THE U. OF M. DAILY. '.of W?~. 1Tit'U. Publ1shed Daily (Sundays excepted) durin t heCleee ar, by THlE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION f N p . " . I N N O .TH E c o m m u n i c a t i o n i n a n o t h e r column in regard to the issuing of rain checks hy the baseali manage- ment for June rt;, voices the senti- ment of a large majority of those present at the field Saturday. As many students will have left y that date, such an action is manifestly unjust. There is some proaility, however, that the management will allosv the checks to e used for an earlier game. THE rumor that the air bal teams will e driven from the cams- pus has causer) general indignation among the studrents. The an- nouncemnt made ysterday to the varioussearball managers fell like a set blanket upotn the enthusiasm of both players ansi spectators. The DAILY does not believe how- ever that such actiorn will e take. Nothing could e sore incongr- ous than the aculty fostering athletics hy means of pries swith one hand and crushing them y driving the teams from the campus with the other. Such an action at the present tinme means the destruc- tion of btts our baseball and foot- ball teams- If the class teams are driven asay, they have no place to go, as the Athletic field is only large enough for one diamond. Without class teams there can e no varsity teant and without varsity teants gymnasium will e a mockery. lit the DAMirdoes nt helieve that things are so bad after all; if only regular maths games are precluded no great hams is done, for it is a question if the Ath- letic field is (ot the proper place for such games. Practice games. will no douthtbe allowed ut the students are custioned to refrain front itch demonstrations as oc- curreti last Friday afternoon. Senior Hop. Preparations are being rapily pushed for the senior hop Friday night. Special effort is being nmate to have the gymnasium flor in the best possible shape for dancing. A tan has been engaged to pt the door in order. A large number of tickets have already been suit)ass) everything points towardi a brilliant success for the hop. The reception committee has been announced as follows: Robert E. Jones, chairman; Misses Mary hE. Duffy, June Carpenter, Fannie M~. Elliot; lMessrs. H. H. Hunt . P W. Drew and MI H. Cutcheon. COMMNUNICATION. t L lh~ Those who were at the ball park I O U B AI TREACEiIPTS Strawhntegmwastpe ' A by rain were given rain checks, good Xw hat they will do for you and how to ob- only on Jutne t6. This is hardly fair to a large number of them as tain them. they will be out of town by that ___________ l ate. Others will be unable to go TRADE RECEIPTS. from other reasons and their checks will be useless to them. The are coisponts issued by mterchants fur the purpose of showing the rentedy oif course would be for the amosunt of cash trade they get fromi subscribers for the Columbian management to make these checks Cyclopedia. good for any game. This may seem to be a small mat- TRADE RECEIPTS. ter but these snmall matters must be can be secured to the full aniount Of your purchases frunm all mer- considered if the support of the chants on our list by presentig an Identifications Card issued by us. entire student body is desired by the oi n fln o r usrbrfrtt ouiba ylpda Athletic association.soigta o r usrbe o h ouba ylpda B. B. FAN.; TRADE RECEIPTS. Choral Union Notice. do not miean atty increase isatite price of goods purcltased, ortitat The rehearsal this evening is very! you tiust buy anty tuors than you are taow buying.- important. A full and pronmpt at- TRADE RECEIPTS. tendanceAisSdesired . cost absolstfsly stotinsg except the trouble saf going to the store, A. . Sr~. SY. where they stiay he obtainsed ansd miakcing youtr purchaises lters. TRADE RECEIPTS. Ssfartita-.stiercltantts are concernedimetsas iticreased ritade for thiti anthiiat cutsomers are to share ftse benefits of it. I?~ willhoetaccepted by us at one-tenth their fasce value in full paymet Horsfords Acid Phosphate TRADE RECEIPTS. { will therefore secure for yott absolutely free of cost a referencelit- Is the niosteffectiveftsnd agree-. brary of 3i2 voltuttes, 0',000 pages anti 7,000i illustratiotts. able remedy in existence forTR D RE IP S to ftse atmounst of twety--five doltatrs sectured frott any or all of~ the preventing indigestion, and, re. stores will enstitle you to a volutte of the Coittumbiats Cyclopedia. lieving those diseases arising Extra Olive Bitiding. from a disordered stomach. THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS ISSUE TRADE RECEIPTSs EBERB ACH HARDARAE CO., A. W. CORLISS, Photographer. Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfield, STERRITT & ,MICHAEL, Uitopia Milliners. Mass., says: "I value it as an eseellent EB3ERBACH IDRUG AND CHEM~IICAL CO, J. F. HO ELZLE, Meats. ANX ARBOR STEAMI LAUNDRY. preventative at indigestion, antd a pleasantST BLR&CGrcieanCocry acidulatedt drink swhes property dilutetd with maaw Bnm-=- 3 -rm-mo. water, answsieetened." tescritive pttmpthet tree o s it totssl RumfuoChemsical Works, Proviuence,R.a. nesasre o a t itutes anItm nitatioins. For Sale by all Druggists TAR EAMLAUNRY Takies Fir-st Place." STA 3T A A N R The name stands foe just what it is. 1i1it11. itiSiSRK.The hunt Bicycle huitfre$1t5.oo. BOWDISH & HOUSE. Proprietors. tFItCE, '82 SOTHTATICSTREEisT.s Mseball and I~a- x>