THE U. OF M. DAILY. (. offitf. aXry. Publisbed Daily (Sundays excepted) during in, (Colege tar, by THE U. Of M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION TODAY we publish a full statement of the facts in connection with the Wisconsin game. We have noth- ing further to remark, as the facts speak for themselves. Our advice to Wisconsin is that they hereafter reserve their celebrations, bonfires, etc., for victories. The fact that their own manager found it neces- sary to apologize for their unfair treatnment is sufficient comment uipoti it. TuE current number of the Re- ord should be read by every tudent who desires tot be posted in regard to the attituile of the faculty on Various matters of interest. the article oii athletics shows that te faculty intend to encourage physical training by every nieans in their powver. the announcement that they have decided to give przes an- nutaly for all arounil athletics is especially gratifying, nit retioves once for all any doub as to their position.________ THE editors of Tlo-Wit: are to be congratulated upon the artistic ap- pearance antd literary merit of their book. They have wisely excluded all grinds and witicisms nit in con- sequence have presented an annual which will be of lasting value. In founding To-Wit: the University of Michigan publishes the second law annual in the country, the ale Shingle being the other. Although grave doubtbs have been exirssed by some in regard to the exps'leny of adding another publi~aon to our already somewhat extended list, we do not believe that To-Wit: wiii seriously infinge upon the field of any other paper, catering as it does almost entirely to the law student. To these students we heartily cont- nend the book as it is indeed a most creditable effort. The University Reord. 'rhe University Record for April is now on sale. We have only space to mention the more lengthy arti- cles: "'rhe fIncrease of the Annual Fee," fully justifies the late addition made by the regents, and shows that our fees are far below those of any other university. "New M~odes of UniversityAdministration" is a sum- mary of the late trip made by some of the regerts and professors to the eastern aw schools. There is an interesting article on "The Roya , " Cmiso onScnayEua] A"tion.' Prof. A. I-. Pattengill has an tilL[M I l importaint contribution on ''Ath- letics in the University." He shows Wht te il ofryo n owtUb that the faculty have the interest of tain thenm. athletics at hseart and stales that ________ _ trey will offer prizes for general TRADE RECEIPTS. athletics next year. Professor Knowlton writes on are cotiponts issused by mterchants for the purpose of sliowinig the Eastrn aw choos. he estamosut of cash trade they get fromi subscribers for thin Columsbiana "Easern aw choos."The estCyclopedia. of the paper is taken up with a re- view of the Schoolmaster's club TRADE RECEIPTS. and reviews of the various labors- cni be securied to the full amount of your purchases ft-out all nier- tories. TIhere is also a complete chants ott our list by presenting an identification Card issued by is schedule cof the Summer school and showing.lthat you at-n a subscriber for the Columsbiau Cyclopedia. the "Latin Tests of the Roman TRADE RECEIP'TS. Lasw.'' do tiot miearnansy increase in the price of goods turchaised, or fliat Track Men Out. youtlmust buy any nmore flin you are nsow buying. Qluite a nuasber of men were out TRADE RECEIPTS. ott the field yesterday and training cost absoltitely tiotiing except the trousble of gointol the storeo is nosy to begin in earnest. The where lhey tmiy be obtaitied anid mtakinig your- purchitses theie. freshmnen are stanifesting great inter-TR D RE IP S jest in track and field work, and theTR D RE IP S other classes wiii need to look out for their lautrels. 'T'le track wiii be rolled for this afternoon and there should be at least fifty nien out for practice. M~en are needed in the field events especially as well as in the distance runs. h-osesf cxds'c' AcidIPh ontI-sf ats far as iechatits tire concernied isietuns itncreased linde foi theisr anti hattt customiers tire to share the benefits of it. TRADE RECEIPTS. wsill be ascopted by its at otie-tethlshiri face value itt full paysneuct for a set of the ('olisitbian Cyclopedia attregislat- price. TRADE RECEIPTS. wiii therefore securte foir yott absolutely free oif cost as refercince li- braury ofif32, volumties, 26, 000 pages ands l thodillutstrtionts. TRADE RECEIPTS. to the tatmtuitt of twetyf-ive dotltnts secuiredl frostsaniy or tiii of tho stores will enititle yosu to at vol utie of the Colutmsbitin Cyclopedia. Extra OlivelBitndingc. EBEIEISAZB CII HIIDfi)AI I: CU., A. W. ('OffLISS, Plisofugiaplies'. Is he os efeciveanda~ree wtEIImmI'U'I' & MI'IAEL, tUtofa It ulinerS. Is ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I tesoteeciendare BEIBA('H 1 )IIUG AND CHIEMICAL CO, able remedy in existence for J. I-'. I4OE'I~ZIjIllMeats. ANN A;ttlOi wSTEAMl LAUNDRlY. S'IAEBII" t&('0., (Groceries andtiC('ocker) prseventing indigestion,anud re- DISWMIJ~v7GA I\= lievinig tli~se diseases riuin g I fi-'oli a disordered stomachs. r. W. . Gardner, _pish Mass., says: "I valise it ax attexcellenst preventative of indigestion, andI'a pleasant acidulated dirisnk whesn property diluted with "'Takes First Placen." water, ands sweetenes."I The name stands Poe just what it is. The best Bicycle built for $125.00. Bnasebsall andctI,awii Tenniis. Spaslding'stBairsbllstud Lawrn ni od tDescriptiverpsamphlst rfree on applicastionttoliiarei is-ei exciusivsely 1 hcsssglsossthe U. S. sanss Rumford ChemicaliWorksProvidence,R.I. sisatiss 'sosn 'sat'rasdes-miarss:ixsesitsante newasre ofSitstitutesad Imitations. unrs es talsssss-rady. Senstlre ForSae y ll rugits A. G. Spalding & Bros., Fo aeb llDugss Chicago. New York. Philadelphia. STAR STEAM LAUNDRY FIRST :N ATIONAL BANK BOWDISH & HOUSE. Proprietors. OF ANN ARBIORt. OFFICE, 3t9tScUT STAT STREcET. Capitl, $3oes0. Surplussand Peotits,.$30,00i. Ladles' Atistic Hairdressing Parlors. Tranrscts a generalbsahking businss. For- eign exchatnge bought ad said. Letesr of L ADIES' hsairdrssinge, mancuriag, fare credit priocaced for trsivelers ascend. sail teals treatmenat doner isthseolatetP. BAsIl, Pres. a.W. CLARRKcSON, Csshter. fsashison. Mrs. J. Itr.'rroi~anassu, 301E.a.xshsi- ington St., aver barber shop. Ann ArorSavng B nk School of Dancing. Ground Fhoor. Ann Arbor lSh apiangvsBases MAYNARD STREET. An Ab rpuich. RatlSok5000 Orgsaned under taoOenseral Bansking ILaws Uii of this State. nReceives deposits, buys and lfII11 sells exchatige on the. principal cities of the ttnited States. Drafts cashed anon proper identification. OSfey deposit bases to rent. Cano be rcented fatrl'tivateFPartesBReep- OrrICERS: Christia Muaclk, Pres.; W. D. tios, Blaquet-,etc. Nost.apouslichalltl Hacclman Vise Preas.;Chass. E. His-oc-k, Cs- Strangers maste be introduced. Residene shier'-t. A. FritztAAst. Cashier. and otfice at Acadey.r PALACE + BARBER + SHOP Q Aid 1Bath Rosiss-, W. II. OWE.N, lussis- NO. 4 East Huron tSt. Oppsite Courit blsss.Hsssolssasi Sa iSilt Bathst. Psc- eai LOWEfR, f 72lWQ I USINESS ItieLEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS and SHORTHAND. Magnificentssussisdingissee tees;largcc etace; gososldisilinsus iper- iorwork;c wielltsuppliedt reastingsroossssailss cur Saurayeais eeegreestiss; openstuesetreyear ul pio tfacsiities fsr piuscingso usirns in t i- Liinsg exenrsts $2toss$2.75 pls eekein private famiis. Fac Nee laaluad dss P. R. CLEARY, PatS. fheititnh s' SanJd rhairf' 3auh Capital,&,(X)0 (Suribplus aild Profitost7y)v. Dtoes a general banking business. Pays later- assto Svin Derposits. lsafOsety D~epos Boxes eor rent. R. KEMPF, Pres. F.MR. MELOER, Cashiler. BankhosenOStrdaty evening.