THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LFW El CLEMENT, 51 So.INsS. hee tr and Maaer. Timse Table (Revised) Feb. 1th, 1894. Atlantie Express. 550 Sail&.Exp. SOS .85 I. &.1. Express..7335 h. Spit.5. .705 G. R. Exp....11 05 N. S. Limited... .1054 Mail and Nap.4 18 ast Wetn Ep. 15 Fast Easts Ep.. 950 GREx....... T05 N. S. Limited..1 M) Paciic Express... 95 0. Wi. RUGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. Ia T. Ag., Chicag. Agt., Ans Abr. P K tflYr R MtHAW '\i. r.aaechY TimereTable takisg etres SasslnyylGrslr 25 1r)4TrasisleerisnAriore by Ceral Saarad Time. NOuRTH. 001705n. 15a. M. 7:1Rt. S. 1':15r p. m. 1l:81ra. m 15p. o. N ritP. an. *rais rnbtweensAnnsArborranrd Told only, Ali trair> aly et Suasay. N.0. CREC.NrsrOrD, Aenrt, Anr Arbor. W.rH.11IEN N', .C1. A. Too. INDIANAPOLIS, LOUISVILLE, and CINCINNATI THRIOUGI SLEE:IPING (ARS Petoskey. L01svsile stl ch..i ciaesst . WTi berinaagrtd aotaflay 1. AS101R111C1sTlS lb BIG FOUR ROUTE. E. O. 3mcCO.RMICK, 1.1. 'MARTIN, Psrene r.rMr.. GenrP 1' xit CLEVELAND BUFFALO. VA"C. & 13. LIN:." Craommenirg riths rperirgofStnavigatsirrr (abotrrat it) Olariierri side-rrheel steel "State of Ohio" and "State of New York," DAILY TIME TABLE. SUo P INI B~ 1eerrbrs), h:1.5por vI~ue liar, - :13 or ar Buffalo, - 7:0 asn r Crlervelrand, 7:30 arr Tabe tie 'CI&. Lire" steators and eirr itiretfresingrghts rest hrner enorte tBuf- falo, Niagara Falls, Toronto, New Tark, Boston, Albany, Thusand Islands, rr ay Easrrnor Caadbrarpoirt. Writr for trurit, pamrphlt H. . ROGERS, T. F. NEWMAN, Gesi] Pas. Art. CGiu'l nger. CLEVELAND, . -ANN ARBOR- Th/{N hLAUNDR~Y CO. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SENVISe, - Manager. Every Novelty 1i1 seasonl. Spring Shapes in Sraw FltIo r ia i h l Gradte, Modrate Prices. k .y No. 9 South Main street. TO-WT. Veri, er. :03. 4,140 PoitiorsT Filled. irrS Y1: -. r 5, fle 15 41:1.T SEND FOE OUR AGENCY MANUAL. 5 b)IN FW®lti SE AGNIS ot, CAmrrreo, P T11 tiaria st ftU41B (IAL'VY.{1 NGNIE:Iewrokoe, Lo Aroreles, Trmratr. dY 48 i g P t flCLt'O k U. OF M. CALENDAR. )I' y 'f Lj t77,-)! fI SPEND YOUR OUTING ON THE GREAT II~i ~M IL4 1LI~I illLAKES. Wed. flay 91 Lsrtersiiy vs. Iierryarrsi aE E Visit pitreque Mackna Islitnd. It Athittld. rad \.nwllehoitidpletngwill only cot you about $125.1frm De- lerIay etares .,rrrl Veri's i' RerlPirof .0 CO5 CSof writngs and drawngs. troit; $5 from Toledo $8from Cleveland, ey lq~em,'s:. 0for the round trip including meals and P in.ibets. Avoid thehet ad dust by travel Pttevr stSav II Engisero anit a a tg on the D G otig plcs. Tho Cinr's hallr .ttrattions of s trio to tar Slracinotregion Sal Strry 1 1 rrrrtisiry 1. tivriety rof__are lmuonpo li itself to a Illinois ,i Alet&ldri Irnd:mi ~u temst Srt, 'drIa I S .ietotrrrco rgirot rrgrlat 00111 b 1 parsenmooer in room 1 I a~Ottal ilrin a. 1015ti.ta~lT 1 rolr for th riITrrrit.rir A r sppcrik>0000 each. m. dherY -,C y Iodere J:yl 3e 1 wirrgr r, o air pI ISIMPLE, CHEAP, t lbi) T tir oois ,t \fiyl, r In it bic AND EFFECTIVyE ,Iet 'r..1. > lctrcity, lion, o trr lr r;, i gradestt, t , CT'' ( by a r.'rr0 ( s lrrgst ir1 on rei water. BUSINSS LOCAL. t"ITesre al5 totry orrparrr with itnsr:rrf th great oesonIreratin os~tructo and Los:r-- Rapidl Writer fountain r r 'rrr"r'' rt IrT:: I irrrT irrspeed. FrrtipsperCweek btwee petn. Finder please return to No'rrrr"110r1-.IL. ..ot TololDetoit, Apere Ii 2lnlae, St. oN.Divisono. aL ignar, Petosky Ciirteao,"Soo," MIar- 10N.WTON & Co, rute and Dluthl. Dily btwenCleve- For fine soaps, 1ooth brushes andn 0 .sij V rr3,r/rr, n "vrr 'or/ land and Dtroit. Daily beween Cleve- cigars, go 10 the B. & M. tDrugtore. ladfnd Pt-lui-Bay. rrhe cabins, parlors CA'Z o& and staerooms of iles steamers are de- College students waning employ- n NtH* H , r - . wst hnrEAUaSreet. signed for the complete entertainment of ment for the summer should ad- humanity under home conditions; the pal- dress Pe.XW. Ziegler & Co., Box i~oI, JA81RcW.(1 I~rf lrrlt'iirrt. G)rwrer rf atial equipmeint, the luxury of the ap- b noses, 0arn~~~~alirr d os-, al ari- pitmetsmkstaeigothe Philadelphia, Pa., xho offer great ey. Fle)a) deismbiSr e uronortnoiice.rase mers mske travelin orha No. Iobrerr ory steet, pp. Cemretrgit. mnemthroghyenjoyable. Sn o indurements for special work to_____illustrated___ dsriptive pamphlet. Address which students are well filed, and Ann Arbor Savings ]Bank A. A. SCaANTZ, GQ. ItAT, A, D. & . which pays $75 10 $150 per month. )ArrS Arotr. Mi.r Capitils iescor 3,00. Detroit, Mih W.NTri.-Ladties andthgentlehlln tisierlud rrr tt erser :1RaningLrrr as n m DESAT willimig to hutstle for good monley. Cill s ftiunasSirte.tReerie poias buy sytand DANCIr and D ELSA RT1 at 39 S. Divisoti street, frrrln4 t 5,silseddSarl:srrrroe[:rrrhr ~s ~Iir eler I eroyre tr eM ,,kS AR OSE also 7 tol 9 p. 1. deatrtirs. o r tela eprtit bosrostti ret. 45 S. Stae Sree. 8t G. It.1.oA At. OC Efro:rlChriii Sire], Pea. r WD ONDt- r i~ o ' tiresr, V r es;r(Shas. E. Hisock, Ca- SON iO - I..r r r rrrrrrre s rr Ii ForiSC eded rte tickets to O111rslrer Al31J. Fet. Asso(aher. 1 I-ir titirrta . Wet Va. and Old Vsa. poins apply to Dr ]Y i . .. rri''..-iie'o- I. S. Greenwood, Tiket Agt., Tlolerdo IEnYrpi.Gntchsdlin Anti Arbor 1, North Mich. ST7DY-oI.n.Gnfte acn The prices are very reaonable for IPere- in llritet. "Living Whist," net Friday even- "\xM4O c!J.. K,11stir'' Arrorit NT SF114 THE ing. Sixty ladies anti gentlemen in- R IG +$TATC $AVIPMG$ BAflL{ luding the very best dancers of the S1 ARE TIE BEST. // Ii;-no rhingr~tronr Streets. University and ciy will take part. CIGARETTE SMOKERS whob art will- A. L ri C L '.irrsro,"r Piei iii'rislinr. 't'he~~~~~~~~n enetimntcnitof a ~ 0pay 11110inri mre ltrhalie priet Th ntraimncnissofn- cargefr teleordinary barde Cigaretes, CsOWasPsNCa. OaNTAI As GOD tional and character dancea includ- willild THIS BRAND sperior oallsher. TT esT" EsMosES. ing a game of Whist with ladies and The Richmond Straight Cut No.1 tersas gentlemen dressed to represent the CIG-A.GIETIS cards. Don't forget to gel your seats re made from tre bigirirt, iost dliate..E reserved at Wals' jewelry store in- in tavor, and Iigeit cost GOLD LEAF n Kore'~n i mediately, as they are going fast. geaas raVirgnia Mr osGagrwl hwte BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, and oserve 83 Mr. ossGragerwil shw te ia lie namerfth ie amaatuesas people of Ann Arbor and adjoining below is on every paekag. towns that an amateur company tn- cr~E -:Bac ~sWM. R. , F U L DE :® der his drilling cats protluce a far OA usg &Gor~$4EERCAe u~coc n I>tRI (5,SSTAILORc, heter entertainment than the ta- BAC ,' '?~110 . NDlirr~rt-. iroGrir5rort1aeAre jority of the attractions which have appeared at the Grand this season. $20 O $4 1 YOU WA NT to wearlto ',KOI- a week can be made by studentsA RECT" tj;no i HIATS----W eCO Sot during vacation working for us 11 handling our publicaions in their keep tOlSthe othkind lili-Y'I Oi1sh0oul 0e0 own locality. Address for further wht.{ZSSt tStttitirli ii 0001 particulars, The Wierner Co., 9 wa > stri1zotti esn Monroe ave., Detroit, Mich. RE alwas lead:5. Geo. W; Harris, who left schoollG O SP E ' in he middle of the year, is in town 11 1 A .T 5It , AN T for two weekt on buiness. lp3)S tTI T