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April 28, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-04-28

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4c. t, 1. of

, I. 1ailU.

U. of MI. vs.D. A. C. Cutcheon was appointed chairman The Junior Promenade. NOW ON SALE.
Ganie to Begin at Three With Ho- of a committee to draft a constitu- rs T Ia ~
lister in the Box-Season bioo. Runs will be taken every The Junior Promenade opened l Th U.O f A. I WA! itl
Tickets on Sale. week and road races will forni a fea- the gym. last evening with the first
By Lew H.Cem eat,0 Director of the tqa-
Tody'sgane wth he . A C.tore of the club. Another meeting class social as yet held within the ,t a Ort.Sest a.
wsl ei rmtya 'lc.xiii be held next Saturday msorning building, which alone is at present Vi f e tieet UI las ate "4AJ lZoier7-
Season tickets for four or six games to adopt a constitution and to elect big enought5 coisdt h istttititta~tiipg Eeyt
wilhonslattetcewidwofficers. The prospects for a suc- numbers who seek enjoyment at Beuiul-is'tatetitl age.Eceyapt i
befre hegane egis.Ladescessful club are very hr ightt. these entertainments. Ninety-.five ,
beforethe gme beins. Ldies " iuet the occasion in a manner worthy 4 ;'t Yb1 ra
swill he charged for the first time Senor Glass Meets, of her psast. achtievenments, and has 5t South Maie St.
Today. A .ta il ieuscored a sttccess svlich '94 wsililsvork
'rt1) .C.tatsii u t Taesentior class mset tisstornitng hard to etiul in tlteir social to be
as stated is yestertday's I). t.i . to cotnsider a class tax anti the swear- edi ie at taa sx rd
The allig oder f otr tam iii ts of a caitastd gown.It. issatde- eveinig. 'th~e programis last night
bte as follos:s enttwortht, I. f.; clued to lecy a genearal tax iof three seeiety1rtsdothrso orl
Shiedsc. ., Sielear c. ~eas(1ollars, ss'hich scould entitle to all bountd by a yellowiansitueit cord ini
b.; Spitzer, a h., Itollister, p.;tprivilegcs durinig Comnsitcenentapacuntuertil'9sam d
Mc~iettie, srit.; Waterarn, r. f.; svweck excepts the senior reception,.ngu nst rot iieawr
Iteijile, s. . T'le price of tickets to this wsatftxedtsetutsbradte xrs.Te itvmntcaltstttutwuys
Tic oftia husedaes re otat ive dollars. isatronesses were: lMesdaumes J. IB. tlan Atm A-ito'ie eitt saeei
ytstetatot 'Pentthe 'Tae cap and gowvn question svas Angell, A. A. Salatey, P. P.. B. deof f"
games swill he as follos: North-theitn brought up and reconsidered. Pot,5' C 'aulits sd .
uestern, l tay 5; Ketnyon, 'May' sb;'l'he recoissitleratiotn sas lost and it Ptteerson. Dnuring the evening MNrs.R H F
Iliniwayas u decided to adoipt the caps sub- French-'Sheldotn appeared, escorted DETROQIT - t titanisa Act.
"'---- mittedt Iy the conmmittee. 'this swill by Pres. Angeil. 'T'tere scare shout _'
A Professional Cinch.
cost ahositone dollar anti sixty sixty couittes presents. Sandicches
'There lisa has been considerable casts. It wsa decided to let easchi and lenmonade wvere served by Pres-
axcitenient in S. IL. A. circles for meniher choose his oswnniateriat for tyntan. 'Tae Chequaiegoti orchses-
the last fesw days. 'Te tickets scare a gowsn. T'his sil cost frotit fise to tra furnished the music. It scas
counted 'T'hurstlay night anti it wsat seven tdotlars. Ptae class titan ad'-inearly 2 o'clock swien the dancers
found that the ptofessional depart- tournedu to steel again isexi Sattir- sepsarated, all convinceti that the ~ E UO TRT
metsswere entitled to sevatn alec- day msorning at 9 o'clock. Watermsan gyttastii7imhepac t EsM. itHURONiilutSTs~ET. tc
tortschile the Tits had hut six. The "+~.~------- ' for class socials. utif i you stantflne sworkcgiit
ills as a consequence have been Supumre Wt+-+-tm-t--ttt
hustling ever since to get in tickets Engineering Society.FEHASRMN
and are in a fair sway to usake otpthe 'ea rts'sbalgaaa asxaaa'tQ ___ it'
deficiency. 'T'he electors are dis' and '96 resulted in an ensay victory 'Tae un-sn'erngs' cityhela
trihuted in the various departnments for, '96. RoseinhauntCondton and imorat' eeig sievetning sit 0 0 1/D
as follows: lits, 6; laws m nedics, Bourland carried oft the fielding, Mr. C. IL. Ailor, 'p enginseer atid U'--Y,-ST 48ECIVED T t
ho;r dens, . 95,sciit Moey-nd48___S.___State_____ St._
;dnszsontors for 'g phleHye ad,5lawv, reati a niost inieresting ____________________
4Il aird did gooti work for their team. and valuable paper ott '.Mechanic'sTH "W ELY W EL
Entertained by Mrs.Al. Only five innings swere plityd, the it''Tt'Eatt.'A ttt "-ttti 'caite0.V
satire being as follnwss'
Mrs. May itreticisSheldon, the hesociety then iroceeded to fi'e;-ftea 585.00 is tien' tittiti ii the

noten Afrtcan expstorer, enter-
tamned a large audience at Friez
Menmoriai hail last evening, for octr
two hours, in her charming manner
wvhich has made her famous on the
lecture platform. Sn a shsort time
Mrs. French-Sheldon expects to
naske another trip to Africa. Dur-
ing her stay in the city she has been
entertained by Mrs. J. B. Angell.
After the lecture an informal recep-
tion was given at the house of Mrs.
Palmer, corner Division and Ann
Bicycle Club Organizes.
A meeting to organize a bicycle
club was held in the law building
this morning at so o'clock. M. H.

-s---_ ----- -o i 0 ot t lowinga result:Prs' AJ I. au
tattaet-at: Hocay ant!fintiu: kOtttetit: a tnrt. . I H u
itii-tti. brichs; vice-pres., A. L. IHarris;
-- " +---- ;corres. sec., 'T. 1). MN1cCall; rec.
Hobart Guild. sec., E.. N. Baldwin; tress., L. L.
Wheeler; librarian, G. D. Newton;

At the annual meeting of the Ho-
hart Guild held on Thursday, April
26i, the following students were
elected officers for the year 1894-
95. 'ice-pres., M~iss Nina M~. Hold.
en; recording sec., Mr. Harry T.
Nightingale; corresponding sec.,
Miss Alice Mii. Pond; treasurer, Mr.
Willard H. Hutchings.
Thcenmedics did not meet to elect
S. L. A. electors this morning.
The its elected 6, the laws 5, and
the dents z.

chairmaII "Technic " hoard, H. B.
The following conmtittees were
appointed: Library comnmittee, C.
M. Eddy, '95; H. B. Keely, '96;
M. G. Barnes, '95; C. R. Beardsley,
97. Program committee, F. G.
Skinner, '95; J. F. Nickels, '95,M.
Lamont, '96; F. IS. 'Vickers, '97.
Announcement was made of the
engineers' banquet to be held in
Granger's ball Thursday evening,
May 3.

Suits and Gymnasitum Sup-
Yousara invited to eamie t octn a k atid prieas.

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