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May 10, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-05-10

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'Z1.. of W . T ctlf?" ~Notice. y 1J V L.
__ ~~GRADUATION FEE-On account c-r 2 2 T A A Y
of the large number of diplomas to I A2. NtOST
Published Daily (Snasys excepsedi during
rnlCliere year, b be prepared, all candidates for a de-' If yes wish to by a Biciycle at 40 per cent disout from regular retail prices.
TH U F . NEPNDN ASOITINgree are requested topa the grad-I Cote asd see s by all meas.
TH .OFM NDPNEN SOCAI c a ation lee at oncee. { 5e co sell you the Mnarh, Smalley, Ralig, Warwick, Scalodg, Ariel, Triune
H. WADE earaly tasry mae s ote market. Alsatll liar at Lade' wabeas.
Saorpioprice 8:5.501 per year, iavariably- We are made aranfements to see purebaers at te DsIY sfice sy ight tor he
In aivane Snglecopis Scent. Suscrp- ' cnxt Ices weeka teem 60 illS o'elsck. Lades, were us a postal, and we will Cal. Or
ton maayre Sleattespie oftrent.AIY, N otice* Iprice will ma~e the dealers eer trpale.
at Stofiet's, with any st the editors orI ADDRESS,
Cemmunieations shosld reach theofaicerby Hinsdale requests all students who U. OF AI. DAILY OFFICE
7 o'clock . . it they are o appear the next arc canididates for the Teacher's _______________________________________
lay. Addreso all macee itended toe publica-
to to the Managing Editor. All busisnesn Diploma in June, 1894, who hate __________________________________
commuanications hould be sent o the Buot. not already done so, to report their /
aess Manager, names to him immediately. J M S M A I ., i~iiiiii
Ann Arhor. Minh. Notice. p -iTL-
. L. Lotcte, Lit.,'i5; Managing Editor. portant meeting of the executive
F. P. S sLE, iit. 9(i, Assitant. hoard of the Oratorical Association, Ai ~ uhrt fts orsECUIERGTt
F. H. WITAtfeaLit. '5, AssistanttAdb.uhrt fte orsE CUIERG
h.tirLi.0, eiat. Friday, May sIa, at o5 p. uhe.,in roona I World's Fal, boths Columbsiana at Cicago and lMid-
J. A. Lruo, Lt. 'i6, Athletice Edit. 21I. All membera of the hoard arc-
Woit. A. 'irtttts Lii.,'07, Busness Mnger. celected to be present. witer at Sano lFrancis'o.
51L.AWI.Tot, 'i J. H QUAILPs, IPres. J r .fI IEAY ITirl t iJ
eoc.'Ctleonx,'1 P . tuittirt 5.--L. .P lt ,)i IE. . d S')j-
Carre Co el'5' Itttttk it'". E. I.5 artitc at,'
; Original Retouched Stereoscopic Views!I
Itv t eadedtt.tltowatcwia itheadtin',ia alitlr 1ele'te'iont Irateery tittitryrf
,"N...... "ua ,.w_______....__the -Gobetttttdaihelistctowtangtt tteiegties othbe' Clitrittt idttittinteetit-
Liloiitt tctlttttat StritiFrtnieco.
A Novei Program. HcrIsfcrds Acid Phosphate Se frihthltfinehstii't'i-t'pe'.imadeitf eery cstriptittttiaa ttteit-
Ayituetetwittevercy cnl iis tt.way triottit "otteorbIy slinor"0, l
'The Adephi ciii offer an unusual-Igactiu a teott oney l ot'nttitrut ttrettt'ityke grauate,
ly interesting program at their next Is the most effective and agree- For.. omite it ctlittotiestttd tlliforma'tti, aidre-.
neting Friday, Mlay sith, at 8 p" able remedy in existence for S- M S1 7=J
i., in roonm 4 The celebrated
Webster-Hayne debate of 1829-30 preventing indigestion, and re- A tottloite followiigio,.tthnt
will be reproduced in a condensed lieving thos8e diseases arising xcsg Achi Si, iila, 'a. 320 W. Adelaide St, Torotoi, Cat.
form. Mr. F. W. Newton taking 1207 Dolman S., S. Luis, Mo. ig S. 'Minal Road, Liverpool, lig.
the part of Webster, and Mr. C. T. from a disordered stomach. Berlin, Germay. lyofexstaio.
Purdy that of Hayne. The Other PLEASE MENTION THIS PAPER.
participants and their respective Dr. WX. 'W. Gardner, Springfied,
parts are as follows's:Mass., says: "I nlan it 0s 00 ecelent
Mr. R. H. Elsworth, Senator preentoative at indigestio, atd a pleasant PALACE + BARBER + SHOP
Foot, of Conn. acidulaed dik we poperty dilted ilk Y And Bth Roots.e'. II H OWEN.IPoo.
Mr. K'. E. Loulsell, Senator Kane, waer, and sweetned.' H Ou'4 HuEasti s a l ittoSt..opteCouPr-
of Ill.Houeiotlc n e at ah.Pr
il. X. Klingler, Senator Barton, larts
of Mo. Decriptie ptinpblet freeros applicttian to F O E S O 1?9.
Mr. J. Dearborn, Senator 'Mc- Rumford Chemial Works, ProvidenceR.I. _011thVRTING Aix bnNT VnncaorY.
Kiniley, of Ala. Bewtare otfabstitutes and Imitttions. "TkesFirt Pace"HALL F~ itraSii Tel ephoe i
Mr. L. Hubbard, Senator Hotlmes, For Sale by all Druggists. ThnaesndPolutw tit1
ofM._______________The best Bicycle built or $125.00: RY~
Mr. W. H. Whitten, Senator ~ ~ YIIN N aeaias a' ens
Benton, of Mo.COLGOFPYIISAN MGOS ssblanhan91en,
Mr. H. W. Levy, Senator Liv- Criir f Hatuireanowl 55sf HuietoitSteeti Settditgo Iasebltl ani LwcntTetnisatods Sj
s.pputit Coli Coty tl wpitl. ' are tied eexlsily tirooibost the iU S iid
ngstop, of La. OFHSCAGO, ITT. tht hegodsr te ~est ~completilunt
Everybody is cordially invited to TeCllg A'.n~iped with mon ite ntaititCrttly SatD
rooms ad fivelaboraories.Chicago. New York. Philadelphia L;
The winter ter eginseiscddle f Spteot-
UNIVERSITY. NOTES. len, 18t4,andetndsc-tarly i Aupril, 15, pinlsrn em es;10,5tolloadFI T
"laboratory depo'it chich is rticrnable. FRTN TO A A K I h EDN HO FBSNS
The University of Illinois defeated Fuse namltg roidedourses, with tdvancedciNA1IO ALBA K HOR LEANG. SCHOOLeOF buSig;INE
thfditig tr graduates nparitmnacy, atd te OF ANN ARBOR. cteaches lager attntdaceetgood discipline; tpee.
Wicnino odabaaor fUiversity pepntiatory corse', antecedntitfoiiwar; etk' npidredn om diyetr
Wsosno Mody by aoeo Capittl, 010f1,000. Surplus and Poits,80,0000 -wl uuae cdugca;diylciec
to the otdy of Medicicn.'-' Saturday eeneit e crepotiw pai te ntitreyear
I-.The (linical ad Lboratory facilities are Transacta agenral bankig busnes. Fo-Exceptinal faiititen fr plc i uttiin pcu-
ao'.orpttocrd. eign exeatige bought and so1d. Leetrs of tiait-cbethatoegraiuaieaeonacanttneutlieti Linitg
R. t). Austin was called home hoe ciretiltrut icfotmatian toO tether par-credi pocrd Ciobllesaboa. exenes e$ t :.5per tweek ia piate amilis.
ticuars, addressPrA',Pe. .W LAKOCahe.Fr ANewCatalge, adires
yesterday by the sickness of his DR. W. E. QUISE, P.__R.__ CLEARY,____PR__s.
father. 813tW. HarrisnnSt, - Chioago, III THE ifWAVERLY" WHEEL
Prof. Otis C. Johnson, paid a fine EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY Yn ' i.poil.wtunuuhtr0- ~~
yesterday for riding a bicycle on the '2h EAST HURON STREET. Wegt Spud-ih'lnhr(.&.. lse j~httl lDU j Ill IT~~n
sidewalk.Gotod WorkiGuttranteed.Goods alled fotte-fuc'-or 8500 istheilisnathioof the (opiftIt Rb. Surle dPrfiitS.
au dhnel. A.F CVRT hPo, oiu,- Sie itnthei windiiw of Dos a general banfng bosinep. Pays inter-
The '96 trackmen met last night TEANABRAGSeton oasavings Deposits Hasafety
THE NN ABOR RGUSDepoit Bes Eno- rent.
and discussed plans for'the comcngPRN I G ad~. BROWN'S DRUGSTORE. It KEMPP Per. P. H ELSEE,.Cashir.
field days. P I TN n <. Bank oon Satusdaty evening.
Th-pot egu ilhl ' PUBLISHING Lades' Artistc Hardrssing Parlors. 2± t eau wl hl a ears im the Bsisess.tri..
theTT M anuleeto fofcr et~LADIE's htide'.ig, manco afen
the nnua eletio of fficrs nxt ad sal treatment done in ithhe latet CITY LAUNDRY,
- Student Work a Specialty, fashion. lMs. J. R Troanotnki. 30 E. Was-
Monday evening. Best Workmen and Lowet Prices in te City. igtoa S., over barbershoip. M. M. Sebolt, No. 4 N. Fourth A-..

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