tt* -Of VOL. IV.--NO. 150. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. AN ATHLETIC SCARE. quence." The lecture proved to Reports that Bal Practice is to be be one of the finest and most enter- Driven from the Campus-Not taining of the season. The pictures Much Danger to be Appre- which the speaker gave of Patrick hended. Henry, Daniel Webster, Tom Cor- To the great surprise of all base- win, Gough, Wendell Phillips, In- ball enthusiasts, Director Baird, one gersoll (the Ingersoll of ten years of the members of the board of con- ago) and Lincoln, were graphic in trol, informed the managers of the the extreme, and finely touched different class teams yesterday that with wit and humor. Dr. Fluhrer's hereafter no match games could be lecture will be given next Monday played on the campus. Such an important announcement caused consternation everywhere, and the cause was at once inquired into by a DAts.Y representative. Mr. Baird's action was due to a misunderstanding with one of the other members of the board of con-! trol. The high school and '95 laws created such a disturbance on the campus lasZ Friday that a member of the board stated that a repetition of the offence would bar all class games from the campus. From this it was understood that no games could be played there. No action has been taken, how- ever, by the whole board, though something will probably be done; next Monday evening at the regular monthly meeting. President Angell stated that he had no objection to practice games being played, but had recommended that no championship games be played on the campus. Professor Thomas seemed to have about the same idea in regard to the matter. The objection is caused by the unusual disturbances at such games caused by tin horns, shouting, etc. Recitations in the medical and chem- ical buildings have been greatly dis- turbed. The '94 Laws Defeated. The game yesterday afternoon be- tween the '94 laws.and a team com- posed of players from '96 and '97 class teams, resulted in a victory for the latter. Only four innings were played, the score standing 7 to 4. Honey and Coffin; Hannah and Koenigsten formed the batteries. Unity Club's Entertainment. Instead of Dr. Fluhrer's lecture on "The Tower of London" the Unity club was given last night a lecture by Rev. W. D. Simonds, of Battle Creek, on "American Ora- tors, their Wit, Wisdom and Elo- evening, May 7. The Ibsen Lectures. Professor Thomas yesterday af- ternoon in Room 24 delivered his third interesting lecture upon the works of Henry Ibsen to a good- sized audience. The tragedy of "The Warriors of Heligoland," was discussed and criticized. Then "The Pretenders,' one of Ibsen's earliest comedies, was taken up and critical analysis begun. The next lecture will be given by Professor' Thomas, Monday afternoon, and he will give attention to the play of "Brand," after finishing the "Pre- tenders.'' Typhoid Fever. The recent typhoid fever scare, is probably, like all other panics, short lived. There have been many reports in regard to the number of Gases in the city, varying from five to sixty-seven, but the fact is there are probably not over ten cases at present. Dr. Vaughan has been interviewed and says he has seen none, and has heard of only five cases. This is certainly not an alarming state of affairs, as typhoid fever prevails to a certain extent at all seasons of the year. There has been no analysis made as yet of the water, but there will be in a few days, the result of which will be published in the DAILY. As ninety per cent. of the cases of ty- phoid fever, are caused by contami- nated drinking water, we should be sure that all drinking water is free from disease producing germs, and the only way to be absolutely sure of this, is to thoroughly boil all drinking water. Co-Ed Annex Fund. The amount of money on hand for the co-ed gymnasium annex is $r407.07. The money is, loaned out and the interest added to it every three months. The amount at this time last year was $1352.00. Trial of Christ. NOW ON SALE. Prof. Jerome C. Knowlton de- The U. of -.'a't livered his popular lecture entitled By Lew H. Clement. Director of the Chequa- "The Trial of Christ From a Law- megon Orchestra. yer's Standpoint," to a large audi- Ts prettiest Waltz sise "Auf Ws'ieder- ence last evening in the law lecture sehes.' room, closing the series of lectures Heautifultsillyststrate title page. Everystu- denst should buy asscepy. delivered under the auspices of the Students Christian association. 9 b OY'010 l(s All students of Jewish history will 51 South Main St. be glad to learn that this series of lectures will be printed and offered for sale in a few weeks. Among many things he said: ''The trial of Jesus is the greatest trial known in the criminal law. Judas, who be- trayed Jesus with a kiss, has been most seriously criticized; his only defense is his view which regarded When youwanttheLatestMetropolitanStyles Jesus as a political leader. The tsas Arbor priae s tndtfo rCatalogue to worst men of the community sought and obtained judicial positkbn. 2R H FY FE& CO The court was prejudiced against 1 v 101, 183-185 wooDwARD AVE., Jesus. He had been convicted DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN, msonths before. Contrary to the strict letter of the Jewish law, he was tried during the stillness of the night on Friday, the day of the Passover, making the proceedings void. In spite of the old Jewish maxium 6 E. HURON STREET. that "one shall not convict himself,' ias Mr.It. iW. Tibbals as operator, he was ordered to testify against and if you atrial.ork give himself. Pilate has been condem- FRESH ASSORTMENT ed justly, but we should not be too -OF-- severe; he tried to save Jesus but 1OWsYbTET ig - weakened on carrying out his con- Q QQ victions. --JUST RECEIVED AT- Why did not the people stone TUTTLE'S, - 48 S. State St. Jesus to death? There is only one THE "WAVERLY" WHEEL answer. They were afraid of the common people. Weight, 28 pounds-with clincher (GJ. & .) tires-for $85.00 is the sensation of the Class Tax Committee. hur. see it in the window of -_- BROWN'S DRUG STORE. The following men have been authorized to collect the '95 lit class tax. Messrs. Austin, Brooks, Bush, Kellogg, Mertz, Tiffany, Wil- kins, Van Tuyle, Spear, Varian, BASE BALL GOODS Spaulding, Foster, Louisell, Stan- ley, Rosenbaum. y a . .Suits and Gymnasium Sup- Football Prospects. Instead of a general secession from You are invied Is examine stad our football team text fall, as was re- ported, we shall have an unusually large percentage of the old team AZTD back, in fact the entire team almost without exception. The coming UNIVERSITTYBOOKSTORE season will be the greatest season Michigan has ever had in football. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.