THE U. OF M. DAILY. YOUDENJO YI A CAMERA OW IF YOUf HAD) ONE. 'We 1.onral bargains instock and nne G oodfit values at regular prices ,Vwonld ,ther bhare the money than9 f.egn;ods . Calkins' Pharmacy. I mmolla \ STIFF HATS: 00 Hats Only $2.49. BOW DISH & MATTESON, STATE TRET QOI &W:EWJ l\/EOI,E, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. ____- - AJ2 A - 7 J,7 . sORZWME 1\ m- TNI4"S, BASE BALL AND SPORTING GOODS 'Which they offea- at prices G3uaranlteed1 to bse as Low as can be Obtained l11sewliere..... .. ..... ., WINCH ELL'S TEACHERS' AGENCY Ni TD OTL7 -CTZ=_ '262 'Wabashi Avenue, ChicaE o. AII~i tldl with tlebe110000'T'eachoors ,-,(01 iwy oston. ulnein p1tta,51ost liberal 1tobii-w.1ers. MRobe, a0 0 'bly 01f 1i1h000positions, 1011 01 0000000001'.tt, institte00)00, e(. '(11 51 0 MPjoIICIIOI'1..tolt. 110011nt .(i pcial 00100- E omjeu'It itI Alin Arbor. 1011te or 011001111terms. TT3E G-EO_ S_ ETZtFS OTTNE FONWAI T PER011FF001 iGIOF THE NK 1.1tedwih finestquality of Gol11Pns11f yo wan lbi 11151st aso l h 10.PARLKR.11101u1str 1ca 00ogue re1.uonoapplic001on 1. 1euParke 11.0 Co.,) 1an11vil Is.Sheehan &Cnto.,IXls ns in 0AnnAbor A1 ARWICI{ Wao ~rwick Cycle is 111000c1011tioofa bsadfor an alsoluely guaranteed, l(gill, rd1;00.1powerfu~l011001. '1110 it folly meets'hat 11011a01 is attestedl by its 1re111d C fervaesing sales. T'111 110t1 in1dex (f the aof 4.on ctile is he 1101100d1for i. "h Mm~li r rai es 111. '1110i-. (is aVoro liear 0. T010 ..:lT'C_{'sl .11. Sbootaroik 1111e1s are, 11r 11.01 11.ntofat, SSarwioksarl1th1110fitlled c:.51It>of teIbest riders. Worwicls 'i toil serge1'11t1heiriterets. 'l'hey are ;_, oo:ted liberally. btooombor 25 11b.,lat nake-,odel'ighful, 0asy wteeling foe (he Liycle oraionl free-inou000catalogue. ,PRINGFIELD. MASS. -XGELSIOR LAUNDRY 20 EAST HOURON STREET. Gc Work Guarantleed. ooads ealled for ,ic~ eivered. A. FCOVERT, Prop. CI.GAR S pCIGARtS Forli100.1-or 2c o r5. Each11. 1For 50. lorI'c. No. 115 S 0 s---- $.11 1 4l0P oifyCfgaes --- .so ti 0011110 011 -. 1115.4;S. 1)1-. toors..2.',11) LittOleImokeIStories 0 1.20 c a nrC1.11 --- .'"o ; KWheeiu til is- 0.005011211 n c ioor-.3.0) : I'or 50. Harry blayCi tars .51 t Charmer i11100011 a 0p li-1,0-. 4. Atfor 1011011 -- .011 3 Ky etC' ~-- .; Bully BoyCigars 5e r-. tor1 . 15 J~010~ U. OF M. FLAGS. 0 l~e l-Slvert enP11 lledS i JVX. ARN OLD, Jcv1 011. WE ARE IN IT With a Fine Line of 1011orted 0111 l Domestic SPRING and +~ I1UJ' + -.SUMMER 1'I1 IL FfO15FASIONABtLESWEARS. TE LEA fliN'G TAILO.. No. 2 E. Washington St., NEARN /T~ ~STOLEN 1 f' 44 South Main Street. Ann Arbor, Mich. DEAN & COMPANY. lmlV 2RStTV NOTES. Found Unconscious. Prof. Knowlton will lecture to theA. mystery hangs over thse disap. jnosMnamonnat8o. pearance of thte fraternity freshman ' BICYCLE! Prof. Kirchner will lectutre Moo- toastnmaster loot night. As near as day and Prof. Chanmplin Tuesday. the facts can he learned, they are - Insur1e-. 0(1yourns e Manager Btaird is negotiating with Ngirthf oa~ as follosws: At ahoot 7:30 Mr. - -01 0 ervoar N ith 1i Utnto coachs thlefoothall ta hrL-l eiw M.~to baher left the Beta Thseta htouse to II700l101' ('11.0..o Itis fall.gotth hosofafinwhrcaloFN le. Irving IV. Hicks, the jbnior 1110h gototh-Ioueofa rindwler aNv(at 1 .sO. oeln t. miwowsjie rteteto ie was to dress. From that time or F1" Sl o, 65 0 a bicycle belonging0 to 1D. F. Lyons, nothtng 10 knossn of hios-here-_____________________ 1resident of '9I lit., app eared he- ahouts until hse sas foud by the .., ..s_ fore fustice Blennett yesterday and=;returnting freshmn in u an uncons- 0.15 hound over to te circuit court,.;01000 stale on the stelts of Bcla SI'OES Tlhe tPhi Della Phi held a batnqueltheta15000't 3'clck ltiY0011 in ~etoitlas niht.1ng. Today Mr. Matter showsol SIIN ILh inDerot at igtb}arks of rougls usage. He swll OOW READY will he the topic in the 'M. E. church have nothing to say and utterly re- ELEGANT tomorrow night. fuses to disclose the names of his ASSORTMENT. Dr. Lloyd expects to meet his adcrs Thsipoabyte 1PICES RIGHT. ! classes Monday. culmination of the plan which Dr. Darling lectured and held Thursday night seas disclosed in the SEE clinic yesterday, in Dr. Nancrede's scooping in of a numher of the OTR LINE 0OF place, while the latter was at the feshmen hy a party of Sophomores R.'AZOR TOES. state medical society meeting at and upperclassmen. They were Lansing. taken to a deserted hsouse abouti Goo p e (9 The U. of M. Glee and Banjo tour niles from here, toward Ypsi I clubs, gave a concert at Owosso, lanti, and forced to give their toasts I 1'IS- MAIN ST. Friday night, for the amusement of the crowd. I ____________ l ; 1 a' )P . 1' T. . i