THE U. OF M. DAILY. OU'D EldO Y CAMERA NOWIF YOU HAD ONE. c '~esoeeralbauansin cstockaltnd acatnie good values at regarpru e s Wewold raterbave the money than enAs. Calkins' Pharmacy. *0r~a a \STIFF HATS: .AT BA z: t .00 Hats Only $2.49. BOWDISH & MATTESON, ~STATE STREET. I 1 NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. NI, AS0E BALL AND SPORTING GOODS Which1Itbiey ofI(erat 5)1 ic( s IIttaiiteectlto tbe as lootas canItbe Obtained IElsewere 11 .. .. Fy51{$IKNBa flf WINCIJELLS TEACHERS' AGENCY '26 Wabash Avenue.Chicago. A hai a to iitt tlhe Ilot o italer ' cy, i] atooi. toctocainpull Motcaot z .)i oacltccaaeat. lckaOlaciiiolotaer iwsitio mclttta c r ,yeuei~ ,iw i Ctewoch., r0 . a-cO a-Ottt t t~tt (T t t-o, i tnt z ecalt ors aolatnt ia]Ma-otar. 1Writ orspecitterms IroTE GKEO S S_ 1:AR3 R OT-LT N EL i'~~ ~~~~~It L Cl ITI il . ,a 1) '11I + c Fitacdeoih 6c0 3 l it to f nI 13it PeIat It -utr n oitultst ace rth P t tKI It Ittista a c tnta It~tee u onuplenu i. ou. h arkerPen Co.tastatit Ott sSheehan &Co",Es sta -eta ii1iiA tbor U. OF M. FLAGS. Mein aa, Silverenama eledan oraatchpin Priae, $1.5. 1PM LARNcOL,ocliia. WvvE ARE IN IT Wiat a lane Lace of Imported aad Domestic SPRING and + 1AD~' + SUMMER 1'II IIJL FOitHFASHIONABSLE OWEAk. WAR WICK !'eeisoepeuir The Li ea CKt Cycles. Eveonet everbcft twodced !y aeawodrulmaaataa ru phwhly i te aitatrest T 4rdr.Terad we ite l I wit odtrecmlte, weghs ONLY 25 Lbs. -e tc arris nt e taeieal 7 gocacteas .heaviac he cls. It rocaresentthce mainimunm ofweilghti ted adoximumta of strengt. It othe oetttateel tadce-taut * it cco ca~ny 125. Y'ou taot htearc cla tims tefoae, btavae a ver o etthe mta in ptattcal 00cc_:? "ieecing tostbelieving." Ina tistaseo'"seeiag tos tauyig, ad catalogues Free. A VhGI Wit : O., :SPRINGFIELD. MASS. (TAR STEAM LAUNDRY : UOWDISH & HOUSE. Proprietors. OFFICE, 3,SUTHonSTATE STREET. CIGARS - CIGAR - - or1 la o 5 b oa 5c. c ] .Fort0u. toaaii. \o.115l'eacd'iac-a--act 1.111)1401 i nr5oii--- .X 0 4 'C - S SO.'t tral ?.a)a1 Littta bacalea c - tin aca.e tt'- 15ical ltacninaaic to --_1.25 1 > R ltccat itacacaco t heln tA i -- .., 1 SamtaSctt C aao cal 1'Or 50. Harry t lacy Cc- . citrn I -caS-- u 12.c ,,taioa Ctisae0 --. 104c A.3 l ii 5c b y t <7ca . i5 ti Bul1 oyCgrs . . ItV G0I '/WILJ3, THE LEA DING TAILOR. No. 2 E. Washington St., NMIN 'Oe'- C)T !aI CrAl 44 South Main Street. Ann Arbor, Mich. DEAN & COMPANY. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Thce lecture delivered to the lawn 01 LLt IV Te --by Judge Cooley Wednesday utter- A hebnuto th eniernonhsbereieannagdwill be held May ztttlcNhavi ng been1 and will be publinhed itn the June BICYCLE! pontponed until that date, number of thte Michtigan Law E. F. Hall, 94 lit, ban been up- Incu or~he Journal, aaiuttforoy pitdansistannt to the pastor of 0 e erwt lice First Pretbyterian chaurch of $20 TO $40 ?y 5 ttanc o o frh-patclrDtroit. a week can be made by students ' allEn WSaebe Mer. Wa. I«. Wedemever reacihed during vialation working for us - i .Nai~iti t Mdsnhandiling our publications in theiraiS. honme last evenincg frontMdi oSntw locality. Adairess for furthaet whtere hte was detainedi by lice bust- particulars, The Werner Co., 29 nsa nmeetincg of the Oratorical: Montroe ave., Detroit, Mlict.E league. - -- ---I The faculty took tao actiona VrgnpoTnvt.SPINIG STYLES th rdutin f orsneesar tc A popular nmove of a popular N OW READY. graduate in the literary department,I road, viz., the Ohio Central, will be last night. The matter will be dis- a rate of one fare for the round trip ELEGANT cussed later, on Tuesday, Mlay 8th, and on Tues- ASSORTMENT. Mr. Arthur Seymour, law '92, for day, June 5th, to all point upon PRICES RIGHT. tw yar cane ithe fr ici-the C. & 0. R. R., in Virginta, ex- IRLSRG T is now playing ball for the cp onsNrh fGrosil. SEE gas, The travel to Virginia and south- Columbia Athletic club at Wash- eastern points is a growing one. The OUR LINE OF ington, D. C. many inducements in that country RAZOR TOES. Mrs. French-Sheldon, who deliv- to land seekers are daily drawtng large numbers. The Ohio Central ered such a delightful lecture hserebyofrnthslwaepacsief G byofeig hslo at lce tsl oodppeed p on April 29, has promised to return before the traveling public as a pop- next winter and lecture for the1 ular rate line and will undoubtedly 17 S. M~AIN ST. benefit of the organ fund. reap a rich reward. tn-s ____________ f el y to }j" '6 t' ti,