THE U. OF M. DAILY. - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE CHEQUAMVEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW RH CLEMENT, 51 SO.. tAiN ST. Director sod lMacarer. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 20 EAST hlURON STREET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. A.F. COVERT, Prop. 2a IYears in the Businea.'" CITY LAUNDRY, M. X. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth .Ave. DANCING and DELSARTE MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER 46 S. State Street. MONDAY -8 p. m.Advanced Caso fe La- diesacid Gentlemen. MONDAY-7 p. m.Ladies' delsasie ilass. TUESDAY--7 p. m. Gentlesieo's daiicinig class. SATURDAY-Oil a. ini. Geotlcee's ilancijag 4 D. m. Ladies' daninlaysic. 2:0111p. m. Children'. dancing lass. Private lessons liy appoiintmentL 0. A. TINKER Every Novelty in seaoon. Spring Shapes in Straw Itsonow in. highl Grade, Moderaste Piricefs. No. 9 South Main street, (Formeily Twco Sams.) THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. CHICAGO, 106 Wabas Ave., BI. F. CLARK. Tril, Aeii.1:203. 4,8011Positioiis.Filled.i 985 Posiionsiled101in 15 1 SEND FOR OUR AGENCY MANUAL. AGENCIES: lBostiin, CiAgo, Portland, M T , : 01 aopael ewYork, Los Angeles, ila o UT i Y 4 ii Official Photogriapher ()P TO-WIT: CALTY. i RIdHIGAN CN..u Visor'taleo(Rlevised)l Fob. 11ti, 1804. AtlaniceExpress. 5350 Mlail & Rxp.a.. .4 D. . 1 Epress .. 755 Cliii. Spi i.... 71105 (4. R. Exp. lil.. a10 N. S. Limited-.103 MailoanilEx}}.4..18 last EWial Nap. 1 55 Fast Easta Es xp.. 9 0(G(. H. Esx. 111.... 0 N. S. Limaited..1033 PaificOEspress... 9:5 O. W.ERaasGc, H. WHAVES, 0. P. & 'P. Agt., Chicago. Agot, Ann Arbolr. 'rime Table takingoeffetSunday. loa-I' i' 7 1ri9, Traiiis lease Aiii Arbor ky Cetial Sum dard'.iisi'. 7:150a. m. 7:1l5 a. m *1U:15 P. m. 11:30la. Ia. 4:15 P. . o 9l:1top. Ini, *Trains ran between Ania ArbioiianmiTiiledoa only, Alitrainasidiilyexeepit Soday. N. S. GREEN WOOD, Aneiit, Anii Arbor. W. H. HNNht t, . P. A.Toledo. .ANN ARBOR TJ971JA JIUDRY CO. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SEosYISS, - Manager. KEEP TOUR ACCO(JNT WITH THE +$TATE $AVIHG$ BAflK+ Car. Main and Washington Streets. A. L. NOBLE, Pees. NOnsov''ns.Liro, ('aslir. CONsPEN Ca. FOUNTAIN AND GOLD r":W MRDERTHE F ATLDE: COEIONSTrMLAS ALR WNiSLL SFrorWsOfRLatStret.' U. OF M. CALENDAR. Thurs., Apr. 26.-To-Nit:, aenior law a tul Thiurs. Era., Apr. 2.-Freshmian meiiesociiil at Granger'slhall. Thulis. evr., Apr. 25,-Pliiloliigical society' Rlioim N,7:30. Fri. eve., Apr. 21).-iuniorirominamiide at i a Fri., Apr. 27 -Palilii':iI Equalitlub11meerii ai Newbrry hl iiati3p. i. Piea. Fri.Evie., Apr. ,'7.-Leture by 11rs.May f'nah Sat., Apr. '5.-Ileciallin vi arious depart- metiis, ofS.TL.. ela'laia, Lotl0 a. Sat., Apr. 28.-. to SI.Varsilyvsc.I0. ..'ati Athletic fid. St. Apro. ?8.-Woman's Lgi~oiionsicalo iet Frie'ze Memioiria l all, 4p. m. BUSINESS LOCALS. Get your' Spring Hats at llowtlish &Matteson. For fine 00o1p0, tooth brusihes and cigars, go to the B3. & M.lDriigstore. Mackintoshes, sweaters and wide end tieo at a big retluction. ilolouiISIi 7&.MAsTiESOIN. For reidiiedi rate tiekets to O)hio, West Va. aiid Olt Va. }points apply to It. S. Greenowood, 'ticket Agt., 'l'okiloI Ann Arbor & North Micho. Handsome Picturen. Such as nature alone can nmake, are the scenic views of the old hio- tc" Kanawha Valley,"iieaperially, dear to many oltd veterana, both of the North and South, are the mems- onies of this valley. It, by the way, is traversed its entire length by the progressive "Ohio Central" in its route to Washington, Richmsond, Old Point Comfort anid the South- east. Stolen. A NO. 7 Cleveland bicycle No. 6749, pneumatic tires, rousil forks, Victor dlyer saddle, taken from yes- tibule of Granger's academy about 8 p. in., 'T'uesday evening. A lib- eral reward will be given for inform- ation leading to the detection of thief or return of wheel to Ralph Miller at physical laboratory. Notice. Important meeting of both old and new executive boards of the Oratorical association at p . in., Friday, April a7, in room 21r. Jf. W. QUolSoc, Pres. N otice, All '96 clansmen who can do any. thing on the track or field, or are willing to try, are requested to ap- pear on the Athletic Field for prac. tice between 3 and 6 p. m. daily. Ninety-six nhould have at least forty men in the track and field events. Let all come out who can possibly do so. J : LERoy, Manager. STA ARE THE BEST./ CItARETTE SMOKERS who aie will-° ing ta pap althe oure han 101te pice chargedfOar soc ordinary trade Cigareties, willfiuadTHIS BRANDI superior1001aliers. The Richmond Straight Cut No.1 cIG-AR.TErT are mode from tir brightcan, mstSdelicate in flavariadliigheshtctst GLt LEAF grawn in Virginia. BEWARE iF IMITIiNS, oanl observe tiw ii c neof s temainafaciarersas0 I. ,oW1a an every pactafe. AND EFFECTIVE. Endorsed bIj Over 50,000 Users. Friiiiiii igina15 , lcin "liy odiaiy papis ealiliany per.1111 laco' iei -alieaile. 501 'up es ofltypewirii'ite anuscrioiiptproiuiced in 15iiiiy nds'iif'oiciilacsan aiiisiiiipcor LAWTON & CO., JAMES M. DAVIS. i p ~- STO'1l., .lull .yAttlority oh tne ('ourets 1;,CI~t'.IIVE 1SlGIhT to W~orldI'etFair, boti sColumsbin at Cliios, snd MIidi- ON W$4AT? C Original Retouched Stereoscopic Views! llsailihoifiiiegaisnlaeablleuii. ilbil cii'ttheu w i',ioeereeaiasx(siilI tlis nctE sitii'niahuif01 nia FraPiiscoi. We furnishlitlitfiniest altereosco'lpesi 110110of 'every lie 'ti1111. bingva a iian avel oiyon'1i'dii i tie soeay hiilit, iiziIi'us.0oi i~ 11 1'10r''ll lii atloiuieaiud Ifull iiibii 11111liiiaddres- AtOily iof tieoll' i n;- ofiiiii 111h5 Arch St., I'llila., l'a, 320 WN. Adeolai t S., 'l'rioiiii, Can. z07 olman St., SI. Losis, Mo. ig St. Miibhiei's Road i Il lhEiiin Berlin, Geemany. Sydney, Australia. i a City af Mexut,,. PLEASE MENTION THIS PAPER. _______ HATS* SPRING STVLES, QUALITY, ABSOLUTELY (tOODSPFEfl'83 COsLDES, CORRECT. \A15-1) S. 1111A~IN S'. A. newnv lsentlinfio' dilp'iini copiesoif writinigs aond draowings'.