THE U. OF M. DAILY. Publihed Daily (Sunaye excepted) during tCl o Yar, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Sabacription price tas per year, invariably in advane ingle epiea 3 cent. Subcrip- tons may be left at the ttee of the DAILY, at Stletas, with any of the editra or authorized soliitr. 'Cmmunicationa should reach the cfice by 7 ocloch . s. if they are in appear the next dlay. Addres all matter ineded for publica- tion t the Managing Editr. All buines ctmmunicationnshuld be ent t the But)- teat Manager. THE U. f M. DAILY, Ann Arhr, Mich. EDITORS. J. L. Lu cii:. Li, "90, Oanaging Editor. F'. . SAL, Lit. '6, Asisant. t.1. wiLi'ri, Li. '5, Acitnt. .1. Silx, fit. '11, Asita. J.A. Icis'R~, Lit. '6, Ahletcl Edlonr W. A. ,