'THE U. OF M. DAILY. __ _ w * BANDAGES5 ": id4tl aritaliniments _i lmany ohe totcacs Olkins' Pharmacy.I M The SeeC PinkC Shirt is all the go among fine Dressers. Dnr fine Line. THE OUTFITTERS, BO0WIDISH (3& A2w=r3som3' ,QIW:J & NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ___________________________________________7 AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. IR2 .A 1:1T7 7, A SO RM N2'OF_- T.1 WNNIS, BASE BALL .AND SPORTING GOODS whicl) they otter at p~rices Gunaranteced to be as Low~ as can bte Obtained Elsel-here.. .. ... T-HE ANN ARBOR ARBGUS UWINOrL'S EAHRS GEC PR I T ING anal - V1N11ILl ECES ~j~ - PUBLISHING ?Si ZD Z, ZUR -Uj-AU _.__ T-14___ 262 Wabash Avenue,.Chicago. Attiited writh thte Beactttt Teacher' Actotty. Itettac. I ii e pl~i\cs otilt ra 1to titlers. Makes a ..Ectxtiiy of ither i ottiontS,tettt St sdent Work a Specialty. eoilg1ettents to, iti itae' worls, ec . SENDa STA MP ottitCtoot. oI scant a speii acre-- :_t Vs i canted ste-t Prices inthtes City. tttfltte t its AttttAritar. SVIrtie for special terts. I TI ITA -I U. OF M. FLAGS. ii , >nA Steel]iof at Steel. Scientifically 'qmsva'T-'It 'e einstrtuction free 1,in oar EctaUlge'. SePRINGlFIELD, MASS. gA Mi l'.GOoODtt.W, Ftortst. (Grswer at Jiacero , Carnattons and Ftowers at alt cart- g. °oalatdesigns mae upon asort satice. NoeI a evatavysteet, opp. cemetery gate. STAR STEAM LAUNDRY ,HnGHtCASStWOttK. B@WDISH & HOUSE. Proprietors. ,t-V'XR 9SOUTSH STATE STRETt. Za5'5ems.Artstic Hairdresig Parlors. S IR'htairdresstng, maaaituring, ftace L e salisp treatmenet dane tn the ltt nx~I5Mse. Mrs. J. R. Trjannwattt. 30 Hi. Wash- tvv ;Stt..acer~ttattra fl op. 'THE JG-80 8_ AT?,= Ej BlB 'OT 7'A.INtSF BIf I till CT FEEDtING OF TIf tNts.Bi tttdtwith tttest qualtty sf0 Golt Pens. tf oll t at tte bt, tatskt farttePARKEF. fttsstt tedca tatlogueftee atton attptteatton.The tPaker Pen Co. Jaesvilte is.Sheehan &Co.,ExclusieAcit tsAttttAbtr CIGARS P CIGARS Winntes Ststo . -_1.1) 0 41 2c.t S. &5. Owls Ci ats iti9 54 tittleSmtttetStotgies t.2i0 t5 t3 Btattttr kigtt. t----- . DamniiStogies -__i.35 15 3 CtRoyal ttan er Cigtars 3.5 Wlite lita Sttto . --.20(15i 3 2c SttaSetteCigars-_ 34 :t Fori50. ? Httrry Ciay Ciras .;5 titttrmerrCigaros.-- *St 1) '2 3c LattiosaCitanrsa--_ 4.110t Aicanita t'itra---1.00 11 ti It'Ky WerttCigttrs-.3..5 ButllyBoy Ciars.--.'30d 7 ac C 5c tto loc tGe t0c loc. loc 44 Seath Maie Street. Ann Arbor, Mich. DEAN & COMPANY. UNIVERSITY NOTES. The classes in elocution course 2 - have completed ihe required text- Prof. Angell lectures to the laws book work, and the remainder of iomtorrow. the semester will be devoted to The '95 low baseball team xiii select readings. play the Normals at Ypsilanti, Sat- Tefeha sdclcaswl urdayafteroongive a social at Granger's ball thais To-Wit, the law annual, met with evening at 8 o'clock. A cordial in- a large sale this morning when of- itation is given to all freshaman fered to the students, literary students to attend. A fee JH., Aan 'Tassel has been ap- of twenty-five cents xiil be charged pointed general secretary of the S. at the door. C. A. for the cotming year. A h nt lbIina vn A valuable comb, foitnd in the iitrg, Rev. Chtarlesa Fiuhrer, of Grand gynmnasium after the junior hop, has iapids, xiii give a lecture upon been left in tite steward's office. "Te'The Tower of London,'illustrat- The Wonman's League will give aI ed by sixty stereoptican views. Dr. musicale at Frieze Memorial ball, Fiuhrer spoke in the Unity club Saturday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. course two years ago nipon "A Day The '9 law baseball candidates Up the Rhine." are expected to appear on the Regular meeting of tlae]Philogical campus every day f or practice, at society this Thursday evening, at 10:3o a. m. half past seven sharp, room El G. M. Fisk, lit '9i1, who has been University hail. Papers on "Order for the past year in Philadelphia, of Adjectives in the Second Philip- sailed Saturday for Europe where pie of Cicero," by Mr. Walter Den. he will pursue his studies in the nison, and "The Latin Play at German universities. Cambridge," by Professor Rolfe. Met Ctrlin-t3Silsv'e ttttnanilletitt yellots tttt Itite, -tick pin arrctch pin.tPrtce, $1t50. TRJlL ARNO~LD.I -toleY. WE ARE IN IT With a Fite Line of Impttled antd Daomestic SPRING and # + SUMMER £AUIIS FOR FASHIONABLE WEAR. Giii 14WILp5. 'TIE LEA DING TAILOR. No. 2 E. Washington St., NMIN BICYCLE! Ittitict'yottr wher' , tt)i trlpr ycttr tith ' tisoirance is. For lfutthetr partictslaco- call onE.sv. taebler Sll NV.iWasttitgtotttSt. ?Mata St. S14oEs SIRIN G STYLES NOW READY. ELEGANT ASSORTMENT. PRICES RIGilT. SEE OUR LINE OF RAZOR TOES. Goodppeed'p, 17 S. M'iAIN ST.