c je . a AJ* 7Jtiljn4 VOL. IV-No. 151. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 10~4. PRICE, THREE CENTS. O TRACK ATHLETES AT WORK. ber of hours required for graduation Attractions for the May Festival. NOW ON SALE. Fine Prosects for an Extraordinary inthe literary departmetfo one The time i ail ppisigT e1 odSrngFedDy hnde nmhryi-oehnreIT h a fsia obegvni ~e J.o . a This Year. and twenty hours, in all courses. University hal. May 18i asd 59 hy yyH.CtetO-taoftehet- A fair numher of men were at The matter was favorably consid- tyre University musical society', mees Orchestra. work on the track and field, Moo- ered, hut final action was postponed Many in Ann Arbor do not as yet I lset111'elst I~ltz ie, 10 AU T Wider- day sod yesterday. Several newv until Monday night. Such action appreciate the fact that it will heRab e ll lseche." men of great promise are at work will he followed hy a general stiffen- one of the great msusical events raBauiulyite d title page. Erery sta- and others give indications of future lozg up of all courses.t the northsvest. Thtere are not half development. --".0 a diozeo cities its the union wvhere fn>lbl 'a Th pitwl ebte o- Changes in Football Rules. 51 South Main St.' Th prit vi ehltrcn __Vtrdi's Requiem is giren svithst tested thats the longer rusns, froom As te investigations of tihe inter- trainedtchsorus of 290 voices. present indications. Benisost, '9-i collegiate commiltte ott football rules They swill be assistedi by te Bostots j (letis owat or agin Il- roceed, it becomes noore andsi more festival orchtestra andoth ie folloswing sids ulero, 97meicth rstaptparretthote fesv are the vital soloists: Enoa 3 steltandt Rose Stesv- are fron thte literary departmsent, chanoges titat can be msade. Notihing art, sorpanoss; Gertrudle ilay Stein, MacPhterran being front '95 atnd radical wiii be done, not even in the contralto; Edsward C. Towvne, tenor; tBradfield, Goodenough and LeRoy moethsod of scoring, cvhichs ciii re- Maox Heinrich, baritone; Arthur fro '9uarinthe , Hodg-main the sante. Thse haises wiii be Friedheinm, pianist; Fritz Giese, mn'9lahas tefield amt tit-iemntsi uain n ilnels.Whetyousanstthetes-tletrapattat styles roan 95 asv toe atttustmintes n dtratonin- iolnceiist $2S,$3.4 or $5 Shoetast 50e to $1 a' patr e e to himself at present. tie is shosv- stead of forty-five as before. The There will be tihree concerts given thtattAttt Arbor prices send tar Catstloaueto lug up finely and should run svell ball moust be put in play, alter going and every student sihould see thatr this spring. In the distance runs "in t oucho,' either by a kick or hy his frieitds are in Ann Arbor to R H FYFE Woodruff, '94 lit, Woodruff, '96 lit, a down, from a point in te field at enjoy a msusical treat that wontld il~-ISS50saeA Hovey, '96 lit, Frettnd, '96 lit, Sawv- least five, hut not more than fifteen, make a sensation in the largest city DETROIT, - - MICHICAN. yer, '98, and Garwood, '94 pliar- yards fronthSie place where te ball of the land. ~ mic, are all promising mein. The wen inoftouh. tiurdles are as yet almost untouched, Resoltionsof Reoect except for te vork done by lirch-( Oratorical Contest. WH tEREAS, The sumonis of detlh ocer, '9 lit. Reed will be out ito a -hiaving csmeietot our midst sand striek- day or svo, lowever."Thsere wiii be an oratorical contest eni down iotir feillow studentt, Arthur Frmpeetidctos ieh-betwceen A. G. Burr, H. Mt. Porter Melvits IBeatty; anidI andoL.Slubbaent inthecitwilectretheSIbi- , Ieutro tsiast- 6 E. HURON STREET. Gylreacnestibefstnoaniesprd g.aid L ubr ntelwlcue N RES eas fhsasea M.roomtFriday evening, May4 at 8 tionsaittie-olperationi rwititedic tsl M. Hit. WT1ibbtiteits operator, Grea ineret ismanfesed ad btSsttad if yell cr5111finle wsork give 'clock. 'Te cwinner in te contest class of '1i, lie ittd fruits iis vairiedt him a trial. souse fast riders are out. Deffen- talents. demotnstrtited isis equalities its -" baugh, T'aylor, Aaron, House undit l take part in the state contest at a iss ii ia~t~ssites'ttr FRESH ASSORTMENT Newton are tite sost pronotssng at Kalamazoo college the last of the !fore be it ?o5'- present. Store interest loss been mot, and te one whoo nina there llasoltttt, That ce, te conmttitee ason O r1J~ wilatndteNtinlcnts nbehalf of te Saeierosetdical ectiss of .l+Q iQ QA e manifested so far in the field that.ciiatn the Nainlcntsnnttiversity of 1icieit, hdeplore-a tottst in the track events. Carter, a necvw t okdh atdasi u eeitply te perstonailess ststiined in UTt>rLF,', - 48. ftS. mano, is strong in all te jumssps ' r.SsdradJdoCevrtite detht of outr msost crty co-____________________ and Sloe stoutlout, havisog done 6 ft. anti Sr. Fred Whiite wiii act- as cworker, acknosrietdge htaismasiy goosd THE iWAVERLY ) WHEEL in.in he igl juop.tiecvii b Judiges. Alt arc cordisallyintvitetd to tiualitieof iteart atdsindtss, comes ndas avaictable alt-around oman. Alnmost !be presentt. ,Iis virtue.usntdltosw its isssstte revoc. 5 g- t 0ttt~--sttatetr0 .O -- ' -- ntios n tte Nviiiof tliSptremte Alta- titec-tee S55.00 is tic 5tiott ofth too work lose been dlone as yet intshe' Played a Tie- Game. Serofth ie hjtirerse: lbe it fusrtther 11011t. fee iti:i ttestittowlo weeighot evesots, but tioe shtollot w 1solo, 'ruat thsese resolutitons tie BR W ' DR.UG STORE. least wiii be toni cottesteci. ltctts;Tise ganme yesterday- afternoono be- spreaupon th~ e recurssotfte tcs land, '97 lit, is a ptromtising newitween te '94 lasss anod igih schtool ptubisheie th le daily 11ess, tnd ltSat osan. i Site juntps, esides offitoteamosresultect in a tie. 1-or sit. in- ettcoy- Ie slso forwrdecd to tistfaisssly ma.I-h jms eidsCfiof otur teceasetd friendi. . RT '96 lit, thsere are Coffino, 'c7 uSitsings Scott, wosptitcedt for te >io.V. ttnto, Muiheron, Tlaylor, Carter, 1-ouse laces, had lois opponents at his ' F.-. iiStcrxT~r, t andI~eoyamog iten e' sen nercy, but in te seventhste highs!1'. s'Ettaisc 1i B SEB LLGO D Altd the University hnrecords in mn the schools took kindly So his curves (tmstle jumps wilt rbal g.These and sutcceeded in scoring eiglht runs Law Debating Cmite Contest. Suits antict Gynmasiulu Sup- vault promises to be a pretty con- by hr atn.Ol ee n test this year. Austin, '9, lit, and osogs were play'ed, te score being j The Webster and Jeffersonian so- p~lies. Chpa,'4lw atya s~ as follows: cieties invite every one to be present 'Ytt-e ri~ ners, and Bartlett and Cotllins,'9 atitals--- I ------- s 'a:ra a a at their second contest bebate to be 0eittacthtoptrs Hiltgh schoo-------e0 a a a z a s-tiheld in the law lecture coons tonight lits, are all showing up welt. 'l94 Laws---u----20 1530z51 -t at eighst o'clock. The question to W H 9 f.a.BteisDoulanSct.aMay Shorten the Course. ------..---- be discussed is, Resolved, That a The faculty at their regular meet. There will be a Faculty concert graduated income tax would be in- UIJ7ERSITYBOOKSTORE ing, Monday night, discussed the tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock, at expedient. Able debaters have been advisability of shortening the num- Frieze Mhemorial hal. selected and good msusic secured. STATE STREET, ANN ARB5OR.