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May 05, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-05-05

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c je . a , i. 1a 1

VOL. IV.--No. 154.


MICHIGAN WINS. and the banquet proceeded. A Entries in the Inter-collegiate
The Oratorical Contest at Madison carefully prepared menu was served Championships.
Last Night Won by F. P. after which the following toasts Track Manager Martindale yes-
Sadler. were responded to in a brief and terday sent six entries to the secre-
For the third time since the pleasant manner: Boone Gross, tary of the American Inter-collegiate
Northern Oratorical league has been Beta Theta Pi, actiug as toastmas- association for the Inter-collegiate
-formed, Michigan carried off the ter. The Class, Shelton C. Burr, championships, to be held this year
first place last night. Sigma Phi; The Girls, Evans Hol- on the Berkeley Oval in New York,
In '91 the contest was held at Ann brook, Alpha Delta Phi; The Fra- May 26. The six men whose names
Arbor, with a Michigan man, A. C. ternities, R. H. Sutphen, Beta Del- were sent in will be entered in
-Gormely, the winner; in '92, at ta Chi; The Gymnasium, S. H. von various events and every man who
Northwestern with R. L. Roberts, Ruck, Phi Delta Theta; The Boys, shows up so that be is likely to win
Michigan, fairly entitled to second, Miss Agness Morley, Alpha Phi; a point in the tIter-collegiates will
but given third after the decision Exams, Z. Kent Graham, Chi Psi; be sent East. No man will be sent
had been made; in '9J, at Oberlin, The Faculty, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; unless he can qualify.
with L. G. Long, Michigan, the Alma Mater, J. B. Reating. The following have been selected:
ictor; such last night at Wisconsin, Fourteen regular and ten extra G. W. Kenson, spriits; Carter,
ith F. P. Sadler, Michsigau, first numbers kept the enjoyment rife jumps; G. L. Reed, hurdles; M.
place. ontil 3 a. us. Hodgman, quarter; J. A. LeRoy,
Mr. Alonzo R. Smith, of the Uni- The reception committe was as- sprints and jumps; A. Hubbard,
versity of Wisconsin, who spoke on sisted by Mesdames P. R. de Pont, distance runs.
'The Predatory Rich," received J. H. Wade and G. V. IPatterson. If any men are sent East, it will
second place. The committee on arrangement was be for the first time since SS. At
Mr. F. P. Sadler was born in W. A. Starrett, G. M. Chandler and that time, Michigan had a very
Springfield, Ill., June so, 5872. He C. R. Tatem. speedy sprinter, F. N. Bonine, and
received his early education at a Game Begins at Three. secured a membership in the Ameri.
village school which he attended can Inter-collegiates in order to
until 52 years of age. For three 1 The Northwestern team arrived enter him. He won the so yard
years he ranked at the head of all here this morning. They have been dash and thus gave us five points,
the students in the county, and held looking forward to this game ever more than Cornell has secured to
the presidency of the Cheristian since we beat them at Evanston, this day. Michigan has never been
County Pupils' association. He and the fact that it will be the last represented at the Inter-collegiates
then attended the Normal school of time Michigan and Northwestern since, although she still retains her
Valparaiso, Ind., one year. Here meet this year will insure their membership.
he studied elocution under Prof. making every effort to win. The Senior Hop.
Bogarte. In the fall of '91 he en- The 'Varsity batting order in to-
tered Galesburg College. Here he day's game will be: Shields, c. f; All unite in pronouncing the
was noted as a forcible speaker. He Deans, 3 b; Spitzer, 2 b; Hollister, senior hop one of the most success-
entered Michigan in the fall of '92. c; Krogman, p; McKenzie, r b; ful of its kind given this year.
Mr. Sadler is one of the associate Waterman, r. f; Pepple, s. s. There were just enough in at-
managing editors of the DAILY staff. ,-- ."---- - tendance, probably two hundred
At the business meeting of the Prof. Griffin's Misfortune. couples, to comfortably fill the Wa-
teague E. J. Henning, of Wisconsin, According to reports received terman gymnasium and make danc-
was elected president; IV. O. Vil from Washington, Prof. Griffin has ing an unqualified pleasure.
son, of Chicago, secretary; and Miss become totally deaf. A severe cold The floor was in very good condi-
Fannie Davis, of Iowa, treasurer, u-as the cause of his misfortune. Lion; the arrangements and accom-
, -af modations left nothing to be desired.
Hte has secured a leave of absence Teprgasseequtunu.
Fraternity Freshman Banquet.. The programs were quite unique.
and is now in New York City under.
______ Iand s nse ii Nee Vrk Cty uide andt artistic, tthe cover being parch-
Again the wicked sophomores got the treatment of specialists. It is
in their work and the fraternity expected that they will at least thent , dith '94ehbsed in gold on
freshman toastmaster is the victim. partially cure him. I the front, ai the coiuittees on
Perfect the night and happy the forty Frapp the inside of the back.
couples who gathered at Granger's The Pharmics Win. Frapp ehas served at different
last evening to enjoy the banquet The pharmics and the iron and The Chequaiegon orchestra was
prepared under the skillful direc. steel boys played a match game of stationed on a platform in the cen-
tion of Hangsterfer. All were as- ball on the campus yesterday. After tre. '94 certainly did herself proud
sembled, only one, the all important a highly entertaining performance and much credit is due the com-
one was lacking. Jester E. Maher, the pharmics won by a score of 7 mittees.
Betha Theta Pi, the toastmaster, to 3.
lingered and it took over an hour to - , , Prof. Adams will not meet his
convince his friends that his absence The junior law class was given a classes next week. The quizzes in
was forced. At 9:30 it was de- written quiz this morning in Bills Finance will be given at two instead
cided to make a virtue of necessity and Notes by Mr. Johnson. of three o'clock.

Brand New-Pneumatic Tires-1893 Model-
Never ridden-Taken on a debt.
Price, May 5th, $96.00.
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51 south Main St.
When youwantthe LatestMetropolitan Styles
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than Ann Arbor prices send for Catalogue to
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Weil-lt, 2S pounds-with clnchber ;G. & .J.)
tires-for $85.00 is t~he sens,1tion of the
liouir. See it ill the window of
Suits and Gymnasium Sup-
You are invited toexamine stock and prices.


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