THE U. OF M. DATI Y. 8?. BANDAGES At 9 a. mt. Tuesday, Aril. 10, our One- 'Witch hzel, ric, liniments Half f Tie Sale commences. Everything goes, and wany othier athletic accet caries may be bought to adva \ At THE OUTFITTrERS, ta e at . Calkins Pharmacy.j \ B WDISE 8 & M-'zvzW-S T )~OQJE~EJ & WE~WMQI~2J, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. ENNISAE AL AND SPORTING GOODS Wh~ich itheye r a& t pr ices (lhitiaud t 1 o beasLow ps ail be Obtained I INewheII( . .42. . THE ANN ARBOR AR~GUS PRIN INGand A- -~PUBLISHING =EOTTS-IEL Student Work a Specialty. jert tWorkmen ad Loet s i theCity. THE COLUMBIA SStandard Bicycle of the World, eltitottie o ilttt ~ 2' t~tc iartc ~itsinl I ~lc~il t} 11!z rl 1?i ou ~ to f pid tI tatiirt E' till FJ ops&MfgCo., Boston, Now York, ~ 3 UChicago, Hartford. hcedfr icmod t raih~t utt!7 I 11 THE F EBMETTION, 14 r l l - 1, ayalte ore th auatuhe r a t e o rte o rdve ry a e Cgt ,, i.5 iu THSe RAN Canto superiFowr tofallo ari- et.Fl itorad igest odeu rst hOD nLEAF Not. Obiernamofte manoufcmteryae WINCIJELL'S TEACHERS' AGENCY 262 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. Affthfi~ttdwith th~e eact Tachct'' Agtz~y, istoit. ttill inplat. Dt liberto l ttl rs. Iidw itspe iltyof h t )rpoi to s (tt t ltit~tl~E OI-, t(' SNDSTAMP FtICIR JUL~I(. I Na pyi ors 1 A L 1~100 For 5. For-:-). ci. lo 0 r' \o. 115 Str, i( --__I 00 4 2 Prodig y Cig~ars ----I'O t 1)otiurloSt ,tiC. ___ 13 l5 oyal 3:1::r~i Li 41htioer C tre ;-- 1.0 5 = Eam Sct t '1.4-- IIt A'r 0 itiner'ig~a 1.1) y a ipaH- r r -3; :)C life 1 Oc IOC it_,,c 1o We toe U. OF M. FLAGS. 0- ; S t in- i~vev. en tnelled i o t h i . ick$150 4177.LARNVOL I), .Jurelcr. WE ARE IN IT 4 With-a Fine Line of Imported and Domestic SPRING and -- -- -SUMMER VIIIS FOR I FII( II0 1LE WEAR. No,2 E. Washington St., NER [ /t 44 South Main Street. Ann Arbor, Mich. DEAN & COMPANY.I UNIVERSITY NOTES. Prof. D)ewey did not meet his clasesTuesday. Mr. J. Z. 1%7hite, '95 medic, is very ill with typhoid fever. Prof. Taylor will not meet his class in history of political economy Friday. The Choral Uli non hewan practic- ing last night on the Latin words of Verdi's Requiem. The senior class has comipleted arra nmets for an elaborate social to be iheld in the AWatermnt gym- nadsiumf, Friday ecvening, iINay - There wji be an entertainmentc givenz at N ewberry hail this evenitg, c'ommen~fcing, at 7 o'clock. '.Niss The Glee Club Trip. s T rieue niversity Glee and Eanjo clubs left the iuay afternoon of vacation for Adrian where they were to give a concert thjat evening. 5 Owing to the shortness of time of fadvertising, tile concert wxas not as largely attended as usual, but it was p~ronlounced eceltlenit Ibyall whio reception was givenl to the, clubs b VICTOR Cyrcles Lead. Miss Grace Millard, '95,and A~\iss I S. Urancs ilct., 19-,at the home M. SlR) 0'~~e llmposjullI, 1 of the latter. Amiong those present 11 W WASHINGTON ST, Anil Arbon -were Regient William i1. (Cocker an t 7 S t The followi~ n lOrrzn;G -ICli ts Irtc( for l arshall by way of 'Cciiniseh, arriving earl-yin the The freshman medical class will The Monday Marshall Chronicle give a social at Granger's hall o (daily) in speaking of the concert Thursday evening of this week. A given, says: 'IThe University boys have been here and gone, and it is cordial invitation is given to all not too mutch to say that they left a freshman literary students to attend. pleasant impression upon -Marshall The rumor which has been in cir- people. After all we do not believe culation about the campus that the those horrid stories told of them by certain newspapers in regard to haz- college exercises would be suspended ing and other misdoings. The boys for Arbor day, April 27, is without look mischievous, but they are per- foundation. The University senate feetly harmless." last evening decided to continue The clubs will end their trip with work in all departments. perhaps one more concert at Toledo, which is to be given soon. S-1PING STYLES 0 W IyEA1) . EL1,J ANT ASSORTMENT. PRICES 1UU IT. SEE OUR LINE OF 1IAZOR TOES. Goodppeed'P3 17 S. MAIN ST.