THE U. OF M. DAITLY. ROM(jr YS TO R N OW ISH& MATTESON, prices are right t,7 sell thtere. Togss' uknoh We'll sell you stamtps, too, if yosto 1, ' Alcknob s want thtem. Youmnan's, Sslvernsan's n and NN1 htte Hats. Calkin's Pharmacy See our Swell Ties. ol 3 0 W W A W MOOE~B~ & WVMQ~ NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CONNER OF WILLIAM. Have a Full Assortmtent of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hsand, and all kinds:(if STUI E NT> SUPPLIES, which they offer nt tile Lowest Prices. THE USUAL D)ISCUNTS GIVEN TO STIUDENTS. SERCOND) sANt)BOOKS RS UiHtT 0(A'U s HYAN LU. C.MIEDS R v En IL INE= M EJrST 37ZES. OUR MONTHLY MAGAZINE. l The Inlander will appear on October 6th in New Attire.-Much Im- proved in Appearanoe. The Inlander needs no itroduc- tion to its many friends of former years. To the nesv college men snd women let us say that thse Inlander is the monthly magszine of the Uni- versity. It contains each nsonth' original stories, essays, sketches, critiques, poenms and departments of record, tighot verse, news fromnthler colleges, exchsanges, alumiinoles and curreist comnment. Thtis year it has been enlarged to regulatiots nmagazlse sitape and size. A ccew cover has been designed asse en- gravest. It will be printedt on hel- ter tpaper titan theretofore assetbosunse in a neat anodfdexible cover. F~ur- thee, Sloe subscription price teas been locvcredt to $t for the fullt year. Sing1le copies will oell at 1 5 censi each. Thse first numsbler cwilappear text Fridtay, October Pith. Thtis lsuie wicviieontaisn an saricle etn 'IHoc to :study at tlhe U. of Xf.,'' by Prof t. I. D'Ooge, eteansof thscliterusrytde- partintent; an article on te Foreign Elemenot of Newv York City, Sty St. W. 'Nebber, lacy '94; an intlerestinsg acceousst of thoe fsnding of the skleli esf te antclent Greek tragic poect, Sophocles, wsritten hy Cart K. Fried- man; stories hy Miss Msabet E. Holmes, Miss Mabel Cotton, Lonis A. Strauss and others; three notable sonnets by Jesse B. Hornung, and verses grave and gay, by several other people. . Do not fail to see thsis first num- her, October 7. The sophomore-freshman field day at the University of Wisconsin will occur shoot October 15. The DAILY is edited, publitshed anrd supported by studessts. k 1 Britlint BsrnerLampwltth Pereltain SicketlIPated Miller LampSoe 2, eter Ntctkel Plaited Royal Lampy, Noi. 0, censter Nickel Plated Reehester Lampt, No. 2, center dtaft. 1,e. drat, . 5.5 Nictkel Plted Yale Lamp, No. 5, center Nickel Plated Gteema Student Lamps, Em- denft, 51.25. recss, $2.75. Niekel r'lated Vats Lamip, No. a, cnter Nickel Plaited Germsan Student Lanmp, Pee- draft, $1.50. tection $3.0 Niekel Plated Juno SLsnsp, No,. 2, teeter Nickel Plasted Gemun Stadent Lampt, Prits- dealt, $.75. ceesc, $3.50. tHand Lams, Bracele Lampstiratry LimpslBsniquetLa5 nips, Pian Lams. New styles tnd satluster priey thankasat seasoan Extaine rsock teflore buying, ad 'avetmoney. 44 south Main Street. DEAN & COMPANY'. Ann Arbor, MSh UNIVERSITY NOTES. Hfarvardt asnet'ale opienesd tiss week. \Vassar opcened last Fridtay wtith 450 studtents enrolled. Belsmont ANaples, lit '86, ccas user- ried receistly isa Marshlal. A coarse of jousrnalism thas been establishsedt at tse University of P'essnsylvainia. Janses 1R. AngelS, tit 'go, after a year sliest studyisin1stusrope, hs retusrssedthome. 'Te Signsa Alphsa Epsilotshosec ciii not be ready for occuspanscy for shoot two weeks. Miss Pearl E. Roblinsosn, last year wits '96, 1s attessensg tanssasGUi- versity, this yeasr. No work tsas beeni dosse on the gyniaslisus dcrisngte sulltmer, ccx- celit laying tefdoor. Tthe tnewschool of niusic building on M~aynard street, ccill soon be ready for occupancy. C. hi. fott, attstetic editor of tie DAILY last year, will attend Har- vard University this year. A jnnior law presented his dipto- ma, framed, to Dean Knowlton for entrance to the law department. Owing to the hard times prevail- ing, many of last year's graduates were unable to find desirable posi- tions. Our last year's graduating class of 731 members was the largest class ever graduated from an American University. 'Nm. E. McReynolds, law '93, is in a taw office in Chicago. Indications point to several excel- lent lecture courses thsis season. 1". K. Tlv, cwitis '93 lit last year, is teaching in te Decatsir H-ighs scihool. E. I'. Cumnmings htas a positioss is tise Grassi Havesn (.Nlict.) Highc Schcool. L. A. Strauss, lit '93, Itas been appointed assistasnt itsElishul and Rhetoric. Students front the wcest are slow fin returning, as many of thseni are stoppintgit Chcicago, takiinginthl~e «'oriet's Fair. Vli te stringency is inte money msartket redusce te attennc e at te U'. of hi., lis year,- is a quesion hseard oin every side. tProf. Edwcin F. Conely, of thse later depsartmsent, hcas tensdered his resignation. is successor hsas not 'been appointed as yet. Frank I'. Crawflord, lacy '93, cap- tain of last year's baseball team, is coaching the Nebraska State Uni- versity team, Lincoln, Neb. Dr. V. C. Vaughan, of the medi- cal department, was a delegate to tlse Pan-American Medical Congress held in Washington, Sept.5 to S. C. L. Thomas, assistant manager of the baseball team last year, and prominent in U. of M. football cir- M. .F Dthe Taisoris sascon busiiness and is enbedetosere his cstoniers itn a strictlyyftest elass. mannee. Wilitmoni fiesl deore 'tt ofetaitle se.. iipp.Libiidng. AA.RsslCLOC=S Yellosw and BlueBtonti, U. 01fSM. Flue Pisns. Fine Itepoicine Itsne. WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler. 26S. (ie.Air. COUSNS IHAL. r~riiti Tlephone .115. Catl, .5,r005. scrIitti011-1tprol' iy 1,000. tDots a gienraltsani,it5sines. Say iter- et enoilSains D epoesits. lao Onsets Diepitic or lerenit. It. KICE1t' 1 ', ies. F. H. >LERl~ , Cuite. Bank opitietn Soitdiy evnicit'g. STRNT ARE THlE BEST. CIGARETSMtiOKER5Stie ite a it i, sco ityoalite oe s thantetttice wtitlield 5T15ISRNDspier istoiiisthes: The Richmond Straight1 Cot No. I ate stile fothee rightiest, mtisslicte in ftaves', uttid highti coilt GLD LEAF BEWARE tF IMTIOSanit itsere tht lthe namefte hle ismaufacuers as Semisv is oaneeypiskae. The ]Leading - nsTiAILjOR Hao the' newest Full and WinsteWolens and largest clock in tha city. You tan gcttay aelection you are lookinsg tue. cles, is coaching the Baker Univer-' COME AND SEE L-S. sity football team at Lawrence, Kan- sas. 2 E. Washington St., near Main.