmsneit H. R. ROGERS. T. F. NEWMAN, Geal Foass. wA. Gen Mnager. CLEVELAND, . -ANN ARBOR- THfIJI 1JIUND1RY CO. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SsERvISS, - Manager. M- D A. TINKER, ~'dn~ Hd Lt+~r andFuPYr, em Every Novelty illseoSn0. Spring Stiapeo ill StrawvIHats 111w il. Iligili Grade, Moderate Prices. No. 9 South Main street, (Formerly Two Sase.) -M Official Photographers- Oit TO-WIT: THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCID; CHICAGO, 106 Wabasla Ave., 3. F.(LARK. Ver,lAres.1:203. 4840 1Posons.Fillei. ta 's i ti~osFi lldIe8133.1 SEND FOR OUE A AGENCIES:* Boston, Chicago, Poi NwYrLos Angreles, Toi UO. OF M. CALENDAR. Thor, masy i( of:Mtssic. Prof. Stam- ley lectures ons Verdi's "Requiem,"7:71.0 Fri. err., Nay 11.-Engineer's banquetrO at Granger's hsll. St., May 12.--Univereity vs. University of Illinsa t Athlertsicild St., M1ay 12. S. 1.. e. lectoal college omeets 1nrom., lawbulingis, at. 10.. Sat., (lay 1N.--senior1elasssmeeting, room A, 9a(. 1ll. ?lio., (May ll.-senIioraillgot(1, at ChaOpel. Moss., lay it.-C .1a 11 i, ..Seniotr lit publica7(- Soaer, lay 14.-S. C. A.oficehrs ae-l'epr at Newberry hall1, !.5 a. in. ROSINE12303LOCALS. LOOT. - Rapid Writer fountaio pro. Fioder licalc 1r1t1r0 to No. io N. IDivisioo. 3t For floe soaps, tooth brusheoanod cigars, go to the B. & M. TDrogstore. College stodents wanting employ- ment for the summer shooldi ad- dress P. W. Ziegler & Co., lioN T Si Philadclphia, Pa., wvho offer great inducements for special svork to which students are well fitted, and which pays $75 to $150 per month. WANTED.-Ladiesansld genltlemsen willing to huostle for good monsey. Call ait 39 S. Division street, from 4 to 5, also 7 to S p. mn. 3t G. II. R.NOALL. For reduced rate tickets to Ohio, Weot Va. anid Old Va. points apply tc R. S. Greenwood, Ticket Agt., Tloledo Anns Arbor & North Mich. STUDENTS, The prices are very reasonahie for "ILfiving Whist," next Friday even- ing. Sixty ladieo and gentlemen in- cluding the very best dancers of the University and city wiii take part. The entertainment consints of na- tional anti character dances includ- ing a game of Whist with ladies and gentlemen dreooed to represent the cards. Don't forget to get your scats reserved at Watts' jewelry store im- mediately, ao they are going fast. Mr. Ross Granger will showv the people of Ann Arhor and adjoining towns that an amateur company on- der hio drilling can produce a far hetter entertainment than the ma- jority of the attractions which have appeared at the Grand this season. $20 TO 140 a week can he made hy otudents during vacation working for us handling our puhlications in their own locality. Address for forther p~articulars, The Werner Co., 29 Monroe ave., Detroit, Msich. Notioe. FINANC.-Mr. Dixon will meetl his quic sections in Finance at two inotead of three o'clock this week. i tENCY MANUAL. ;ST UDIENT'S'W W011 A SSIP - ro tu ~ g , ?~~rir } & ~Q,1 rnoo yolatCIALTY. CItI I)I SPEND YOUR OUTING ON THE GREAT' jjt iiLX nI ~LAKES. Vioit picturesque Mackinac Inland. It A tnev invention for duplicating wiill only cost you about $12.10 from Do- copies of Xvritings and drawing's. troit ; $15 from Toledo; $18 from Cleveland, for the round trip, including menlo and 11ert11. Avoid thelheat and dust by travel.- lnon~ the D. & C. floating palaces. The alttrasctios of ltoti 'ckinac region. " - are srcttl rp..sX(,d.I It ;.:{ tselocf is a CI0.lZ ls ll I tic lll -A;71 ] ttt 0 (10 lmost ill- tII vgorul.lsuoa CN.U i passocngc, btppertl ., 71frts _____ .011JSlo 33,000 each. 'They wit ecry modern. (SIMPLE ,C HE AP.Itoilll ' . , lt , aths-rooms, I AND EFFCt5TIVE. a"c".,u t ,t y elcicity, w..S.5OIS.. islO1atobe111egrandcst, - Ga -' 0 r ~t ooI1, ,,,, arg(ri..t ..1c onfresh swater. kit r , ,Etliti (.,pe.'(-mhc l137 )Uthe great ! ocean i he1rs0inIconsstructionanod cop sc itcrncin-i~li(i 1 proucedillspeed. tFoui Irips per Xteek bctwcen 15 i. +i ttGr fr edsml ''loN 110 , i$,Alpeta Mak~inac, St. it'or4 ignacc, PtoakeyChicago, "Soo," SMar- LAWTON & CO., qluette and Iul'thllsDaily betwecnCicve 2o ~ csc~ S~ef1!l~ land and Dertt Daly betwoeen Clevc- ar, lati d11Patin-11Pay. Tse cabins, parlor. a gqC A L'l ad ,tatero1omls110fliheso'sieamers nrc de- lb 5i Y 5 1I/ E Wshintgon Street. signed lortheis completo entertainment of huanity uisder bionic conditiono; the pal- JId w.IE 5 (0DIlIs , 1 icst. Growe of stial equilipmlent, the luxury of tbhe alp- JRoses. Csrnatio(0ns d CFlowes (o il Tori- psointmenits, makes traveling en these ely. Florai lsignsn e upson short notice.semrthoulyenfr No. 1 Observsaey street, app. cemetery gateovncotstull enjoyable. Sn o _ . _.,..jillustratecd descriptive pamphlet. Addres Ann Arbor Savings Bank A. A. SCOANVTz, G, P. & T. A., D. & C. Anti Aebor AHicis, CapitaIl Sck,' 30,000. Detroit, Mtichi. Surplus, $150,(0)S. Or onledsndrtts reeenral tankiegbLaws n o1 this stale.Receies deiosiotaslabys sasd DANCINGOand DELSART E cells exetsosogetoesptin 'tcipasl (tieastrte A ~ ~ FSE aited, Stolen. [)raftl arshied 51i opn it * 5IU identification.Safety depositl 15151s t ent. Ssfetr . OrrlCent elorist n lust le,, Prs.:55' 1.MONDAY 461).nt aved Cassforet Horsns.Vie Prsa" .h (as.o. S Isc ~ o-kiie Ca-lLis i shier 51M.3J. EI'tAst. Cashier. I 1 ((4 lieOan 'entlt.tse I mINA- . Ladira' Ilelsoolte class, TlIEO.sDV 7 . sn. Gealanoriss dancsitne c1100. SATIRDtIAY 111 a. is. IGentemen's d