of 41 VOL. IV.-No. 158. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 189-. PRICE, THREE CENTS. A GOOD BEGINNING. A feature oft First Home Game Won by 14 to 1. playing was the The Team )layed a Great error being made Game. too, was excellen Kenyon opened our baseball sea- Deans doing espe withthesik D son on the home grounds yesterday, the stick. D and the way in which our team de- stop work was di feated them should suit the most his throwing exacting. The game, though one- Baird's showing at sided, was yet an interesting one. worthy of recogni Neither side scored in the first man s pitching is three innings, and but one Kensyon ceifostevt man, Beck, reached second. The cellent control of home team was retired on hits, leav- stnsually speedy. ing Spitzer and Hollister on base aMCHI in the first, McKenzie in the second - A. and Deans and Spitzer in the third. tshields, c. f...--.... In the fourth, well-bunched hits Deans,)s1.t...----t - spitzer.2 }) .....---- by Waterman, Baird, Drumheller, solister,f----- Shields, Deans and Hollister en- Kenzn,1)........ abled Waterman, Baird, Shields and WaLterman, r. f--.--. llasrd, s~-. .. -- Deans to score, Drumheller being I3asn sumh r 1 ...._. forced out at second and Hollister dying on third. For Kenyon, By- ' ard and Walkley flew out, Wolverton KEN was hit by the ball but left on first A. ti-e ttit when Kuntz was caught at the plate. t .-rs, .- In the fifth, Mackenzie, Baird and Kuz,1.. Drumheller flew out, leaving Water .-Wle,. . b Rccktcy-, 2 1 man on second. In Kenyon's half, Beek, c.r------_. Blake struck out, Baird put Beck ISter. p......- . Blaer. f- -S --- out on third from Follett's hit, and roett, s. s;.-....-... Burnett batted a fly to Deans. Totais...........-2 In the sixth, Deans and Spitzer estecs- scored, Deans stealing two bases. Ssechsan - 0 Shields, McKenzie and Waternman Ks-is 0 went out on hits and Hollister and Earned runs-M istg Krogman were left on base. Byard - ts espti-, Hstte hit just beyond the plate and stole Deans, 4; Spitzer, 2; Kuntz.;; Beck, 1, Sa second. Kuntz struck out and ase on bats--y Kr' Wolverton got first on balls, Walk- Struck out--ty Krognic ed balls--Drumheller, 1 ley hit to Baird, who caught Byard McKenzie,W olverton. at third, and Deans caught Wolver tires--Showalter and F ton on third. American Ba Michigan's four runs in theI At oni Ai the home team's fielding, but one . Their batting, t, Hollister and cially good work )rumheller's back- te acceptable and unusually good. t shortstop is also Summer School- COLUMBIA BICYCLE Prof. H. C. Adams will, during the summer, act as director of the FOR SALE. Plymouth, (Mass.) School of Ap- peE s IseBrandew-Pneumatic'S'ires--15,t3llsdel- plied Ethics. Instruction wiii be Never ridden-Taken on a debt largely devoted to a discussion of the relation between economies and Price, May 5th, $93.00. social progress. In the departments $1.0 LESS EACH DAY. P * 0 1-"" , I tion. due ory. the IGAN. 1. i3 . S S 6 S 4 0 5 1 4 o S 1 5 0 - S 5 11 YON. I. H.t 4 0 4 0 4 A 2 1 :3 0 S 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 ,an, 5. ;Bair( Gcrifle ian, f; b 1. Hit 'Time- Foley. rt Asst ,- of History of Religions and Applied nTcof rg Ethics the purpose of study in the much of the 51 South Main St. I-Ie had ex- light of comprehensive theory of social developtment will be recog- ball and was nized in the adjustmnu-tit of courses. The session of school will1 be-gin July 1c 1I . P.O. A. E, 0 0 0 0 Athletic Directors Meet. 2 2 The directors of the Athletic as- it (, ;3. sociation held a meeting yesterday 1 It 01 at one o'clock and instructed the Whenyouwantthe Latest MetropolitanStyles 1 5 5 5 of $2, $, $4 or $5 Shoes at 50c to ' 1 a pair less 2 M 1 s secretary to draw up resolutis of than Asi Ackne Itrice need tsr (atatstce es 1 s 4 0 thanks to be sent to Gen. Alger for 14 2 a 1 the loaning of his car. The direc- tors also discussed ways and means 101, 8-i85 wntnwsnnAvi,, --- --- to raise money to help the team on DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. B.H. P.O. A. E. C 0 1 > the eastern trip, but no definite 60-Ladies and Gentlemen-60 4 4 1 action was taken. It was decided -d G m to postpone the 'Varsity field day LNVING w1II=T S 4 1 to May 26 and to hold the sopho- -4 Fe Chsasrterccd soiety FnctS.s, 1 V, 0 0 tier the directiom oft dosstaral- er at the 1 0 more freshman sports the morning Opera House, Friday Eve., May l1th. ( t 1 of May n.g Tickets mew on s tie. cwand'-s. 5 s1- 1.3 Jeffersonian Society. 0 " 4 04-1s The Jeffersonian society will ren- i) 00 1-~1 der the following program tonight: Two-base hits-_ Declamation, Mr. Reed; speech, A. .ett-stcr L. Curtis; biography, C. E. Chad- S er eec tte ticass S .. ef55. emt. brss ft h S te clss-areeres- d, 1; Byard, 2 man; debate, "Resolved, that the petfuy requested to have sittin-s as soon hit--Waterman. osble , 3; by Myer,5. successful maintenance of the Uni- as , by Myer,. Pass- ted States as a nation requires that FRESH ASSORTMENT tby pitched ball - . 5 e. Um- the national government should--OF- grow in strength," affirmative, V. OW- ociation. 0. Cothane and T. F. Doyle; neg., - A. S. Beach and C. H. Rector. --T-ssT RECEIVED AT- 22 to 24, will _ --.-..-- TUTTLE'S, - 48 S. State St. eting of the Medics at Wayne. in. The pro- he president's The senior medical class left here I fl1TN TE !TYV an SI. Cooley, yesterday for Wayne on the eleven cussions, and o'clock train, and arrived at the committees. Wayne county house and asylum at BASE BALL GOODS 12. After a lunch served by the ety. doctors in charge, half the class Suits and Gymnasium Sup- were shown over the poor-house by pi. society held Dr. Heizeordt, while the other halfp s and rendered were shown over the insane asylum Yum : Declama- ads eoftemrmrkdassYou are invited to examine stock and praces. :Deam-and some of the more marked cases peech, 'The demonstrated. The two divisions orter; debate, alternated, thus being shown over 9 Sunday laws the whole institution. In the short aff., Messrs. time remaining before train time UNIJ7ERSITYBOOKSTORE neg., Messrs. part of the class engaged in a game 1' of baseball with the attendants. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR. :seventh were secured by bunching hits, Baird, Shields, Deans ani Spitzer scored, but Hollister was again left on third. For Kenyon, Beck and Myers went out on hits and Blake struck out. Neither side scored in the eighth, going out on hits in one, two, three order. In the ninth, Deans, Spitzer, Hol- lister and Mackenzie brought in four more runs by timely hits. Wolverton came to bat first in Kenyon's half and hit out a three bagger. He scored when Walkley hit to Krogman and was put out at first. Beck flew out and Myer pop- ped a foul to Drumheller. t aratoga, August occur the annual me American Bar associati ceedings will include th address by Hon. Thom several papers and dis the reports of various Webster Soct The Webster literary a meeting last evening the following progran tion, J. F. Henry; s New South," H. M. Pt "Resolved that all should be repealed," Harrison and Weines,i Ronning and Landman