Of Iti* VOL. IV.-No. 149. BOUND FOR WISCONSIN. 'The U. of M. Delegates to the Ora- torical League Contest at Madison. Mr. William W. Vedemeyer leaves this evening en route for Madison, Wisconsin, where he is to preside at the Northern oratorical league contest on Friday evening. Mr. Wedemeyer will stop at Kala- mazoo and Chicago on business. Letters received by him from representatives of other colleges indicate there will be a very close and exciting contest. Delegations will be present from Iowa City, Evanston and Chicago. The Wis- consin men report that there is every prospect of a large attend- ance. Regular headquarters for the different delegations will be estab- lished at the Park Hotel, the lead- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. The last in the series of Sunday morning subjects will be given next Sunday by Rev. H. G. VanTuyl, of Detroit, on "General Secretaryship Work. On Sunday, May 13, Mrs. May Wright Sewell, president of the National council of Women, will speak. Will Aid the Team. Several of the officers and direc- tors of the Students lecture as- sociation are heartily in favor of giving a part of their surplus to the baseball management for the express purpose of helping to send the team east. About one hundred dollars will in all probability be handed over to the baseball manag- er. W World's Fair Organ. ing house in Madison. Professor The effort to secure the World'sf Trueblood, F. P. Sadler, the orator, Fair Farrand - Votey organ has and hi. L. Oliver, the alternate, will taken definite shape. Prof. Stanley, leave for Madison on the Michigan who is always enthusiastic in the Central, Wednesday evening, at advancement of anything in the 9:55. At Chicago the U. of M. musical line, has an agent traveling party will be joined by the delega- throughout this state to secure the tions from Chicago and Northwest- $15,ooo necessary to buy the big ern universities. The professors of organ. The subscriptions to the elocution from various institutions fund are very encouraging. Prof. as well as some of the faculty mem- Stanley is confident that he will bers will be'present at the contest. succeed, and that the organ will be Preventedt by Rain. illpace in University hall at the opening of college next year. Saturday's game with the D. A.' C. did not materialize. The D. A. Make-Up of Harvard Nine. C. team was late in reaching the grounds, and before they arrived The Harvard time is at present there, it had begts to rain. Thse playing as follows: Scannell, '97, c; ther, ithad egu to aid.TheWiggin, L. S., captain, .Highlands, rain fell so heavily that it was soon a 'gn,., pn igisan found necessary to give up the '95,an Perry, '97, p.; tickinson, game. M anager Cadwell therefore C, , b.; W hittemore, '9, '97'; announced to the disappointed Cook, L. 5., 3 b.; Stevenson, '97, c-S. s.; Paine, '94, 1. f.; Hayes, '96, crowd that rain-checks would b . c . f.; Winslowv, '96.; r. f. issued at the gate good for a gaie. with the D. A. C. on June 16, their Schedule of Games. manager having agreed to that date. - The schedule of home games is Dr. Kellogg on Medicine. now filled, with the exception of S. L. A. Election. NOW ON SALE. The members of the S. L. A. met mi U At AT Saturday morning at to o'clock in .I1.. their respective departments to elect Ry Leto H. Clement, Director of the chequa- mena Orchestra. delegates to the electoral college, le prettiest 9Wanltz sive "Ai WTieer- which meets May 12, to elect the seuen." officers of the S. L. A. board. Beautitully iiinstratei ltite, pave. Every stu- The result of the election w a s desii souidiis iscepy. follows: 7 rbol' 014al C' Law Department-Messrs. W. T. 51 South Main St. Webb, B. L. Oliver, J. D. Swanger, M. L. Sullivan, W. S. Flint. . Literary Department - W. M. Mertz, J. B. Brooks, C. E. Wake- field, F. C. Irwin, F. P. Sadler, J. Q. Adams. Dental Department-W. C. Kin- ney. The medics held a short meeting whenyouwnnttheLatest letropolitanstyles i ld WC Bof $2.:$3. $4 or s<) Shoes at 50o to sI a pail less and elected Wm. C. Brown. - thArann Arhor prices seu for Catalogue to The laws were the only ones who showed any enthusiasm in the elec- tion, over 3oo being present. aA D E _E101, 183-S5 -vO A. Inland League Concert. DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. This evening at the Church of Christ the Ann Arbor Banjo and Guitar club under direction of Mell Gillespie will give their second con- cert of the season. Their first one given some time ago in the opera 6 E. HURON STREET. HaMrI. 1Ii. AN. Tibbali as operator, house is no doubt yet remembered by asiI .if youwait sine xvok i ,e those who had the privilege of being him a trial. present. Tonight Miss Clara Mc- FRESH ASSORTMENT Monagle, of the High School, will --"F- assist them with several recitations. LOWNE The program contains several very - OQO AGE5 beautiful numbers and an enjoyable --JUST siF is i1)x- entertainment is promised all those TUT'LI'S, - 48 S. State St. nsusically inclined who may be pres- THE "W VRLY" WHEE ent. This musicale is given under the auspices of the Inland League xveight2', is ipou s-with ilieseher ( & tiIes-for $85.00 is the sensation of the and the price of admission will as hourS lee it ill the window of usual be ten cents. BROWN'S DRUG STORE. Laws vs. Norm al.MT 1 Y The '95 law baseball team met e nJ J. H. Kellogg, M. D., Supt. of the famousBattle Creek sanitarium, addressed a large audience of stu- dents at Newberry hall yesterday morning on the subject, "Medicine as a Profession.' Dr. Kellogg is well known both as a writer on Medical subjects and as a successful worker and his words were listened to with a mark- ed degree of attention. The service lasted from 9:15 to 1o:3o. one date. It is as follows: North- wvestern, May 5; Kenyon, May .; Illinois, May 12; D. A. C., June 16; Chicago, June 23. Stopped by Rain. Rain stopped the Cornell-Penn- sylvania game in the fourth inning Saturday, neither side having scor-' ed. Yale, Princeton and Pennsyl- vania are now neck and neck in baseball. the Normals Saturday afternoon at Ypsilanti. One inning was played and then the rain stopped the game. The laws scored 5 runs in their in- ning and the Normals were shut out. Geo. Dygert, umpire. Arraignment for Trespass. The young toughs arrested Satur- day for trespassing upon the Ath- letic field, were being tried today under a city ordinance. The DAILY will give the result of the trial to- morrow. BASE BALL GOODS Suits and Gymnasium Sup- plies. You are invited to examine stock and prices. WAHR'S UNIVERSITYBOOKSTORE STATE STREET, AlN ARBOR.