THE U. OF M. DAILY. Putlisbed Daily (unays eeoped) during EtE(ol ee ear, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subcriptio price r_.5 per year, invariably in adane Single copies 3 cent. Sbsrip- tona may be left at te office of te DAILY, ato Soffiet, wt any of te ediora or autborzed soliitor. Communicationa sbold reacb te office by 7 o'c1ock . . if tey are to appear te net day. Addreaa all matter intended for publica- lion to te Managing Editor. All bsineas communiationa sold be sent to te Bsi- csa Manager. THE U. of M. DAILY. Ann Aror, Mih. EDITORS.I J. L. Lotte, Lit. '5, Managing Editor. F. H. Wiiar, Lit. '95, Asisant. S.B.'Siit.E, Lit. '95, Asitat. .. A. Lexo, LiL 't6, Aleti Editor. VN. A. M1oo, Lit. '7, Bosinesa Manager. L. . f ti s oYn 9. C . H. Too le. il. Li. . Pratt , 04.. i i t. . Evn ,,, '9. Minni' Tonputi. '0. t11ca.. CrrieV. moutlt, ape 1. 7. L.'Sartidoe, '0. H et y Ctltmto cs un-'. 8 . Nilil-k, 'ti. Altutpy mo-c Ocat the leC oitieeliu.mi of the ty of pblittrito. THE DAILY calls attention once more to the noise made on the cam- pito during ball games. Yesterday afternoon there seemed to be no abatement in the racket made. President Angell, while willing to allosv every lierty withi reason, rightfully holds that classes must not he broken up and is deternined, itnless there is less noise hereafter, that the games wiii have to e stop- ped. The students have now fair warning and much depends upon their action between nlotw and next Monday night when the board of control meet to consider the matter. THE probable action of the faculty in reducing the number of hor re- tuired for graduation will mieet the approval of all students. The DAIY could never understand why, when all the literary, degrees were cunsidered equal, a premiuns should be put on the A. 1. degree. Again, a student under the present systems feels compelled to carry sixteen or eighteen hours and as a consequence cannot do jtstice to any course. The work at Harvard averages aboti tteve hours per seek and we be- lieve that nmore thorough work can be tone with this nunber. Wstrn intrcollegiate Field-Day. The first general intercollegiate track and field championship nmeet- lug of the west wiii be held in Chi- cago June and, under the auspices of the Chicago athletic association. The program, which is the same as that of the American intercoll- egiates of the East, except the bi- cycle race, is as follows: soo yards run; 220 yards run; 440 yards run; 8o yardls rin; mite run; mile walk; ian yards hurdle; running high jump; runnsing broad jtump; pole vaitlt; throwing 16-pound hammer; putting 16-pound shot. The gasmes wiii be held at the South~ site ball park on a third of a msile tract. Entries are open to msembhers of any western college and CQLtMII Ii,1 TR4IIE RECEIrTS. What they will do for you and how to ob- tain them. TRADE RECEIPTS. are coupons issued by mnerchsants for the purpose of snowing the. amout of cash trade they get from subscribeis for tise Columbiam, !Cyclopedia. rs AThlb D DIDI1 must be made by May 23rd. 1±It,$L £bt 'itL ±~t _________________________can be secured to tite full amount of your purchases from all mner- chants on our list by presenting an Identification Card issued by us, J .~sisowing thsat you are a subscriber for thse Columbian Cyclopedia. do TRADE RECEIPTS. J~uj~~'c~.ti ~ ;ido tot msean any itscrease its the p1ice of goods plrcilased, or flint you must buy, any mtore than yous are tsow buying. -- TRADE RECEIPTS. IHorsford's Aoid Phosphate cost abstiluttely tsothintg exceipt lie trouble tof going ts the stores, wvhere tisey maiy bho tbtained atid iakitig yotur ptrrhalses ilsere. I TRADE RECEIPTS. Is tise teost effective and ags-ee- ass farl as merCIchants1 are cotncetrned tmeans iticreased trade for tliems aid e retmedy in existence for atid that ctustomlers are to shiare thu benefits of it. preventing indigestion, and se- TRADE RECEIPTS. dss iese ssu will be act-epted by' us at onle-ten~th tiheir- facoe7-ailue its full paym)let liesn to s diesaiig for a set cof the Columbstiani Cyclopedia at reglar 01-ice. frots a disordered stomsac-l. Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfield, Mass., says: tI value it as an excellent prevntative of indtgestion, sant a pleasant aeidulated drink sehen protterly dilated wiith water, atiisw-eeeed." Deriptiv e pacunbhletfree on applitiois to Rumford Chemical Works, Providenne.R.I. Beware o1 Sobstitates and Itattions. For Sale by all Druggists STAR STEAMI LAUNDRY BOWDISH & HOUSE. Proprietors. J AMElS N. GOODltlEWd.Fl orist. 0Growerof Ro-e, CanatitoititndFlotners o1 all s-sri- ety. lineal designs maude upottsortt notiee. Ntt. 1 Ohoesslovy stret, ttpp. cemetery gate. Ladles' ArtisticoHairaresaing Parlors. L ADIES'ltairdretsngtt maniuring , facel asti canlptr eratmto onitts t lattest fasin1. Sies. J. It Triolaitski~, 3o E.SvWas- ingtoti St., ovt-r torbeship. CIGARETTE SMOKERS wIhoilate ill- ing 10o5pay a little more tin teic. cihtiged 1or the lodiary itill.Cig11eIlls, willibnd TIlS BRAND aapeiior to all other.i The Richmond Straight Cut Noal CIG-.AR.TTES . ore made fronti the lbrighitest, mos001delicate Cnfavoe, anti higtgcgostGOLD LEAF grown in Virginia. BEWARE SF IMITATIONS, snoobserve 1th1titieIlnailOor1the ntiafarers 05 belows is on every piickaee. sV BRANCH , flillO1DVjPaINjP TRADE RECEIPTS. will therefore secure for you absolntely free of cost a referetice li- brary of 32 voluises, 20,000 pages ansd 7,000 illustrations. TRADE RECEIPTS. to (lie atmount of twenty-five dollars secusrecd frons any or all of.' the stores wsill entitle yotu to a volumce of (lie Collombiats Cyclopedia. Extra Olive Bindinlg. THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS ISSUE TRADE RECEIPTS: EBERBACH HARDWARE CO., A. W. CORLISS, Phsotographer. STERR1TT & MIICHAEL, Utopia Millinsers. EBSERBACH DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO , .J. F. -HOELZLE, Meats. ANN ARBOR STEAM1 LAUNDRY. STAEIS1LER &4k CO., Groceries anad Cros-kery, =7 R=TU'TAwNeQG -AGENT. -Takes Flirst Place." The name stands for just what it is. The host Bicycle built for $125.00. Baseball andsi a,%is Treania. Spuuldin's Batsebaull anit Littui ''nnis god tre uttlse xluivelyIteuutullit tbhe'.S8u1ttd Canaau. Otuildin's 'Inratit'maisl Iu e te I- tiatth l-to ri theibliti. tCompleteillust- tirated cntao,. t utt~y. t:tie A. G. Spalding & Bros., Chicago. New York. Philadelohia, FIRS NATIONAL BANK O5?ANN .ARBO0R. Captitalt, $100,000. Sureplutand Piofites ,i30,0o(t'. Trainsctn uigeneratltl iitlglbusitness. For- eign excaegt bought stid sold. Lectern of ceditI enrocenilforintrentrsabroad. P.-BA ttPrenn. S. NV.tlf.A~tFSON, Cuashier Sehooh of Dancing, Groundh Floor. MAYNARD STREET. (Zio G R Cnbrn te I fortrt1livatePatite-,MReep- tons, tBauqtatsre.Not a p001 i(, al Stnnets mutcbe intcoducedResidencee ando offlee at Acadimy. PALACE + BARBER + SHOP w. Atnd BtSatth ots.iW. 1H.OWEN, P1o1)10 NO. 4 East Huroli St. Opptosite Coot Hoare.Hot o iltdintl Sa Salt daths. Por- telanctbs L oV"ei 6 RS, FI'OVVJ R5 SOREVTHN totEVERButlluODY. =91tn, 01 IfnttLuloll rnittTelpoi tilne If 5 andSH'ORlTtt AND.ut-ities oeiint uli;t inc irl;sl s pplbtied edinlogioutetnt iy.lcltut; exettnrs 2to $ oi; 55 e wee iniateaioies. hoc ie natalogue, atddress P. H. CLEARY, PanS. I, it knirs ' sod11tckaMrs' ant Capilt litis,0). Storplousoand Profits $1y,000. Ioes is genneral banking baoiness. Pays itler- esto ntSavings Depositsa S~n afty Dbeposit Boxes toe rent. R. KiEltPP. Peet. F. H. hEL5EH. casiier. Banopoen Satlurdaty evening.