THE U. OF M. DAILY. ORGAIZE 180. NCORORAED 886 Savon-arola the Reformer. THE CHEQUAMYEGON ORCHESTRA. --_ L.E5VH. ('LEMENT'. Last nighst a fair audience met at 0ISo.Msts zSr. M~rectorand tl~aias~er. b Christ cisurchs to listen to a lecture EX CE LSIOR LAUNDRY on Svnrl b Pof1-.L 20 EEksT s1LttiN StRnEET. o Svnrt,'IyPo.t.L GosdStart, Guarastnte. Gtods called far Wittett. viiitieiarat. A. . LVER, Pop. Before thee tectare, the aurtience iA IAtE.Wattasstreet. was favoredt sitth a vorat solo by Miss Baitey, of the University 22 Xears iii the 7 yliiess. "j"" !Schoot of Music. Prof. Stante y CITY LAUN DRY, ptayed ttse accompaimient. Mt. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. rfso Vletoee sslc KPEPf YOUR At' OtTNT 1VfTH THE tare by giving a viv i description of +$TATC $AVII2G$ BAI2R+ Use fall of Constantinople and thse ('or. taandtWahington Rtreetq. A. L. NsOBLi rees HssirF TPLPS~, tesh'rctstate of lEurope in1i455. tie then The13.E M Prg Sore creseisted this htero to the aurtieince. The 3. M.Prki S~re Ttse entire lectusre was strosgly 5, the Pilac so tiny -syt hise a inte ra tlin-. i. titca ai; ,sneci, Bitt atesa I toet color ed andsitntsentire accord siths C-0 rPIlse history of thse periodt. Ile t. 1E. JOLD..LY & Co.-Is stoke of F'lorence as having beetn ais starsoas ta' aat t co t etaeai: '0,tIC rthe seat of Satvottarola's labor. At t iaetae It the 5I iptaoc it at~itinitthe tinseIhe first appearedlthters, LADIES'anad GETS' LUNCHROOMS. ,lorasice ssaa the renter of life, art I R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St. andc literattire. te cortr, liowever, DANCDING and DELSARTE an pop scwre steepedintitie. MW S. ANNIE WARD FOSTER Ineatata intte cIturclt were gttilty cif 46 S. State Street. crimst.tooi titotroata to ite mn MON)N'S-Da Ovastieiia-s, p im. iti toned. Savonstartola attackaedtthese l> M. eandGtlemen.iai ciis wills all ite gtttitsaunitenergy tittld t-ttt a sa, p. ,n, iof his nature, andisttmnortlizedi Ptrivte sitn. byt a poini t mnt .it in ihistory. Ann Arbor Savings Bank At the concttusiont ot the lecture, ,tttttArisat. itts. tttijitt 'titch, Stitittt1(. iss Ltiley san-ganother sitlosshichs orstLnied udt th GenralRanin;aws wsaheartily ecoreut. ttI titisStrtie. Rereivte',tdepositi,b t n its eactlieanco the pti-ie t iesat th ,aiteti Stairs. itraftsa cathedti~o rl tihetiattttt. Strdttpositit t+t0 it iti. SthtaCama at Last. OFsIERttatt i st rea .t ut , rs ytt . 1)tt Rarrat-uVc. -rita, A as.Etahier. , ' ________-__1. __.__Fritz,_As __t._Cashier. __ It seas doubtful tor a losg timte last evening, whtetther or not, MNrs. a - tiOrmiaton Chant swouldatdaturess the Unite Club. At 8:2o, M\r. Sundter- , / latntlannioaucedlthat -Mrs. Chant tisd beets since eight o'clock in thse /utorttitig gettingtgoi Jackson frotm Cliicaagttanduthsat they hail receivedt ss -ti h lat tier traits soutldtsurety e-.. get to Anti Arbor in aliotit an thoaur. In te meantimue, swiile wsaiting for te charianig Eniglishi somnt, 'Iiss .M.IHIGxN GENTEAL tatle sang4 several selections, asid Tiac 1tdeRiii Selt-ti hit at ittr. ilbyhsrendieread seeratlIpieces el." Everybody in the targe and-' tialtth te literary set if Patris. Ilet fenceesaus good natured during tthe itSu enslastettll F i ittti tatd isalevoat edttoithis c atriii io fit tong swait andi all apt-eared swelli ly. is dtles ini the ttettwrttetttit o tanid for the tinme. Mrs. Chant hld a vat littpositislpritoI continatedt ter journey to loston hitsitevottig s certaintaisititfttlet- ott the late train last night. Cite cittltt i the itegetr cits Sinc- --- +---- bt" tie has rceeivetd taecomissiotntratn U. OF AM. CALtENDARl. Cognietins for a leutsetty baisedt spanaan origintat subtjeet. Monits. Mstreta,te Thtres., Oet. itt Itait. FreiaecetDon tss~a, in dtireetor of tthe Odteons Tiheatre P'aris, .L. A. ecoitse; tie State Prtohlem." after itearitig the QuLecit Of Stheba read, sat.. itts . ,University vieldi Dty. ASihiticivwisttedtto tegotiaste for a Ptarisiani pro- ield.tductiotisoatthe tlay hut MAIlethbean Sat., Oct. 21-reshtmtattel-ctit~oe u ofic-r-.entgagemntis in Ateicaes precehdi 10:00 antm., Rooam A. tier eintertttiinig aniy titter tboisevcc Taes. Oct 24. Ittlanditeatie, leectue on tempting bifureite-t t ettsoi,ssten atha A:nuatte asesacnetO. S.Bate._ may possibily tie itidnteed to make tic- Set., Ocet. it tittey attdtShtetley in . L.. A rangemnits it~h ihiots. March. Metat- white tier Amterieattor withitCi ~ couseiteens af ,Shebat'troisies toibe te ANNOUNCEMENT. most suceesattit stte tits ever titad. Stha ________ stwill ice sere itt aicirdlil teeittion at there still Ite a meeting otfite sAits cbttt. sihersite tits tanya rmaci tOratorical Association in Room 24, admresittittig stuidents titul vititeti Weutnesdayevcniitg, Oct. tsat 6:45 ie Is mi., irsfhit vacanices on teexci- t 0ul laN~r.t ertive hoartid~. The o ttiolattt='i ltpel P~residet. Borartdassillibe opien for.C tecc- arvleg of seats foritse cictire S. L A. course Werdnesday nmorning at 7:00, at Moore &- Wetore's dotwns tctsvtt c cc ant at Roons ,Soutth Wi. Iiiveraity H-all. Football Announcement. In order to meet the expeisses contiectedittilhte class football teamc, an asses sn-ent of z' cents upon earls meister of ttte class of )9 tinas been mtade, and the fotlosw- ing persons hsave beets appointedt to collect the samte. Messrs. Condons Aldrichs, Welsli, Neal, Bodtecker, Leontarit anti Austin. I%. It. It tiny, L.A. StNireV, (.C.NIat 4tti isRatu Commtittee. Iltiisa tin 'itit stisy Esentiingnext, a ich& an ti (stet i sPtlttu ls I th livtier-tie ' iv ,tt 'T 'ili tt yl'ts laistasassn intt i uiles "sGtltea," sattltgasiethe t!"A t)tt satisactin.cii. fat it wssstslstsf the bestif nort tIc, very beat enttetainmttettlist ste ssveta favoreds illititdrinig the cerssui. Ti? plasy itself is inesw tituldlissbieens ss t- tetn esuteciil lyIto snit the ceitsiretiset to ttte coat nyu. Inez Meetsker, the pr-ima dottimioit the compatny, is a fasv- orite tere, is iindeed she is everywshere, and ithie ptart strittitn for tier shse is giveitn a topportuityv'to displayliec magntificetviieitoigreautest adan- tage. Alir -cixontsi, the stage mant- asger otttheIii- ):itt s tt Vottoideea thCie bestmtittiitt;Iti 0itt hie rirotessiots, m d.uit ttu t d-thle,- mo~st sticeessflid operiiastii tttat tsrbttnhbrotughstout in Ste ptat teisyi-ticmitutityttteir soeces tic his saoi tk.'those salts eisoy a first- clss op lerttic-peirformtancessihudnit ttiss seeing 5the tisstoilasstietils ineat 'Ititaty evettitig, Octobter ltitii. 6USIN ESS LOCALS. N.~~A M.iss N. S. a.aisamited... R(--. .(amte...-.i.-9sit ii il~ pcil-.1 ;' (is Eaitrett;... t5t It. N. Ft res...utc 0 G.It. ESarsrr- itt 5-4 it. WX. Stctr h t it Ias us. G. P. ! '.Actt.. tseia-tt A-t.,AtitiArtbtt. TH-i ANN AREOR ARGUS PRINTING and , -~PUBLISHING -- lBS Stedemit Work a Specialty. Sect Wittscu id attut utPries intIhe City. SUttBSIttt'IONS iOta THE DAILY tiE COaINteNtATo. $2.50 per year. ott the vittlin. Msr. Suderhand also reautoine of Sirs. Chsantas plteasinsg andutouichitngIpoemts. It swas tswenty-five minuites past nine ssheishste finsalty canme, but sthe ssas tpresenst cody ainc soutt, and for ant hour interested tier autdience in a isost charrmigstay, Icy telling oi tier Aimericans trihp. Since in this counttry sitetias beets froiss Boston to hats Franisico, stohiling at Clii- cago for the storldtsIcarliatueist of relisgionss, her mtain tpurpcose in cons- itug to Amterica. Shie spoke msostly of Caifornia anid its resources, tians' sestern cities stiere shte stopc- ped and seemed to tee everywhsere msissionaryand tphianthropcicstorka to do. Auth as to travel she saiti, "I can't help buit think thant part of Christiasity stilt be through tray- Chorl UionNothe. 6 ts t~u 1.'J. T.tteolu's Co. andilgt. Citoat niot Ntic. ~ iomtirtnttttrxetLr. They hlistse luaigest usu(]ttest ;t-southedul he its the Ai hll ldmembers anduthtstaswio city.- Isaaelbeens examineatare axpcuteut to o Itu uhi(v i iraIt -I u's 1 hettet' be Icresent at the imeetitng ini the roomtts ts to atii itttt u ue isuat-, iiutr Schaphel tonight, at 7:30 o choils. ' ihtutl nthiail titS --"s"+-t-uAtill suitutitoms uthle tar ca-- Notice. 1 h ittsoitufsorucrctlit illthur Matsoici bloci.tJ ply ticalthu AnsntArboar Sas - See. I1. Ihairut, of thur Atltic istgs titul 11h-t6. Ilsarat,still receise all biats for r- eiisiltilIhluctttia ua sre er- freshsttent privileges at the Atltic titled tuosaetiuor atles tontphtstgcttpct wor itt t I~lls Fi-eld for the cissuing year. Atl isto i ivtias o ht zScuttlE ficr al swho wish the prisvilege sisouldatppl~ty Laautoryts suipplies. tlissectittg ae';a. to sins. iiprtits Iutitsleises.-I'(wt - i' c~Ia -- -' ---Choite Tuhutuca, (igas satduip hes rt U. ofSIl. Iteumblicanit Clui. I Stiehatiuts thuhizurth11u , Nto. 8 North lutinstreeot. 1- A mcuetitg of Chic U. ifitt. tie- t'te Iirgeat utusul Ibeast ttckof ittcgari tpublicant Club wsill tie teld in tse andtan cy smoinulttg totlmtceos in t hue cit- lecture mro ootthe lasw buildting isauCthBrowsnts I ictugtstire. Tutesay, Oet. t17,at 7:3o Ip. irn iGOto hlirhesnuuthtI s illiztiradIal:, Spceechses Still cceisaute. Let all S'tuuleslietI. Nte~°Iy renotsedi.tGes:- test meti, atswecttas the olud ruetin- AniiArhtrchie WurkchatC3West hers,hue tresenit. i itrutrsit-it Shivti uiteitiott gfi-Sit C sit. NV. Fr t iu, tat elei iiu uttuth ciiiilg suits. tiava hire tPresidient. your lightsits ditvi. 1 7 --- _+---uit-i. Aunsue 1ta utittser's ditutsesu (G RAN ID OERA HOUSE. el'isses. lTertt:ttt lies anth genttle- _______ itteit, $5.0it ftti12 lrstiutt; chiidtent', cluas, $4-.0iiifor 12 lesuons; Delsatet, irtt-:h. i3.00itti i2 lissonts. Lesusonsswill cot.- Arhie ues ay listhe aiteeorof Mlte- Oct. 7. 1k, ct 5 ad atrdy ThS,'s e ly"h qenofSe Ot .I a itich stilt be lpresetead at te NestttLauolr. Try its fosr the beat Grandt OperaiHottse, Fidaity eve., Oct. wtoura yonieser sasw.NWorka udoie its 17th, is Sift> years of age. Litreii eigthtutrs nto extracbiutsge. Offiee, itt, constemtpouraries, Georges OitneC and E.hlltrosttare-et. Works 47-3t1 W. AlhionsseIDauilet,lite ibelongs eases- 1ltiront.Tlephionte 83.