VOL.TV- o. 15. NIV RSIT OF MICIGAN WE NES AY, PRI 25 189. PICE THRE CNTS VOL. IV.-No. 145. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1894. PRICE, THREE (TENTS. Its wii tor pal prc lily an( xin uni fea she cia bir lox the li ske fol del Pr( Th 11i C. aix+ U r Jos Il lFa( THE SENIOR LAW ANNUAL. Court." A fnii page cxii of the CLEARLY OUR GAME. NOW ON SALE. court is giveni. TeFcsAotMnasGm. Initial Number Will Be Out To- TRobertts.Abiuahanngives aa-Wisconsin'sTIdea of Tbi') Morrow, and It is Welt Worth 2oetE iaa ie WsosnsIe fUReading. History of the Class of '94." Fairness, yLwH lmn.Drco fteChqa figter articles are: i"ALaxw Stu- ignOceta To-Wsit:, the senior law annual, dent'x Dream,'' by Victor H. Ringer Wisconsin's claim of M~oiiday's 1' ePettiest i~cltz xinex ' Aqf Iiedx,"- ich wax founded by the class of and a poeni and class song by W.r game and her celebration xvere acuiox2." t, nd ppers or hedcx tie H Kik.rather preniature. The factx in the ixeaxi (iyii ixxxxateli title hake:. Retry xxx- matter are as follows: xietIxl xiixxuxx a copy. aorrow, is a neat octavo of 2,,6 The rest of the hook is taken up Our team nisxxed the mxirnlng get. The cover, xwhich isi of with claxx recordx, and lixtx aind cutxstrin or 'tadxonandarriedCher ith of a straxv color. hat enxboxxed of varioux organizations. The book at 2:20. Havingx beet infornied byS mt Mi t ,o it in ilver letteriiig, "'To-l ll: xil be onxsale totmorroxv morning at the paxxeiiger agn0 htthyms 1U. of M., Departmenxt of tLaw."' the laxbxiinxg. 'he book ix dedicated mxosti p leave the groundsx at :}:50 xharp, I I they weitst traigttolx the grounds xpriately to Clhrixianx. lxBuhl, nixvaleolton. wthouxttlininer,xo ax to hxave tinte o lately left $10,000 to the law for a fulx axie if lioxsible. W~ixcon- rary. Th'le frontixixiece ix a steel iDaisiel Hf. Wixigert, '91 laxv,tiled tin first thotwed tier hxoxpitality anti graving of TixoxmaxsiM. Cooley, of typhoid fever at the U.niverstty love of fair treatnient by refitniig to d is followed by an exceptionally hoxiiital Mtonday evening. Hit alloxw two umpires, refusing the ecuoftebadoedtr. dahwax arat upie otewihinyou want thxe Lsxxtte~xxliexiStylex cutofthebord f diors dath gratturirte o1 heguarantee unless site could hate a otf $,3,$4 cor $ hoxes it ;ill tot ia pfLililes, After a list of resident gradxuatej law departmxent, xwhere his pileaxant, tingle umpire of her owvn. Afxull aind hnn AbrpiesndfrCtl- o dents, is given one of the niost genial nianner had won him hoxts of fair agreement wax entered ixito to ique aind at the sanie time useful friendx. The entire senior laxv clans play until 4.50, whein our leans ti-d ltures of the book. This is a and law faculty acconipaniedi the re- to leave, and thxe game began. tiot. 183-ta5NVxOxiSWxAve N., ort history of cacti member of the mainx to the depot where they were At the end of the seventh inning, DEI ''OI"I, - MICHIGAN. xx, which includes tilt place of tent to Hagerstown, M~d., lilt honie, the score stood 9-S in our favor, ~a~om th, permsanent residence, hoinors in charge of his brother. The fol- soniewhat loose playing having al- college, antdixossible place of lotwing resolutions were hatted: lowxed Wisconsin to creeii xxi on .us ictice after gradxuation. Thxenifol- Wtx'ia ,tx, It lxaixSeemxedxisxxexvto lxtelxi he xxisx tx ,varioust statistict of iterest to reovesxaixelHser igev111r x xxv.6ax taxiaomgerC ivl tti claxx, axidiaalisi 01 tixe lxxvlac- orxdtill be iti erdXxxtfiiixcito cdote the gamxe, bxxt tWisconinx SR~;e lr If:.xxlxx l,i Txti xxvtixe nxixtxexs ofxHi Mrref.xtAV. ixe gx.xvxisteopixxitor, tNext are givenxxshort biographical tlle senixxr lawixclass iii the lxxix cxiiixvas conitinuedi. In thle xoxpe 'hat lixixifl'11ou xwinxt biie xvenlc give ste, wilthx full piage cuts oftxe £iiiuiiregxvxglii t the nixg oxx etil yd(ltb-iixiIhl. xli .xeratllolss, extenxdltlo lilt te-foe isninwsaled FEHASRMN lowixig: Presidexit J amxes it. Aix- rIxtfaxivirsettiixrxlt.oe 4:50,Wicexxs-salwd FEHASRMN 11, Dlean Jeronme C. Kntowlitoxn, I lily lxx fhis. their greait alllietixsxi: tie it 1to 0olin at bat. Shxe scored thfree-°' oft. Levi T. Griffinx, Bradley Xt. furxther ruxis, iow-ever, before the cexxi if the 5'> . oxpson, Floyud i. Atechenm, Otto fx 1lCSx i,That xce escort the nr-xmaixns first hlfiiat 4:50. (Oir amnx xas ixoxw t eQ' iOQOI.A rchnvr, Alexis C. Axiell, Tihomas litx iiii s5ltix etlxxxa oiple ottnyfntx ai 1 iilr.xnxx- ouiir friexxsipxi id xxiixprex ciaxtionx of cxex thxexialmiost mxissinxxxit. 't'U'1"' ' .s, - 48 S. State t. Truebloodi C. F. Johxixoxiaxidixrlxiltllcisxite ut aerd State seSxxprexxx C o intJudge IvIL.x(l "i. I ri, tciainx tixe core xxitixe crioxteexihy l txxi xxxlxx~lxxxI .l xxn t4'. C laxxilixi, axixibaiixan Ixiiixiti (xi Ai-iimx_ . ixig, bixt claxims 9--0, because oxiu, -le5 0 -I:(x1: x ceph 11.\Vaxice. <(xxliniiiittc trei lvii the fildxibefxxre xlivgamieI xl.xx Iiexxxxxl slorier. At there xvwaaie liimit Folloxw 1 ingacit of tile Qi xxl: -RV 'SD U 0-11E ~xl~ xxtx fxi xx S. L. A. Meets SatUediay, xvi, the score of coixrse goexslbaik cBR.O isaN'itoDRUG STORE.w c -- xxx .io1a11ful tixuxber o01niixxixgs fox xchi -txxexlt by juxdge Cooley, its oxrli; xexbn l h 11ilit hv eliig11 lxxe01 l h rvisn~ l meximbrr. The vaixlue xoj cixnt xsoiaixsxicoxt i re xxi 9--8 iiatlixeI eni ofithe thilt skech canniot be oven-estix-I their rrespective deplartmentxs oxiSatxit miated. unlay mninxg, at so a. i., for the3 Bietiveexithit article xixd a short chxoosixig of electort, vwhio xviii1ixiet biographxy of judge Cooley by Pres- for the annxual election of officers ident Angell is a very good cut of twxo xveeks hater. Dexital xtuihexts the present law buildixig. Piresidenit! will nieetlxn thxe dental anmphitheva-. Angell's article is folloxved by oxie! try xin charge of IV. C. Mc-Kinney; of Dan nowtons o "Crisianlaw studexnts in the law lecture room of Dan nowtons o "Crisianin charge of J. W. Powers; xmidics H. Buhl" which is accompanied by in the lower lecture room, it. it. a full page cut of the latter. Prof. Whitten, chairman; and its in room 13. M. Thompson adds "iA Post- A, W. WV. Wedenieyer, presiding. crip" i whih h gies sme eryAll hxolders of tickets will hand crit" n wichhe ive soe vrythem in to some board member be- good advice to young lawyers. Prof. fore the meeting. The DAxILv wilt Mfchem contributes a short but in- piublish tomorrow the salient feat- teresting article on "The Practice urea of the S. L. A. constitution. instructor Receives a Call. _r. Ponmeroy L~xac,xvhxo has beexinsxitructor ix mxathemxatics in the Uxilversity since thie second seniexter of last year, has received a call to the chair of nmathematics in the University of the City of jNew York, at a salary of $a,ooo. lie has accepted, and will enter upon his duties next fall. Mr. L~a in n8go received the degree of B. S. frons this University. Mr. La Due considers his call as very sat- isfactory. Judging frons his record here as student and instructor, he will prove a valuable acquisition. f - --"-fr BASE BAL GOODS Suits anid Gymisnasim Sup- Youar iited xaxmx i eock xaxnxsprices. UNVIVERSITY BOOKS-1'ORE STATE STREST, ANN ARBOR.