THE U. OF M. DAILY. s ._.. - - - - .. _ ~ . I THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW vH. CLEMENT, 518So. MAIN ST. Director and Manager. MICHIGAN GWiL Time Table (Revised) Feb. llth,1894. Atlantic Express. 5 50 Mail & Exp...850 1). & J. Express.. 7 55 Chic. Spit......705 G. R.Exp...11 05 N.S.Limited..... 1030 Mail and Ex p...4 18 Fast West'n Exp. 155 Farst East'snap.. 9 20 N. S. Limited..10553 Pacific Eapress... 9.55 OW.RGEnSs, H: . HAYES, G. P. & T. Age., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor. '0 } NORTH 1MICHIGAN Time Table taking effect Sunday, March 2.5 1694, Trains leave Ans Arbor by Cestral Standard Time. 1:15 a. m. *7:15 a. m. nl.15 .. m 11:801 a. m 4:15 p. m. 9:s0 p. m, *Trains ran between Ass Arbor asd Toledo only. All trains dolly eacept Sanday. B. S. GREENWOOD, Agrent, Ann Arbor. W. H. BENNETT, G. P. A. Toledo. BIG-=FOUR -ROUTE -BEST LINE TO- .NDIANAPOLIS, LOUISVILLE, and CINCINNATI. i i i i .' it DA.TINKE j-ogaL4 A. dn gHatter aud Funahr, ogr~ Grade, Moderate Prices.I No. 9 South Mains street(Formerly Two Sams.l THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. Official ?hotographer CHICAGO. 106 Wabash Ave., B. F. CLARK. OF T©-WIT a Vergil, Aes. 1:20. 4,840 Positios Filled. 985 Positions Filled in 1893. J SEND FOE OUR AGENCY MANUAL. STUDENTS' WORKl A L. Boston, Cioo otad ILY AECE:New York, Los Asgeles, ~f~ ,~&~llO~rtd THROUGH SLEEPING CARS BUIESLOCALS. I many indulcements in that country :l IIi t'U BUSNES funtinto land seekers' are daily drawing I llF I LEi X I'IiiV pen . FindRapleasieret untn largenmbers. The Ohio Central ) soeN. ivind laertr N. by offering this low rale places itself A neow itnventioii for dilplitiug: io . Dvison.3t before the traveling public as a pop- copies of writings aiid drawin~gs. For fine soaps, tooth brushes and ular rate line and will uindoubtedly cigars, go to the 13. & M. Drugstore. reap a rich reward. tos College students wanting employ- - -0a ment for the summer should ad- T. A. A. & N. M. Ry. Bullet n. dress P. WV. Ziegler & Co., Box i8o i, - l tllss Philadelphsia, Pa., who offer great one-:hir~l d s ill be re: rs.l cad inducements for special seork to Coo:pomeetisa at Siochies.Psok .luly 191th1to oco t t.1 Ticketsto lbe -old July 18th: to ___________ wvhich students are well fitted, and t inclusie , Julyla''.4th, bo ad28th:, Aogat - --.' which pays $5to0$ oper montb. n to 41 iclsieAui ust th an:d 4tih, SIMPL ,CHEAP, $75 $10 Auus lth nd14h.Au ussa lithansd 21st. PE Fur reduced rate tickets to Ohio Lim~ited to retuto:Auguslt'5.18114. ADEFC IE. West Va. and Old Va. points apply to Au,-ust ickeatoesFo:lvech rue,- ndosedbyOve- 000 se R. S. Greenwood, Tieket Agt., Toledo lay, Thr:: y :crd Saturda:y. Lim~ited to re- b Ann Arbor & North Miebhs.tu:rt etesnlber 17, 1094. From an Slnl, o:ay ordisnary papr- Hrt ie:) lay Vieond Chaustauqua assembly with ano pe,,100i copiescan o be mode, 55% --- "^- - at S:.5It 1isoJly 10tk to Augus:t 15t1:. Tickets cop es :o1 typewsritersmanuscripsstssroducesi Spend Your Outing on the Great to1::, i Julyp sthsotob4. G:ood gsinon :15 minutes. Sc:d 0foe sieco lam andtissaplrsng Lakes. these , ..son:ly. Lim~itedi to return usD1l work. AGEN'IS WANTED. Visit pietnresqlle Mackinac Island, i+'nr ells Bro's. rboocs ot Toledo Mat:y 1011:. LAWTON & CO., It will only cost yos abosit $12.10 from Tielroi:es:s 1: 1h il brtr: 2 I; SrcA ef D~etroit; $11 from Toledo; $18 fromoSa 2:k Cleveland, for the ronnd trip, inelud- v GB. I A~~5 ing meals and berths. Avoid the heat ____________________________ anI utb rvln nteD C / .Wsigo rAR loating p ealsees. The attraetions of a i Roses, CVrnatonsDaEWnFlorist. Grower ofaeagnSee , sCrntionsan Flowers offl all vani- trip to the Maekinsae region are un- ety. Floral designs made upon nhort notice. 22 Years in ste Busiiness.w1i ' surpassed. The island itself is a grand No. 1 Ohservat ovy street, Opp. cemetery gate, CITY LAUNTDRY, roniantie spot, its climate most in- AbrS Bn i i ebot o .Fut v. vigorating. TIwo new steel passensger Ann Aro avings B n .M eblN.4W orhAe steamers have jsist been built for the Ann Arhor. Mink. Capital Stock, &50,000. uprlake routecosting $300,000 each. Ognzdudr 'ee lBankn aw A CING and D ELS ARFTE They are equnipped with every modern of this Staste. Receives deposits, nays andMR C~ne~lPsells esehanatTSb bthroeson the principaol eitors of the A1,Nls$ n f fO~l convlllllceannnciltor~b:thi~oomUGited States. Drafts cashed upon proper "IC W~ier~c etc., illuniinated thloroughly by elee- identification. lSfety deposit boxes to rest. 46 S. State Sirees. tricity, and are gularanteed to he the OrFItE'SO: ChsristiasnMasek, Pres.; W. 'D. MONDsAY-8op. i.Advranced Classfisvan-- larestandsafst teaersHarima, Vce res; Cas.E. iscckCa-dies soaIdentlenmen. grandest, lretads fs taeshBar n VcM ee..h:s . icck I ONDA Y- p. m. Ladie'delsa:rte clas. on fresh water. These steamers favor- sksMS. J. Fritz Asnt. Gashier. TE1A- .a c: mn .sc ably compare with the great ocean class. lines in constrnction anld speesh. Four SATURDAY-10: a. io. Gentllemensin 51 =, trips per week between Troledo, De- W'. cl.ayoi..;o~cn troit, Alpena, Mackinac, St. Ign' te, y' " = - \-' 't0 p:. a:. Children's daseis -l .m. Petoskey, Chicago, "Soo," Marquette i ip. :, Prive: advan'ed rri. and Duluotih. Daily betwveen Cleveland -- Prisvate lesons by apointmen.t. an~d Detroit. D~aity betwveen Cleve- !!EP l -A rO~T v 5 H land and Put-in-Bay. The cabins, r}QNQ TWI1YURMO'OTT IH >H parlors ansd staterooms of these steam- 5N.+TATS $AVIRG$ BAP9 - ero are designed for the complete en- // Coo. MolenoandlWashingtouStre -Ta. tertainnient of hiomalnity linder 110106 TO ARE THE BEST. 4 A. 1L. No ni,lteo. 150:s::o'cPoncor, ':: condlitionio; the palatial equipnment, the CIGARETTE SMOKERS who sret will- lulsoiry of tie appointmntiis, imalkes ing 1o pay a itle nore II:::::the oice CeaP, o se~ s trave-ling cis these steamoers tlorooigl- ch'aegedfor Ikehe oinarey OtrodtCigaorretres, sorPeuc. FrTroAnet ly etijoyable. Senod for illustrated des- odlfind 2THISBRAND Supieorto allol others..AETT, oneee..... S criptiv e pampht~let. Addlreos A. A. The Richon Straight Cut No, I CIA SCll 5 Nt, (x.'.P. T. AP lCle hirdneya troit, Mith:. CIG.K TE sr eto the Ob OrotO:esO, woslt:delicatOe AWARDED TE I A , - inflavore, asnd ighescos OLD 1LEAF ConGEON T MKE t 05LrAs ,, Advertising Pays. grows on Virgionr. I ACIER n 10DCkCA.- Especial ly is this trioueihenyou BEWARE0lOF IMITATI:1ONS, o:adoservevIDo Cs have a prime articlc, aboolutely first belowr is oevery packag.., class, to.scli, ouch ao artaicle as tte P'. o Wa 1 .~: VM ..-F U L~_ "Ohio Central's" spleondiod Passer - tIyr~ t±Y , sMeoooASoVl. ac c S 71~, . - . ^aLO ge Servicc nose is, but yet fthe0olii j ll n:St : r5t,: :1 I : :re~:at - stye.:0 . Pefoskey. Losusville eande Cincinn~ati. Will b:e-inau gua:ted ab:ot 'lay 1:. ASK FORt TICKETS VIA BIG FOUR ROUTE. E. O. McCORSIICE, 15. 1, MARTIN, Ioootoalger Traffic SMgr. Go-n. P. & T. Ag-t. ANN ARBOR- 79wHIYI J4RND1RY CO. 255 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SEEVISS, - I~atager. COLEG O PYSICIANS AND MOW C:r~ (i:r:f ZJo::::r:and:l Ost OOrrou s::: .lec, Th::e:::c ole:i"k-qippwithonoof:t1: 0 0: -too ,lo::iI in h lri1000 :1:1 ' oil o100- lait re a)boy-. .1:1Blrt11:ini: On ,u i a rtre.bIW.yarso-tt!, -, ' Cz .1ri.l" is o~b b STA. TAnMw iI eLAUDF((- DRY;t a aBOWDISH & H uOUSiwhel Proprito. Central won't adlvertise. Howvevr, we~ canotut 17miatkenmtntioin of this poiltar linc. Virginia Trovel. j p larl move0ccof a popu:lar roadh, viz.., the Ohlio Ceotral, swill ht a rate of ooc fart for thet roundliltrilp 0n Tuetsday, May 8th, antI on outs- day, Junc 5tho, to all poists ulpons liht C. & O. :R. F., iln Virginia, ex- cept points North of Gordonsvillc. The travel to Virginia aodsoulls- castern points is a groweing ont. Thet w i' NT w HAT IbKCT' " hing : - 1 int: 0 koelo til t, s:5 1:0i llo I : .i NlEalso:: i r l tat hi .. QO00 ?U'