THE U. OF M. DAILY. ® - - - - - - eer ! THE CHEQUAMVEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, 51 So. MAINSTS. Director and Manager. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 20 EAST HURON STREET. Gfood Work Guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. C---3ERANGT t1i2E. Wabiogna treet. z2 V ears In the 1BuainteS.s.'' CITY LAUNDRY, M. MI. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. DANCING and DELSARTE MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTERI 46 S. State Street. MONDAY -S p. m.Adoaseed Clans Car La- die'. and Gentlemen. 15ONfDAY-7 p. an I edit.. del'. rte ca. TUESDAY-7 p. so. Gentlemiensdancing SATURDAY-10 a. as. Gentlemen's laeita classt 4 a. so. Ladles' daocing class. 2:305p. m. Children's dlancing class. 8Op. .'rivaiteadvanced clas. Private lessons. by appoistment I 0. A. TINKER, Every Novelty in season. Spring Shiapes is Straw ssst nosy in. IHigli Giratde, Moderaste Prices. No. 9 South Matu street, (Formerly Two Sams.) THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIE; CHICAGO. 106 Wabash Ave., B. F. CLARIK. Vergil, Aesi. J1:203. 4840Po'stios Fslle. 4185 Positions 1Filledirki151 SEND FOE OUR AGENCY MANUAL. Bso, Cbicago, Pornl, T0 F~ ol aopu AGENCIES: NewYork, Lios Asigeles, Torontoi. VTQ.fKLe &Gibsoij . Official Photographers- OSF TO-WIT:- te. .('IALTY. YYMI .E ( a JqGHTG AN G Time Table (Rtevised) Feb. llth, 1894. Atlantic Express. 5501 Mail & Exp.0.t50 D. & .i. Express..7 55 Clic.. Sple-. 1.703 G. R.Bass...11 05 N. S. Limited.. ..1030l laal and Ex ..418 FatiWIetn Exp. 1 5 Fast Eastn Exp.. 91110G. R. Rn... ib's..6 N. S. Limited...10131 Pacific Exprect.... 9(55 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Ags., Chicago. AgtL, Ann Arbor. Trime Table taking effect Sunday, Masieb 25 16494, Trains leave Asia Arbsor by Central Stasndard Time. NORTH. SOUTHv. 7155a.m. *iI5 . m.s 1:1G5p. s. 11:30a. to.s. 4:15 p.m. 9:00p. ni, *Trains ran between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. All train..daills exeeptSuinday. E.S. GREENWOOD, Agenit, Anin Arbor. W. H.BENETTGOP. A. Toledo. -ANN .ARBOR T]BIJ4 hjUND1RY CO. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SERYISS, - Manager. 4SEP YOUR ACCOUNT WITH THE +$TATE $AVII2G$ BAflK+ toe. Main and Wahington Streceta. A. L. NOBatE, FeeS. ROtEnaovPHIsIAieS, Cais'. CROWMPN . FOUTINADEGOLD FIRS GLSS ALORE WamtRDEs T. iodiieW tfSaeEci U. OF M. CALENDAR. jFri. eve., Apr. %5i-J uanior promenade 1,,t elsa Fri., Apr. 27 -Politisal Esquality club nicety is Newberrylhallsat 3lp.m. FPeer. Fri. Eve., Apr. 2.-Lectsure bsy MrsMtayfreintS Shseldoss at Friee Memsoriasi Sall. Sast., A1pr. 2S-Eloectisoain variouSsicapart- sentot S.L. A.clectors, at 10lSa.m Sat., Ape. I'.'.Uscf_-1. 'Varsity v. .U. AC. at Atliletis'field. Sat., Apcr. 2i.-ltusin'sLeage'misaicals' at l'ris'eeMemouriallhall,.4 p. so. Sat., Ape. ..--Seniore lit ieetisso-, coosi A, 9 Sat, Ase. u28.-T5 lassc. Noescale. at1IOpsl lanti. Sun. Ape. 2.-Dr. Kelloigiusi sit'essiedi 1 Prfessiosn," at N'vberey ail, ,15a. m Miio. sive., Apr. W.-Inlansd Leasgue. Anss Ablir has: doclub. Mist. Apsr. :15. - Prof. Tuems on sli beno "Feast ofSoblbaur" asi th e "Xirrio::e'.fi lls'lgelassd7 leoomi24_')p. isu. BUSINESS LOCALS. Get your Spring Falo at Bowdish & Matteson. Lost-Blue shirt-w.aist belt finder please leave at 63 East Ann street., It IFor fine soaps, tooth brulshes and cigars, go to tile B. & 'A. Drugstore. Mlackintoshes, sweaters and w.ide end ties at a big redulction. iowDisos & MAWrESON. For redhcead rate tickets to Ohio, West Va. and Old Va. points apply to It. S. Greesiwood, Ticket Agt., T oledo Anni Arbor & Norths Mich. Handsome P -orn Sorb as nature alone can make, are the scenic views of the old his- toric "Kanawha Valley," especially dear to many old veterans, both of the North and South, are the mem- ories of this valley, It, by the way, is traversed ito entire length by the progressive "Ohio Central" in itl route to Washington, Richmuond,1 Old Point Comfort and the Soutth-j east. Stolen. A No. 7 Cleveland bicycle No. 6749, pneumatic tires, round forks, Victor flyer saddle, taken from yes- tibule of Granger's academy about 8 p. mi., Tuesday evening. A lib- eral reward will be given for infornm- ation leading to the detection of thief or return of wheel to Ralphs Miller at physical laboratory. Free. Free. First excursiotn to D~etroit abso- lutely free of charge to every pur- chaser of clothing or furnishing goods to the anmount of $Moo or over, at the Golden Eagle Co., 90 Woodward ave., D~etroit. A general invitation is extendesd to all. N. B. MIr. A. E. Role will be at the Cook house every Truesdlay with full linie of samples of fine woolens. STRA1J kARE THE BEST. CIGARETTE SMOtERS wko are will- ing to pay a little more than. Ike price ckarged toe Ike ordinary trade Cifarettes, willhind THIS BRAND superior ta allaothers. The Richmond Straight Cut No,.1 CIGAR.TTE+S are made from Ike brightelst, most sdelicate ia lavtor, and Ihigheat coat GOLD LEAF growa so Virginia. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, and obsaeve tliC tle amelOof ike msaufactarers as k., «l is an every pactafe. T0 K&Gtk ge~ic± on~r'S CO L BANH 1lM0tusNDVIl5INIA -SIMPLE, CHEAP, AND EFFECTIVE- Endoraed lyOer 50,000 Usors From all ri-i111V il a y odinasry paster witlh allypens.C10.11sop ie l be msde. C cope of typs'ltisstlls'io iselilisleidt its 15liolsll'.. fiiendloreis'l'olirsasrsamplle e$ NS AN.cTE"SD. LAWTON & CO-t JAMES M. DA VIS. - SILL- .And iby Authority ot' thse 'ounrL IXCLLXS1VIj LRIGHT to WVorldI's Fair', botli Colsubian at Chi.'agss, sand AIMl- witer at San Fraacises. ON XVf4A T? Original Retouched Stereoscopic Viewsr Thousllandlslof ntives cc. ide by Mr.tilbsit t the N111, 'i olubianll s I.~Expsition 1,110Iem IaddseI to 011a151was alreasdy as unpiaralls'le'd 'sle'tions fssm etery counitry of list Globse, atid lie is snocw ssakissctile segalivsofsstheis'Califi M i dw int'siserIsteraLL- tionssal Expossitonssas Sass Fransciscss. '.vcfusrnishthelisnlsest stesrco'pcessmasde o1 ecesy sis el.i::sn. Asny stssetsit h en101 s's'-yciiLn 1pa'his way Ithross--h .'sllse iy sell in-- sl. xts urss- ig vacaiotS a a vetissI 111cc onsi n~t e est hedac e tli-l'f l .tes. poile is -e ll'".talorsianit fullslt i sss l i o its5, adsil s' Al ails of the folloinsfiss ,1's: CoC5 ArchllSt., Piolac,, la. 320 XV. Aisls aii 1(1111oro1t1,Can. j 1207 Doslman St., S.Louis, Mo. 59 51tit. ci ':Roa,, :e :1111 ooE .. Berlin, G~ermansy. Sysdoey, Asclesi'. City cofSlecic::. PLEASE MENTION THIS PAPER. L_______________ SPRING STYLES, QCALY, ABSOLUTELY CtOODVpF~i i oots CORRECT. 'anJ 1,5l) .8-MAIN ST.= THiIIJMIPLEX PRINrIRt AX Clt.X 1110tin1111o1r1di I n, copies ofb ritingItIl.d dtrawings-