THE U. OF ME. DAILY. ,". .. f M T a R. mony in class circles. Again, at * L M I I ," hs vet ieay n rfs sional students have freely mingled LHID B N iLLUPTB Pul hed aiy(Saysle eted) drinn and the feeling o ert e elu- Dail (Os ay cptd)ofderametthey will do for ou and how to - THEU. F 19,INEPEDET ASOIATONsiveness has in a great measure been X 'a THb.O .IOPNON SOITO roken dowr.. larn them. Subscriptias price toil) per year, invariably____________ isn adtvance Singleesopies 3 eants. Suscsrip- '97's Ball Team. txsns may be leftc at the astie ae the tAIsLYT A E E EP S at hnaffiet's, with any of the editors or Manager Eaton announces the fol-TR D RE IP S authoriaed salicitors. lowing snake up for the '97~ team: are coupons issued by merchants for the pnrpose of showing the Conmmunicatians shaould reach the oaice by aon fcs rd hygtfo usrbr o h ouba tao'cloakhr.sM. ittheynare tn appear the nrxt Waterman, Coleman, Bond, Fisher, aycopinto ashtaete.e rs usrbr o h oeba slay. Address alt.amatter intended far publica- Canfield, Eaton, Maitland, andCyopda Daon ta the Managing Editar. Alt boninessTR D RE IP S comnmunicatians ehauld be seat ta the tassi- Gates. The men are practicingTR D RE lP S cesManager. daily, and hy the way they are show- cast be secured to the fnll amount of your purchases from all mer- THE U. of M. DAILY, lug up, there is no doubt that a chants ousosr list by presentinsg an Identification Card issued by us. AnnArorXih, strong team has been selected.. sihowing that you are a subscriber for tile Columbian Cyclopedia. EDITORS. Seio Lw ans.TRADE RECEIPTS. J. L. Lottr, Lit, 'i95, Managing Editar.SeirLwCns F. P. 5SniLER, Lit. 'U,.Assistant. -! do siot meats aty increase in the price of goo~ds purchased, or that E. H. XViLLais, Lit. '95, Assistatit. The nenior law class held a mseet- you sust buy any mtore than you are now buyinsg.- S.DB. bSittY, Lit. '95, Assistanit. ing after the lecture yesterday and J. A. Lcniav, Lit. '96. Athletic Editor.TR D RE IP S Wv. A. Mfoss., Lit. '9", easiness Mianger. adopted a dlais cane. lBowdiah & cotasltl ohn ettRADE rC ePTS. te toe LI~TiRAiY. LAWV. Matteson have the contract to fur- cataolieysolli xettetobeo goingtotesrs 'iC. it. Tiini. 'so.whrethy smay be obtandndmkgyorpchsste. 751.50. Cttilion,'9i. r. B itill, 1Mis. nish them at $1 .27 each. They willwhr i Hoatednduaigyothnrlisshr. M inii t. 'lii. E. L. P isis",,'<