VOL. IV.-NO. 16.
General Improvement Shown by
the Players.- Donnelly and
Malley Expected Soon.
While it was said at the beginning
of the season that prospects for suc-
cess on the football field were very
bright here, the present develop-
ment of good material has been un-
expected. Manager Baird has good
reason to be more than proud of the
good showing now being made on
the practice field. Every day sees
the playing improved in steadiness
and strength.
Yesterday's practice was especi-
ally notable for the fine team work
displayed. Villa distinguished him-
self more than once by his hard,
quick work when be got the ball.
1he new center, Smith, is at a dis-
advantage from having had no train-
Ing until within the past few days,
but he is steadily bringing his en-'
durance up and should be a match
for the best of them when the sea-
son fairly begins. His weight alone,
23o pounds, will prove quite a
stumbling block to opponents, and
be has strength to back it up. Hen-
ninger and both Griffins are playing
strong and steady, tackling and
bucking the line in fine form. In
fact, all the men are getting down
to real work, and good results will
certainly follow. Hayes is handi-
capped somewhat, by having reci-
tations at practice hours, but can
always be relied upon to play a good
hard game.
The good results of Barbour's
vigorous coaching are beginning to
appear, and the wisdom of work
under a physical trainer like Moul-
ton will be more evident later on.
Donnelly and Malley are expected
in a day or two, and great improve-
ment should begin.
inlander Prizes.
The efforts of the editors of the
Inlander to make the magazine of a
popular character acceptable to all
its readers is meeting this year with
wider appreciation than ever before
among undergraduates and alumni.
Especially among the latter is there
an increased recognition of the
value of the magazine. To still
further increase the interest among
undergraduate students, the board
solicits contributions from students
of all departments, and offers to
give one year's subscription to the WE'LL MEET 'EM SATURDAY.
Inlander for the best productions as Prospects for Football at Chicago
follows: University.-Staggs Men
For the best poem by a member
of the senior lit class. Inasmuch as our team plays the
For the best piece of light verse tniversity of Ciicago next Satur-
by a member of the junior lit classday the following clipped from the
For thcebest story by a memcer University of Chicago Weekly may
of the sophomuore lit class, be of interest to our readers:
For the best poem, essay, story, "A question which is being dis-
or sketch by a member of the fresh- cussed at the present time by west-
ucan lit class. ern college men, interested in ath-
For the best essay by a student in letics, is the position the football
the medical department. eleven of the University of Chicago
For the best bit of verse (grave is going to occupy. Is lie football
or gay) by a student in the law de- eleven going to be icckeeping with
department. the standard of the University?
For thce best shcort story by a si-This question which interests other
dent in the dental or pharmic de- college men sld especially inter-
partments. est the students of the University of
Aside froi the prizes offered, it Chicago. The position taken by
is hoped that the competion itself the eleven is to be detercined by
will be a sufficient inducement to them and them alone. Tce eleven
students of literary ability. Sever- is made up from the student body
al from the literary and law depart- of the University. As representa-
ments cave already sent in stories tive of the student body, it should
and poems, and it is soed that have the co-operation and help of
oter departments will not allow all students. This help we can
themselves to be outdone.tContri- give in three ways.j First: by being
butions shulcd Ibe sent to GXV. filled with such college spirit as will
Harris, managing editor, and signed inspire like zeal ic those around us.
with name, department, class, and Second: By tcrnicg oct acdtscos-
ing the men trying for the team that
-addrss -- their work is appreciated. Third, by
Fail Tennis Tournament, donning suits ourselves and giving
The fall tennis tournacent is an- the team practice. This last is most
. essential. A team caccnot perfect
nounced to begin Saturday morning itssigals ea n tplay eut
.its signals and line play until
next at 9 o'clock. First and secondi
class singles and first class doublesoitihas 'pu them nt av
will be played, and prizes will b oetn thusinlyanthweak
offered to the winners of bothc clans- plcsb eemndaduen p
es. As members of the tennis team for their remedy. A team
. must be strong in defensive wvork as
will be chosen for the most part mutb togi eesv oka
will bepatchs nts the tonyatwell as offensive play. Let us turn
from tue participants in use tourney, out then one and all. What wve
it is hoped that the number of en-lackein e can make ccptin
.re .ilb ag.Fo h rs lack in quality we can make up in
tries wilt be large. From the pres- numbers. A good team cannot be
ent outlook the tournament will be
one of the best ever seen here in
the fall. Not a few promising play-wul lack the energy and life
ers cave entered this year, while the which are only obtained where com-
ershav enere tis ear whle hepetition is rife. There should be
old men are showing up much bet-
ter than they did last spring. The at least three ien trying for every
courts having been recently rolled position. Give Mr. Stagg a chance
to show his skill as a coach. Per-
are in good condition, and some it him to make a choice and not
first-class playing may be looked m compte take me ause
for aturay. ntris mut bebe compelled to take men because
for Saturday. Entries aust be they are the only ones available.
handed in before Friday at 6 p. u., Interest in athletics need not de-
to Messrs. Summers, Cumner, tract from interest in study. An
Chickering, or Batavia. Entrance hour on the football field, if only
fee will be 50 cents.
used in vocal exercise encouraging
Princeton has erected a movable the team, will fill you with new
grandstand alongside its football spirit and make you appreciate col-
field. lege life."
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