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May 08, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-05-08

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VOL. IV.--NO. 156.



WEEK-DAY GAMES. its first foundation from the time of Let Us Hope for a Fair Day. COLUMBIAnBICYCLE
Caesar. Then followed a vivid pic-
Adaltional Ones.-Campus Prac- ture of the plan, both interior and Provided the weather will allow,
tice Discussed. exterior, after which the audience Kenyon will open the baseball sea- FOR SALE.
was treated to views of the different son here tomorrow afternoon at 4 Brand New-Penumati Tires-I83 Model-
At the regular monthly meeting points of interest, including traitor's o'clock. A fair day.will ensure a Never ridden-Taken on a dent.
of the University Board for the Reg- gate, the bloody tower and its trage- pretty contest, as Kenyon has been
ulation of Athletics held last night, dies, horse armory, and other his- getting good practice lately and will Price, May Htb, $9f.OV.
the much mooted question of play- toric apartments which have been come up here to play ball. Their
ing on the campus was discussed. made famous by English chronicle. team will probably be the same as [ YbOYya
No decision was reached, hovever. The lecturer pointed out the stone in our forser game with them. 51 South Main St.
The manager of the 94 law class prisons wherein were incarcerated Our own team has not yet been
team requested permission to ar- many illustrious heroes, including decided upon. Wentworth will be
range for a game out of town in the More, Raleigh, and Latimer. All unable to play on account of his
iiddle of the week, but was re- present listened with the closest in- knee anid Hoiister will probably
fused. Manager Cadwell was given terest for two hours, and join in take his place. lrogmtanwill pitch,
permission to arrange for two games praise of the fine delineations of but it is not certain who will be be-
in the middle of the week in addition Mr. Fluhrer. hind the bat. Shields caught in
to the game with Kenyon tomorrow..the practice game yesterday and
That will give opportunity for a Memorial Exercises. shows up very well.
game with Northwestern on May 16 When youwanttheLatestMetropoitantyles
The memorial exercises for the oIeCss,,torShoesat Sic nto i a pair less
or z17.Inter-Class and 'Varsity Field Days. than Ann Arbor rice-s.send for Cataloue to
late Dr. Ford will probably be held
Prof. Trueblood's Remarks. on the afternoon of the first Sunday Track Manager Martindale has
-~~~ in June, although the date has not announced the dates for the spring a "
To all of his classes in elocution, been positively decided on. The field meets as follows: May. 19, 1, 1S3-185 WooDwnD AvE,
elooProf. Trueblood gave an y. DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN.
yesterday,Po.addresses will be made by Dr. 'varsity field day; lkay 26, sopho-
interesting account of the contest Vaughan and Prof. D'Ooge, and an more-freshman field day. 60-Ladies and Gentlemen-60
t Madison, where ilschigan wot effort will be made to induce Dr. The dates are near at hand and L1VING W '$fsr3
first honors. He illustrated atI Oliver Wendell Holmes to be pyres- SlngrSatnaerqet Lht t-Iac C - Giyai )4oity0e.-.Tsin
Olve edelHoms o eprs Manager Martindale requests that
length the faults of different con- ni4 Feis ne iChiriicter anii Society Dra es, u-
. .ent. all men who expect to do anything der the directiont of toss Granger at the
testants; calling special attention to ---- --Opera House, Friday Eve., May llth.
defects shicl should he avoided by Prof. Thomas on Ibsen. whatever in either of the field days Ticketsenow on site.Sands5c.
h w s t r tshould not delay in getting down to
those who desire to represet theI Prof. Thomas gave a miost inter- regular practice.
University in future contests. esting lecture yesterday afternoon on The program of events is rot yet
rhe superiority of Mr. Sadler's Ibsen's comedy 'The Pretenders''i decided for certain, but will proba-
oration was pointed out, and other and tragedy, 'Brand." The next bly be as foilows oi boil says: so0
irrg lecture will be given Monday after- yards dash; 220 yards dash; 440n.ct'5sntosses~ster fartie Siedi --ii C -ss
dwelt upou. noon on iPeer Gynt' and the yards run; Sgo yards run; mile run; G. . oooll, igr.ph Miera arfthe lit sire asi-
N. Young Men's League." Anyone 120 yards hurdle; 220 yards hurdle; pecttuiiy requested to have stis_- issoon
National Electrical School. a l neetdi be huda (S e
at all interested in Ibsen should mile bicycle; running broad jump; 5s tss ie
A national school of electricity attend this series as an hour could running high jump; running hop, FRESH ASSORTMENT
was incorporated at Chicago last not be spent more profitably. step and jump; pole vault; putting~~-OF-
Friday. Prof. H. S. Carhart is one A--- 16 pound shot; throwing T pound
of the founders. Thomas A. Edi- A caucus wanted. hammer. C--s O A
son was elected dean. The object About 150 members of the S. L. ,,_--JUST__ECEVED__T-
of the founders is to institute A met in the law lecture roos last i Y. P. C. U. Election. TUTTLE's, - 48 S. State St.
classes in electricity in cities wheni evening. S. C. Spitzer, vice-presi- At the meeting of the Young Peo-
the population will justify the ven- dent of the association, presided. pie's Christian Uion, held Satie-
ture, and teach the subject in a Resolutions were passed condeming day afternoos, tse following st-
pimple and practical manner, the the selfish spirit already shown in detfeeeetdolinsforthe
aim being to reach those who have the election and favoring the hold- ensuing year: President, W. W. BASE BALL GOODS
not the privileges of a college edi- ing of a caucus by the electors from Parker; vice-president, tiss Bertha
cation. Classes are already being the professional departments in Sherod, secretary, Ada Stephens; Suits and Gynasium Sup-
started in ten of the largest cities in order to choose a single candidate treasurer F. L. ChurchS.
the country. upon whom they can unite.,, es
The London Tower. The University Honored. A party of '94 mechanical engi- You are inited to examine stock and prices.
--- -----neers consisting of Messrs. Deme-
It was a large and appreciative At the meeting of the State med- rick, Hammond and Eymer, with
audience that listened to the lecture ical society last week, the Univer- Mr. T. H. Hinchman in charge, W9S
at Unity Club by Rev. Chas. Fluh- sity of Michigan was honor by the tested a Sterling boiler for the Buck-
rer, last evening. The [speaker election of Dean Victor C. Vaughan eye brewery of Toledo last week.
spent some time in giving a history as vice-president, and Dr. Carrow The test was to decide an important
of the antiquated structure; tracing as member of the advisory board. law suit. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.

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