THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMVEGON ORCHESTRA. 51 So.MAIN STe Director and EXCELSIOR L AUNDRY 0 EAST iHUROlN STREET. Good Fort Guaranterd. Goods called for and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. IAlTZM CA E atagotrert. 22 Years in' the Busiaaess.s-o0"" CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. DANCING and DELSARTE MRS, ANNIE WARD FOSTER 46 S. State Street. MONDAY -O p. Advanced Casafor La- die, and Gentlemen. MONDA.Y-7p. m.Ladies'0 l'.oiecsias. TUESDAY-7 p. ia. Gentlemern's olaociog SAT1URDAY-ill a. in. Gentlemen'osding 4nD. o. Ladiesdanciaglss. Children's danng class. 8Op. in. Prsivaadvancedcla-ss. Private lessons isy appointmest. 0. A. TINKER,- Rding Hattgy and Fnna~ Every -Novelty in season. Spring STapes in Strawvflasts now in. Higli Grade, Moderate Prices. No. 9 South Blain street, (Formerly TwooSams.) THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. CHICAGO. 106 Wabash Ave., B. F. CLARKt. Vor-il, A(: ' '"03. 4,040Posiions. Filled. 985Positions fillets itl1593. SEND FOE OUR AGENCT MANUAL. A GENCIES : Neoset, Lo Atngrles, Toro to.' EERY T0,Ft~j K V.VAOVI Incoorted. Morgn 1 Official photographersF * . .OFS To-WIT: STUDENTS' WORK A SU-E- CAIALTY. - -- - - - THE C-EO. S- P RK E R EEFOUNTLATINT'E N-I PRFECs T FIINGOF1THE iFINIT. ittedswit fieest isusiity of Gold Pteas. I1yo1 Orn the Destas)kIsortePARKER.(Ilustsatdii c slaloue fDee upon aplplication.1The Palker ien Co. Janersll e, s.Sheehanu&Co.,F'cs ivr Agents inlAnnAibor U. 01 MCALENDAR. CQLL OFPHYIIANS AND SDUEDNS 'hros., Ape-. is).-To-\Vit,senior laswo s 11555s) Corseeef fonit -cassl W estNHovsiautSa ecs, ot. sspsso:,ilsc(sell sslssslo1ty !oSssilssl. Thurs. Evs'., Also. '?6.-Frsrtaaslmedic asoil CH COA.GO, 1[TT, sto Grall e's 1hall. Thle Colleote iasllsnillsedlswitth1one.'ofsthle I~r. eve., Apr'2.6.-Junlioromenatdsoseosstos - lnest ldislsl it) the sssted ;t oslandscon- ltsinsree 'smppittlreaois o, lnter'l'15~at Fri , Apre. 'i, -Polsiticao)l Equality lusb ster- 'Theswiter ss'term so iis midd sles) 'of Solstess ss, Newbrisey hIsl))t,3Op1)t. FrePe. b(+, N41iandlens earl~ly insApril, 1895,lfollaoweds Fri. Ev., Apt% 2-7. ..eessseblsSls.MasyFre'll .tslalotorysllsllslit whc ssrt urnab rs lsOS le. ShleldonslsatlIr eioo'Mlltsrl'i511. '1)111anasl !gradedvososlsssses, with )dvs~ e,~ 0St A10. a.-Eletiss ts o varos depslolostl'and~inglfor 'rl'ss sss ins pharmacy, and 'p the ll[s'sn i 1lv l5151rasoil.v. memts, of St0. L.. A. erctse 10, llt110.Im. pto Ills ssss It I) Sled)nteteden Sal., Aps. 7s.-t.sst' SI 'Vasrily 0vs.. . C, '.ats 'hso'lielsand Laoratsoor'fssilitis 0asre tesessssvsslsll . 1.i W . 1".amrI'IY TH O 11llt sP s)llleoiRl iINTER SIMPLE, CHEAP. AND EFFECTIVE- Endeised b'! Ovs sr 50,000 IUsers. Front ano riginals.05. on0 ,ssy osljeasly who Willi ally pai,O1O0,1soi". cal be mc'ss . ' cop - of ~lo'5r550 or a-Script pr55 os) c' l i 16 in 'k-. :esssrlfosr 5c5irc ler s o) aca l o wsok .1GNTISa 50i's) Li LNWTON & CO., 21 '/so) .51f '. 10-0/ k/, lb/. I IVIJOHIGAN GENT IL Tim 11bl (op.1100) F.llth, rs9.10 AtliianicExpss.41 0 Aa Is&Exp.t...Ens8Is0 P.ositJ.Exptrets.. 7s55 Chi. S .... .70 G.SOE.... Loe.1)It 01100100 3o G. . 1'o 's. : H. W 11.11. G. P & '1. Aet.. Chsicagso. A~t. Anns Arbor. TOLEDO Tiror Tale ttIns effetsISundasy,'IlarscIs25 1-94, Trains ses'vsellAnn lsrb Isp by c 1111as St0000. d 'ltime. NOTH. SOTH *12:110p. Is. 1:0 .m 4:15p.9:1 010 1) n 'Teai115ru010tte'en Ann Arbor Iisl'l oledso only, All trais dasily exeept Sunlday R0. S. GREEN WOOD.Agrnt, AllnsArbsor. W. H.IBFNNETT, G. 1'A. isdo ANN ARBOR WPH7IJYI JUNDRY GO. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SISFs, '- 1Manager. BEEP VOiTilAC'COUNT WIrH THE +STATE $AVII2G$ B~flK+ toe. AMain and Wsington Streerta. A. L. Nso~n. iPres. R~oTPRi.iTrl, C"siste. CRaONPtNaCO. 'FOUNTAINAND GOLD e. AIWARDE R. FULD TE: FIRST GASS T AIAK~ ypLO' AR' AilsNSLrF ir S 'lftanStet BU SI NESS LOCALS. "sir floe soaps, tooth brushes and cigars, go to the I. & M.lDrugstore. Have youllbeenco tlIhall'.1050101Blii liard ll111yet. New 0c1es 111111every- tlhinie11'. State oreet. Fssr redulced rate tickets to Ohio, Wsest Vi. alIOld0stVa. Pmints apply to R. S. Greeiiwood, 'Ticket Agt., Toledo Anin Arbor &c North Mich. Handsome Pictures. Sucs as nature alone can mlake, are the scenic vicews of the old his- toric "Kanaswha Valley,'1 espccially iear to many old vetcrans, both of thec North and Souths, are the me001 orics of this valley. It, by the way, is travcrscel its entire lcngth by the progressive "ioi)b Central'' in itn rooute to Washngtonl, Richhmondr, Old P5oint GCimfort ansi thc South- east. Stolen. A No. 7 Cleveland bicycle No. 6749, pneutmatic tires, rooind forkn, Victor flyer saddle, taken from ves- tibule of Granger's academy aboot 8 p. m., 'T'oesday evening. A lib- cral reward wilh be given for inform- ation leading to the detection of thief or retorn of wheeh to Ralph H\iller at physical laboratory. Notioe. jImportant tmeeting of boils old and new executive boards of the Oratorical association at 5P.-so., Friday, April 27, in room at. J. W. (ft' AzLeFS, IPres. N otice' All '96 classmen whto can do any- thing on tile track or field, or are willing to try, are requested to ap- pear on the Athletic Field for prac- tice between 3 and 6 p. ni. daily. Ninety-nix should have at least forty men in the track and field events. Let all come out who can possibly do so. J. LuERo's, Manager. JAMES M. DAVIS_ - STIL,- Ad by Authoraity ((' the (Courts EXCI,.SI'.VE ItIGIIT tos Woarld's Fair, boath Columabiaiiaa IsOClaisosgo, anid Mid- winter af San a nc~staiss'o. Original Retouched Stereoscopic Views. ICi osl is lof Ie i , madesbIs Arep I i's Os 15 i atI 0he lWo ld', o l o imi EI tof5 soveboossI addedlool Is) seo sis to lr~sead sl511 05)5510oIs Is-s'elion000 0fr15o s'sveryscontrly t thseGlobe s d e 1 st'no0w10 issso theIlseg sst'gosof hellC-l's ifooosn isiifsissoeloosetn-ooi iooal Expsiionsatall oosrasncsiso. Ste Ossnishsr t'efinsest stereoscopes0adesofse ryst ecs') 55 00000 0. Any stutoseswithli 'reno-i'paysi55h ila til5hess ie Is so's' 15b.0 o Ise o 00010g~osd iein evacaion- 0 s ooso shave lOOJ oil inssle eo.I .l il,'