TEE U. OF M. DAILY. w THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, 51 So. MAAIN ST. Director aod Enoag;er. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY :20 EAST HURON STREET. Good Work Goaranoteed. Goods called for aod delivereed. A. F. COVERT, Prop. HANOS~zarzal1I5 E. Washiogton Street. 22 V ears Ili the iBusinesustli'e-O CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. DANCING and DELSARTE MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER 46 S. State Street. MONDAY -S p m. Advanced Class for La- dies aod Gentlemen. MONODAY-7p. t.Ladies' delsarte clats. TUESDAY-7 p. to. Gentlemen'csancing SATURDAY-10 a. to. Gentletmenos acitag 4 . m. Ladies' dancing dlae-. 2:30ipm. Children's dancinsglss. 8Opt. . rivate asdvanced class. Private lessons by appotment. I 0. A. TINKER,~ 8dij1 Hatay and Burnigh~r, Every Novelty in oeaoon. Spring Shapes in Straw Hats now-in. High Grade, Moderate Prices. No. 9 South Main street, (Formerly Tswo Sams.l THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. CHICCAGO, 106 Waobash Ave., B. F. CLARK. Ver-iAco. 1:203. 40840 IPostttos Filed. 985 Positions Fillesd ill1slO. EEND FOE OUR AGENCY MANUAL. AECE:New oYorls, Los Angeleo,, T'lesao. i1 ITTrN &00I AflpQ1tbdi fOfficial Photographemc-n . OF TO-WIT.t ST UDENTS' WI 01& KA SPr,- U. O M.CALEDAR vigratng. wo ew seelpassnge ______ steamers have jtust beet ildt for the Mon. eve., Apr, li.-OUsity Cltsb.. Pev. Charles tipper lake routecosting $300O,00G each. Flshrer, of Gratnd Rapidts, ots ' he Tower of They are esqipped with every modern Lonldon,. cotvetoence,annoncilstors.batt-rooms, Mon. eve., Apr. 30.-Inlatnd League. Ann etc., illunminat ed thloroughly bsy glee- Arbor Banolulb. tricity, and are gitaranteed to be the Moo. Apr. It1. - Prof. Thotsslon Iteoc' grandest, largest and safest steamero Feast of Sollsauc" ansi the "Warriors of on fresh wyter. These steamers favor- lltlgeland." loo', 520. m. ably compare with the great oceant Mlot. eve., Apr. :30.-Unity clab. lReClosets lines in cotnstructiotnatid speed. F'osr lustiee, oIlGrand Raspids ott"Tse ''ower trips per wees between Toledo, De- troit, Alpetna, Mackinac, St. Igtace, Thussro. tsr., May :3.-Eenginees'- banquetat etoke, Ciago, "Soo," Mariuette Gran;ers hlt.and Dsuiuth. Daily between Clevelatns Times. eve., Nay 3.-Facultly conctet rieze adDeri. Daily betiveet i Pece- 01 smo)rill hali. land andll Plt-ill-Bay. T1he cabins,' Fri. oee., May 4l.-Stnor soscial ot she Water_- parlorsanatd stsateroonms of thesp ateani Man gmna~sutn.ens are deigned for the complete ei, Fri., etc. Olay .-los st ollegicte Dealorca~l tertainnment of hulmanlity uitiser home tontest at MSadiso, xvis. conditiotss; the palatial equlipmntt the Sat.. Ststy 5.-U, of5. vs. Northbweet ertc slttxtis.of thle aptpoinltmtslb, takes Atltisfil.trilt, 111thseeaml~lers thorough- A. tew 1110veniiotctildiip'icatims: copie~bs o rtingsltl ndiidrai in.vig SIMPLE, CHEAP, AND EF FECTIVE Enidostd bs (lvow,50,000 Uscer trom ns ct'ets..sOslsansy ordinacyvpis weithit y peylet, .Is0.copie- s l e mss.e. crestoitypessVrstr ssolststseist p cdosL ussis 15 issantes. S . o rssl stit',claISsre,10 5 1,0,-bllit twort. AGS.1N1 te~ D. L WTON & CO., 20 1 sI )/5stOTI is'o !IcSk jRIGHTGA N GLnT Tinme TahibleRised) Feb. 11ths 1894. Atsntic Exptesas. t5 Hili&b.Esp.... 0 D. & .1. Express ..I7.01 Chss it.lp....t70 G. I. Exp. 11...110 N. S. Limited.. .. 10 30 P As. lP. t. blail and Exit... 4 10 FstsWestn Eop. 1i5 Fast Eastn Roip.. ((21)G.R.En........605 N. S. Lioited..1003 asii~c Express...195 OW. Ecootno, H. W. HAYES, G. F.&TF Age.,Chicago. A-0, Ann Arbor. 'dRTHMIHIGAN _ Time Table tssittg effcetotSsdy, 5atsh 250 1-94, Trains lessee Atta Arbor by Centrasl Statdard Timse. N00T0. SO0TH. 7:15am. *:aI. m.e *1215 psm. 11:3c0a.m 4:15tp. m. 9stssscP. III, *Trainso ruts hetween Ann Aebsor ansdIToledo only. All trains daily except Suttday. HRS. GREENWOODO, Ageiss, AII Arbser. W. H.lBENN'ETTlGU P.A. oledos. ANN ARBOR WPT1M LAAhJUNDR~Y CO. 23 MOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SERYiss, - Manager. KEEP YOLUR ACCtONT VIFTH sHE +$TATE $AVII2G$ BAI2K+ Cosr. MainssandsiintonSreet. A. L. soas te.OERTtttePtttm,ts'O, Csh'r. CRONn PEN CO. rOUNTAIN sAtNGOLD AWARDER TEFATLTES COCSION T ClASS TAILO' AR AN SLLttoPrItNiSedo esslti ~e BUSIN ESS LOCALS. Get your Spring Hats at Bowdsish I & Matteson. For in soaps, tooth brushel and cigars, go to the B. & M. 1Drugstore. Mackintoshes, sweaters and wide eld tics at a big reduction. hiI0sVIISH & MATEOIIN. For redulced rate tickets to Ohio, West Va. satd Old Vs. points apply to It. S. Greetnwood, Ticket .Agt., Tloledo Ann~ Arbor & North Mich. Lost. In the Univecrsity. shuffle after the William's Glee club concert, banjo 1n a leather case. Rewvard for any information leading to recovery. Address or call at DAIL. { Free. Free. First excursion to Detroit abso-I lutely free of charge to every pur- chaser of clothing or furnishing goods to the anmount of $S.oo or over, at the Golden Eogic Co., g0 Woodwvartd ave., Dletroit. A general invitation is extended to all. N. B. MIr. A. E. Rose will be at the Cook houlse every Tuestlay wsth full line of samples of ine woolens. Spend Your Outing on the Crest Lakes. Visit pictutrecqueo Mackoinstc tslatis. It sill oly coott you about (S12.510 frost :Detroit; $1i froni Toledoc; $18. fromu Cleveland, for tie rosndstr tim, illeltd-t inig messls anti berths. Avoid tise heat andit tdust by traovelinlg on the I). knC (. fttatitig psalasa. TileIattralrtitlns of Is trip to the Matckinalc regison are til- oturpssed. Theuclanuud itoelf is st grsnds rtomanittic01101, its chlite Illst ill- Advertising Pays. Especially is this true wohen you have a prime article, absolutely irst class, to sell, sudh an article as the "Ohio Central's"' splentdid P'assen- ger Service nosy is, but yet the OhioD Central won't advertise. However, wve cattnot but make mention of this popular line. JAMES M. DAVIS -STILL1 An.td by Aufthority of fthe Courts EXCLUSIV~E RIGHT to World's Faoir, bofth Coltnnabiani at Chicago, and M3id-. winter af San Frasnciisco. ON WH14AT? Original Retouched Stereoscopic Views. llhossss-sol tsra.sti.ssade lsy Al's. .Ritlttltt i at te Id. uban x:>; i Drisecbentsasdded1to11whatswassalreadlysanutspartslleledslotios tromsereryeuts:ts:5I tile Globse, satsslite isn00 owssaking teegaes of cithe Ctss'oisss sMidwsintesr Ite-) tlitl55lExposi5tion t 1SsansFranciscol. Wed fornishl the istste rescopes msasde 1o every leocristi(1(. Ansyotsstuetithsenrgysscans pay5lis-ythroughlsesssl s"o-~st ottOo r sI-st lts catisos nltsete-r ssttssstlissls;etlthes lst~yh st~tsts( I Atstany of theis.tlsls 5n- lcs rpI 55v e Ipamlphlet. Addsreos A. A. Sectti-ic. G. P. &- T1. A., B. & C., De- troit, Michs. 1015 AechsSt.,Plai., Ia. 120' DolmanSti., St1. Lossis, Mss. Bjerlin, tGermany. 320 XV. Asts i I St., Tsorotos, Use. tgS~0.ts.ssos E stsRoa, Livsestssss, itt Siydntey, A1strasit. Citvof ,1 '.5c PLEASE MENTION THIS PAPER. ay s2t 3. L QUALITYa ABSOLUTELY o /-( (CtLOiRS~, CORRIECT. 1-I lI