THE U. OF M. DAILY. d W . ~~ -jj Mr. and Mrs. Dight, both gradu- c i ---- ates of the U. of M. medical de- L MB A R AD prmetar istngtei oui R C IP S Publisshed Daily (Bunalays excepted) during Mr. Glidden of the senior medic tneiCol ore year, by IW a h ild o o n o oo - THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION class. Dr. Dight, is dean of the W a hywlld ofo ad hw t b ___New Orleans medical school. The tamn them. EDITORS. doctor graduated in '76 and Mrs.__________ J. L. LoRiE, Lit. '95, Managing Editor. Dight ii, '84.TR D RE IP S F. . SWDLERT, Lit. '6, .Assistant.TR D RE IP S s. H. WIsLLISor .'5 sitat fS .SIE, Lit. '95, Assistant. Notice. are coupons issued by smerchants for the purpose of showing the. J. A. LEROY, tLit. '96, Athletic Editr'.3 amount of cash trade thsey get from subscribers for the Columbiate WM. A. MOGa, Lit. '97, Business Manager. FINANCE.-Mr. Dixon will meet Cyclopedia. IC7. H. TO '9LA. his quiz sections in Finance at twoTR D RE IP S 51l. H. Coicheos, '9 . EL. Hasmili1s. instead of three o'clock this week.cabesurdt TR D RE IP S ,Mini A. mpo,'7 PMattICAL. ___can__be__secured___to the full amount of your purchases frost all mer-- carrie V. SmitSpetl. PR. L. Sartiastale, '50. V chants ott our list by presentimig an Identification Card issued by us Harry Coieman,Speo"l. E5 . Niblats, '05. ~ sihowing that you are a subscriber for the Colombian Cyclopedia. Allcoy mstbe tIhefthehbfoe68W .f// oI? fth a f ulcain TRADE RECEIPTS. AI5~~5 , do not meats any increase in the price of gsiods puirchasedi, or that 10 I you must buy ansy more than you are no0w buying. TRADE RECEIPTS. IN sutmming rip the prospects for Horsford's Acid Phosphate cost asbsolutely nsotinig except tlse trouble of goimng to the stores football next year, it is hut fair to' where they tisay be obtasined antd miakinig yoot purchases thsere. say that tlte re-electioti of Mr. Is the tuost effective ansd aoree- TRADE RECEIPTS. Charles Lairdi as tuanager trill have - miuch to rio with the success of te able rmtedy in existence fotr sfs siirhssstr oiete seii tcefeltaett hu sesn whoehio observed Mr. and that customers sare to share the benefits of it. 'aird's untiring zeal and devotion preventing inil~gestiou,anod re TRADE RECEIPTS. to football interests during the past lieving those diseases arising trill be acceptedi by its at one-tethlthels' face vatliue itt trll payt= i seasoin will realize that his re-elec- frmadsdedst ac for a set o the Colssnbiant Cyclopsedia ttregulasr ptrice. tion as manager for tvhat will beTR D RE IP S Michigan's greatest season in foot- Dr.W'. W'. Gardner, Springfield, will thetrefore sectire fot' you absolutely free of cost a referensce li-- ball teas an imperative duty. I Mass., says: "I vatue it as sn excellent brary of 32 volutmes, 26i,000 pages and 7,000 Illustratioos. Toeasoaceuet sae y hepreveniative of indigestion, and a pleasant TRADE RECEIPTS. trac maagerin noter clum an drik wen popety ilutd witito the amiount of twemty-five dollars seectred front any ot all of' tlic watereciv sweeat aten ed." stot'es twill enstitle toss to a volume of the Columtbian Cyclopedia. shou llreceieximetditeattntin _Extra Olive binding. whatever in track and field athletics this year. Quite a number of new and very promising men are out in the various events and the men who win twill not be the ones who train only in a desultory wcay or not at all, More general interest msust he taken in te matter or wve shall be justified its thinking that it teas trite for Michigan to keel) out1)1frtze weestern intercoliegiates. UNIVERSITY NOTES. iDr, .rloyd give~s an exaominations it pilosopuhy cit religiont, Friday niorning. .\tisszs Jenuie antI Hattie Edit, lit 'y3' are bot teachinug in GIrausd Rapids. Mr. iHrdley Bladwvii,'9-C. l"",, is assisttditvistion urt of itie ig Four railroadi. lom.orror t ightthizrzetwill liz a meezting of all '9 is isterested, aictively or orrwrise, in traclk alt letirs. 'Thliztune and place 'w'ill hr ainnorinceitlonsorrotw. inc. G. If. Millzr, 'g3 ,E. ., rof M~arshall, is spetnding a fete clays with friends in the University. lil. Miller until receotly has been super. intendent of the Royal cycle weorks of Marshall. Dcriptive pamphleit ftees on applictoni to Rumford ChemnicalWorks, Providtence,Rt.I. Btewasre of 5Substitstes and Imitations. For Sale by all Druggists. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 20ES5T Ir itON STREET. Gfood uWiosk isarnteed. iGoott aled for and deliveredi A. F. COVERT, Prop. I THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS PRINTING and ; -.PUBLISHING Student Work a Speeiaalty Bestttorkmead owetiris in treity. {Ladier' Arttic Hairdressing Parlors. L AMES'ii' aiirt".-iv.itinatit'OIitg, tot' andscalp.trieatmrit tdote intt ites iri..tst t. r. o tr 1ats hop. 0 lZ0F PYSIIAN' AND SDUO NS Cott tt.of ito.ot (f i '.oi t s-ucrrt's l h, it lrr itI .. . t i tt'ook i rlton] i. it too it ] i t -it 1 it, i ! t'- tJd c t ( i - r ) I t , r 5 ibi h 'xr tt °tie eti ' o t snj'2t1 olis- Chiooy. Row York. Phiadelphia. ~ lL h C UT) iiiNI+h'NA. LBN i tIslht LEADING SCHOOL Of ROt 'iNES a IA ~~c''' tiltSHORTHAND. .agifitent-,6li C ta, ii , t S t5ti l~l s Eu-Oil, C. "'tI 00. r-iyeeir eett , tion oe P. H. CLEARY., Piocs. TWE "WAVERLY "Whi11 EL (11 , tncsA~lhI' tir r $$5.00 i tecc)Z ii << of 5tie c 'Opiiti. 5.tsfi,tots. ,5'ttt ruitsitsProfit $,tt't. iDoesta'generasibasikingbootire. Pays iter- ou.Seiiotewido festonusaii-tgs Deposits. Ilas Sotetly iDepssii Botxes for req . Rt sENIP1' lPres. F. H. TIELSER, Ctashtier BROWN'S DRUG STORE. Banik tisro Stttiiisty evening.