THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUJAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, 51 So. MlAN S. Director and Manager. MICHIGAN GCinT~It Time Table (Revised) Feb. 11th, 1894. EAT. WEaT. AM AM. Atlantic Express. 4,aa Mail & p.... .850 D. & J. Expres.. 75,,5 Chi. Spc.....7 05 G. R. Ex...... 105 N. S. Limited..10 11 P.M P.1. Mail and Exp. .418 Fast Westn Exp. 155 Fal Eatn Ep.. 9 20 GREx.......605 N. S. Limited..02M Paciic Epre... il55 . W. RuGLES, H. W. HYED, G. . & T. At., Chicago. At., Ann Arbor. °'NORTH MIHGAN =_ . 7 A P .PEd _. Time Table tuing effect Snday, Maccea 25 194, Traino leave Ann Arbr by Cnicl Standard Time. :6a.m. 'Isla. o. 41:1 p.111. 9SIM1. lc *Tains run betwen Ann Aror and Toledo only. All tranx dily except Sunday. IL. IiGREEWOOD, Aent, Atn Arnr. W. H. IENNL T, G. P. A. Toled. BIG - FOUR - ROUT -BEST LIE TO- INDIANAPOLIS, LOUISVILLE, and CINCINNATI. ET~lEG ANTW THROUGH SLEEPING CAS Petosley. Locsvile eahnd Ceccrenref . 12)11 be inatttgratd aot )t lay IV. ASK 11R.TICKESIA BIG FOUR ROUTE. E. Ut. SOCORMICK, D. 1. 1ARTIN " 51, 0 .TO LVLID ____BUFFALO. VIA"C. AMLN. Cui erin wthoRlll t i'Sr (aot. pl 0 OG, T. ) a nf. NEWMANil S 2AISOUTIFOUTHAVE. Ar S. SERVAsO, .gel;,i11 r. D_0 A. TINKER Nrga I h~~lsadfigHattvri P~d Furni,lhrf M rgaj Evey ovetyinseason. Spring Shiapea in Straw has niow ini. igh & Gibsill * Evry Nvelt iii Grade, Moderate laices. No. 9 Somtha Maim street, (Formerly Two Sams.) THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. Official ?hotographerF, CHICAGO, 106 Wabash Ave., 13. F. CLARK. ...OF TO-WIT: Vergil, Aen. 1t203. 4,840 Paxitions Filled. 95 7Pottlotna Filttd itt 1013. SEND FOR OUR AGENCY MANUAL. STUDENTS' WORK A SPE- AGENCIES:" Botton, Chicago, Portland , a ahi wr w sase. s to" :C[ALTY. U. OF M. CALENDAR. r 14,i SJjIj(J IEflPR I1 1R SPEND YOUR OUTING LAESN THE GREAT- Tact., Stay t.-Ann Arbur ChtristittntRefotrmt Visit picturesque Mackinac Island. It leacae, MacMillan tall, 8:30 p.mi. A 11ew invention foi diipriuating wiil only cost yau abaut $12.50 from De- wed., May 9.-Cniverity xs. Kettyatt at coples of wiitincs and diriwinms. troit;$ilfromnTicde$18 from Cleveland, Athletic Oded. l l for the round trip, inciuding mbeals and Fri. eve., SMay 11.-Entgineerrxbautottacb01itrtihs. Avoid thecheat bud dust by travel- Grnsgers hal. ing 00 the ID. & C. iboauig palaces. The Sat., May 12.--Utiversity vt. Untiversity or attractions of a trip to titc Staekilbau region Illintois at Athtictic fitld. _ore usulrpasuetl.IT. . l~ud itself is a Stat., lay 12.-S. IL. A. etictotral cllege tieets grand roaniispo)0, itsi eatle mtost in- in room 1z, lttttitttltilng, at 10:.;l9 a. Ot.I vigoaiig. Two nein stetl pasaenger Sat., lay 1.-Sciniocassteetitg, rotitmtAhbler asitlrtt1ttfoth it .. t. .~-.upper lbke roeleo ti .350©0 achi BUSINSS LCALS.CHEAy aleecqutipiitliaevery -modern _____ OCLS SIM PLE, HE P, uColveieC, r,,shcrsx, bitth-rooims, D EFFECT I VE t c. , iltutl tel ...s.;lotsuby elcctricity, LOST. - Rapid Writer founinlbANDE F lo ad ire gualranlteedt be Ithcgratteest, pen. Fiader Ilease return lt No. '1 I P0by ve.r 50,000 lixers. agest ast u... teaitien freslixsater. 10N Dvsin Thlesesteamcrs fatiorxbly contiparewxthi N. Division. t ihaltheteacbt ocebailiers itt eontxrictionandut For hoe)soapsftoothibrothes antirs 4,, l),1,1 isetultertl 441speed. Four trips per xteek between cgrgo to the IB. &cll. Drugstore. , i e50 oledo, Detroil, Alpetia, Sl~ityrknac, St. cigasril) gnace, Petoskey, Chicago, "Suo,,Star- College students wnanting employ- LA WTON & CO., Iquette and Dit~lti. Daily between Cleve- neat for the uumnier should ad- o ,s Sr'tIlw I. land and Detrotit. Daily between Ciece- dress P. W. Ziegler & Co., Box ISO0T, ___________________lalad and Put-iu-Bcy. The cabins, parlors Philadelphtia, Pa., sho offer great A , A.L':i. ER and sttelroomstof ohtlese steamlera are de- inducemets for secial wrk to RA 55g IM1 12 E. Waehntoln StreeL. signed far the complete entertainment of induemens fr spcia tvok t ___________________________humanity under hioiia conditions; the psi- xvhiuh students are swell fittedi, and slusS NV. Go t>ilEls, Fitiilt. Grower af atital equtipmnlt, the luxtiry of the ap- which pays $75 to $150 iper month. J t)es, Crocntitosod Fltocersofa all varl- pontlmentsniakes traveling on ihese W~kNrcs.-Lallies 01141genitlemien N. 1Oslttcatien tr ee tttppttceshor note, steaaerothoroughly enjoyable. Send for willinig to hustle for good monemy. N.lOCaall trm, p.etee aeillustrted descriptilve panaphlet. Addres at 39 S. Division street, from 41 to 5, Ann Arbor Savings Bank A. A. SCIANTr, G. P. & T. A, D. & C.lo7t9p.1.AnArr.Jih CitlMc,$00. eotMc. 3t G. II. ItANDAI.L. StrplttsSl$1 01100.i Oraniedaunderlthe General lantking LawsDtSo R Far reduced rate tickets to Ohio, f1tlids State. Ilec ru tireponits, btuys and DA NCIN and D LA T Wes V. ti Od s~. tonl apl t alix exciattuc ttthe peittetiaipatticspe1 the MRSt AN NflEWARD FOS~ CetV.adOdV.pi1Sapyt nitetlStatesllrafts cashed upon proper afO~ It. S. Greenwood, Ticket Agt., T oledtu identificatiu. safety depostit bit stotren tt 6~ aeSre Anti Arbor & North Mich..x.6 OrStia.iri S tata cc. I MNA- twed LItre Ict i OFI R:crsinIalpe. .I.Darrntau, Vice Pem.; Ch ta. E. liotla, Ca- MN aa8it . 1ttt le l asfoLa sher ..rtzeAsst.lCashier. dINSA ttiesadtenItieen. STUDENTS, TCFCIIAY .4 tt iuicitu ratt Thte prices are very reasonahle for $ ATIIRDAY 1;,t)a. n.Getleimen't a iaani. L11iving Whist'" next Friday even- "__4... Laie r-..ettinwela. ing. Sixty ladies and1 genltlenmen in- tat ) . leirti tu ancdttcdlas. elutding the very Lest dancers of the ; ' v t. .(n1)ylaltrltstiststtt, Unieersity and city xiii take part. K Y1vt I1ii .4 1STNVIfTI-iTHE The entertainment citnists of no- f +$T ATE $AVIIG$ BAflK tioubl and character tdacs includt- !R ( ARE THlE BEST. t. V a I ldWit-ltiiia 54 Sreets lagf a ganie of Whist xith ladhes aadti C~sRettE -MA" Litittai ate'xit411. tryttti.ItYSit,s gentlenmen dresed to represent thae isy toity.4a littamothan ti e 4 rice . , nnt cardsx. Dont aorget to get youir seats sill 151THISBRAND supriotao alollt.x. a,..ATESR,PEN a.. ron 00 reservedl at Watts' jewvery statre icc- The Richmond Straight CUt No, c3tie rnlediately, ax they bra go1ing last. Ir. Dets C (ras ger txiiishow vthe 'ae Ctd'1(.:JA.11 ri.L15c, . O~ 1ADE TE3: -.. people of iAtrbAI or iiland al 111ul.-.o n~ n i ttiso, stIIialan C- ObLD LtAbOL'SfR#, townls that .1anaateur Compay 121174i- saati 4llSas itiat.AN E' R tie lis d.rillin I ii 101B-iE- ar tWAREO IM~IATIONS, ad .l r-.a MNVAi 5ER beerletetal~ii11i1inmn ha h i-i drtte e sos xoothnrr~rufccco t! i i - ,i D bcl~i ivv l eCiy a le.a loiliiaiiofi5thei attriisons 1 h~c hae. ti1';nit. l 40 A 1 1 5,11,-7 T. A. A. a 5N. IM. Pliv t~ i a. - 1 I .1 I sist' s I lilt I t sit'itssisittt Sa Is ~lt t hy t Il st;tit tls uais i asasl Isaltid is, i- a: I si t 1 x 1 ua 't11 1 EIsisa ti io stt taa A it- us t 'i'ts - a- at I, it lalt tstt tarn to ~ st II. 1.11 1894. i F C ~ ' , L f ;3 Y"a :. . { Lt11 isV _- GOOj P# i