THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. I0 " . A. TIN}y1 or al LEW H. CLEMENT, m _ _ _M ran- 518So. MIAl: ST. Director adad Manager. faigHtg adFuln' a EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY Every Novelty in season. SpringS aes in Straw lists now in.Hg Gihor 2S EAST HURON STREET. Grade, Moderate Prices. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods railed for No. 9 South Main street, (Formerly TwsoSams.) and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. ______________________________SHEatyoF- CAZ'SLER, THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. Official Photographerci. aaataCHICAGO, 106 Wabash Ave., 8. F. CLARK. ...OF TO-WIT : . 22 Years in the Busiuess.. '~ Vergil, Aen. 1:103. 4,840 Positions Filled. 985 Positions Filled is 1593. CITY LAUNDRYtn, SEND FOR OUR AGENCT MANUAL. STUDENTS' WORK A SPE,- M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. AECE:Nes York, Los Angeles, Toronto. E t 0 ~iiTo. & Cii norpCIALTY. DANCING and DELSARTE MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER 46 S. State Street. MONtDAYT-8p.m. Advanced Cas sfor La- dies ansd Gentlemen. MONDAY-i p. ma. Ladies' selsarte class. TUES.DAY-7 p. im. Gentletoen's daneing class. SATURDAY-ill a. an. Gentltemensn isio class". 4aD.m. Lasdis'dans'ingccass. l:30 p. m. Ulistrens dancstng class. 8Spoti. Privatc adoatted clas's. Private lessons by appointmet U. OFEM. CALENDAR. vigorating. Two new steel passenger' lIff t THIIAX P , _Ee.fay_, steamers have just beens built for thie bate, ~ oiin\ebtru,,- pe lasruecsigi3000 ah. 1 ae a lecture room, 8oselock. They are equipped with every modern A lOeW lictiltti for duplicating Thurs. ret'., May 3.-Faculty ctncert at Preter convesience,annunciators,bath-rooms, Memoria hal. scalieteW ter ,iluiedtoiuly by elec- copies of writigs anid drawings- mani:gymnsitm. graindest, iagest and safest steaniers Fri, re. op4.-otccslegateo ao: on freshi siter. Tbese steamers favor- routescit 11adison, Wis'. I ably compare with the great oceati sat .y,:5.-Seniorftils imeet inrom A t 9lilies in cosutioni andispieedl. Fousr a. tDips pet week betsween Toledo, D)e- -- Sot., May 5.-Sleeting to ofiihgoaiialioo c of t t~a Mciac ,~gtmc aainy'e'ob a ol rs:a 5. .d Dluth.Daily lbetsveen Clevelanil - - Sa. o .-U. ofN. -1,v. Northwesrn aeSt.. ntlDetioit.Daiily betsween (leve- - Athletic, Hldl. laniid aitldIPutin-hay- 'he csbinis, SIMPLE, CHEAP, Slliy.-llsvNtt-.a h..pailots and stateroocrnsof these steam:- AND EFFECTIVE. hstLti ,v., May5. . . . ainetbanlo, ero are idesignedl for the complete cii- St i.11ttnment of humanity iinder liomi Endorses bj Osve5,000 Users. Not e. Iconilt~tis; the palatial equtipmient. the iroco r i;ie1, Oncny ordiarypapSil ________ cltxiv: of the appointmntiismakes sl s:sr : u" o:b cl.5 tc.. .ith iese steamters thoroughi- cW>) 5 of:tpe tt r ,so:mstou IArOdmce'dits Cxn' xi. 15Gminu-Ordersdfroniircu~lais a:iclsaro ie 'ot CAP ND CC) N.-Odersfromlv r: ;.1110le.Send for illustrated ties- swork. AGENTIS 5 AN tED. seniors for caps and gowns must be Crii)il pamletllt. Addiress A. A. LA'WTON & CO., handed in on Thursday from 1:15 t0 SCU11AxNTz, G..& T. A., D. & C.' De- I:45 p. m. No advance payments t110:1 Mich. 20 l 'Sfi, tf Vt,11'e0 107!. will he req uired. No orders will be -_______________________________________ taken after tomorrow. J M S M A I CosistI'IT EF. N otice. ______ -STIL- S. L. A. E.Fc~vOxs.-Thei Elec- toral College of the S. L. A. willa I-meD r meet in room 12, law building, at 10:30 a. m., Saturday, May 12th. Aith by Ai fiorify of the' Cosuiti EXCLUSI14VE RHIGHT to The attention of the electors is World's Fair, botli Colsiutbian at Chicago, autt Mid- callcd to Sec. 7 of Art. II of the winter at Sa1 Fi-anicisco. J. IV. Poovio1s, President. BUSINESS LOCALE. o N WI4 AT? IWIGHIGAN GiLnT. Time Table (Rtevised) Feb. 115, 1004. Atlantic Espress. 5uS Maii&Exp.....850 D. &J. .Express .. ,705Chli:. Spi. . i G. ii. Rap.1...110 N. S. Limitedl.. ..1530 MaliandRot:...4 10 Fast \West'n Exp. 1l55 Fast East's Rxp.. 9110GOREs.c il 0 N. S. Limied..10:11 Pacifi Express... 9 5 0. W. Ecossno, H. W. HAYES, 0. P.& T. Agt., Chicago. A~t., Atn Arbor. Time Table taking etiecet:nday,SMaribh'25 1, i, Trains leave Ass Arbor by Central Sandard Ttcc. :15 a.m. 715 a. ci. *1D:15 p. I. 1130. mi. 4:15 p. m. 9:U0 p. Ill, aTrainssrun betwee'n AnnArborv iandI Toledo oly, All trains daili except Sun:dap. R. S. GHREWOOD, Agnti, Ann, Arbor. W. H.BENNETT, o.P. A.5Tledo ANN ARBOR ISWH A JsJJ1UNDVY COO 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SERYiSS, - 2Natiager. KEEP YOt'R ACCOUNT WITHI 'HE +$TATC $AVII2G$ BA12K+ cor:.Stain stillWashingtonS trects. A.L.:WMEPes BR T PHIULDES,:Cshr C ROPN.' "IFOUTAINOROL WilliAmESTREET, Predo ENo SAtERSc. Get your Spring Hats at BowvdishI & Matteson. For Oine soaps, tooth brushes and cigars, go to thc I3. _&zH. Drugstore. College students wanting cmlioy- msent for the summer should ad-E tress P. V. Ziegler & Co., Bx Soi, Philadelphia, Pa., woho offer great intducements for special work to wshich students are well fitted, and which pays $75 to $i5o per month. For redtceds rate tickets to Ohio, West Va. atid Old Va. points apply to It. S. Greenwood, Tieket Agt., 'oiledo Anti Arbor & North Mieht. Advertising Pays. Especially is this true wohen you have a prime article, absolutely first class, to sell, such as article as the "Ohio Central's'' splendlidl Passet- per Service nosy is, but yet the Ohio Central wont advertise. Hoivever, wve cannot bitt make mention of this popular linie. Spend Your OutinE on the Great Lakes. Visit picturesquie Mackinae Islnd. It will onlly eost you laboutt $12.51) from Dletroit; 015 fro'Ioledlo; $18 from Ulexelatit, for the rosund trip, inludtl- lug seials autd berths. Avoidi the heat and dtust by traveling oin the D. & C. flosting palaces. The attraetions of a trip to the Maekinae region are tin- su~rpassed. The islantic itself is a grandl romanitiec5spot, its elimalte niost ini- Original Retouched Stereoscopic Views! cotous snd -of oior- ioi'iimae hby timitti t t li'he vov ili' cioic~tiIExslition Imv c been added tc owhatsos'-alrcadly so it siar:: Ihohoil se' lctironseyco nstry ofi thieGlcibe, andihle:.'isisoma ti thengatieof ilhei (Cliforniia:-Midintooer Tders',- tionualixoitoion atOSan brancisco. 'Se furish l:thoe finest sOi'roi'iopc- made cu e erd- ,, h o's Aniytudietswithlen'ry cnpac: iy hihssway trougoiii .ohy(- o'1( ,e I u...ali'ouri goo...r iti vaicaion- s nd tiv iio iu oniioj inboutetlh p ay 'he'ciuoh :00'. Si any oilthe filloin- ito- ol 0 iol1 AsciiS., I ila.,i'a:320 Ws. Adis t. , Toro'n'i oi CaCn. 1207 -oloocs Si., Sot. iou:C . 19 StO. ,hlme.'s:0Rad, Iv:: oil, Eng. teinlse, rmany ydeyihs~, .O aio'i a. Cipy of MSicoii PLEASE MENTION THIS PAPER. SlRINGI S'TYLES, QUm.I,in) ABSOLUTELY fl flfVSPEED'8 STTLES, CGRECT COlLOReS, )C ET 15-19 S. MAIN STl.