THE U. OF M. DAILY.. 8. BANDAGESAt c a. mi. Tuesday, April 10, our One- ~4 Witch lit tel aioua liniments Half Of Tie Sale commences. Everything noes, s andset I my otbler athletic acces- sories ma iy be bouight to advait- At THE OUTFITTERS, LCalkiins' Pharmacy. ;R BOWIDISE 8ZM& WV'SOZT_ 00QoiO~o (& WM NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 7 AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. ____I.~V~ A. FUZZ _Z% C-lTTO lE=N.1' ENIS,3BA SE1 a BA LL AIND SPO 0RT'I N G GOO D S Which thfley offer at Isri ce5 (G t srtsssecd to ic ,s low as is ( IIIe 014, isied I ;shere . ..... .. .. .ain Arbor Sayings Bank. WINCHELL'S TEACHERS' AGENCY - U. OF M. FLAGS. .krto-Nie s Ch. (snit l ock,$,0 -_ unuldtdrithe GenueralI iloucin inLas 7-A- 'la _TZ=_11_7-7- Serlingi Silver, enmelled in a tis Stile, lereiven depoits, tays and p yelow aad hiss, stick pn ubexuchange onP the itinil citisof the 2612 Wabash Avenue, Chicag o. Alli ltd w~ith t leacnPear hers' A ,,(])(y, linnin >. Cor cach in.l Price, $1till United States. lDrafts canhed upnpromer sI u n e 'il plat). ioti te ra n- lo rcnl ern. 51;l~c vs-j ielie-of liighee en-loIin. slecture d£sj~tittion. Safety depni o ict storent. p a insntniiitrt W1i, c IA% Etint ti STAMP srtiCUi Ao-.I Wanmt a peialc ms - V .A1N 1 ) Jnl (_rrs~icmts: Christian TMack, tees.; W. D" pintnt sin A hrbr. Write tor special trs, 'E RN Lnt+'lr tdnrrsman, Yice Preen.; (has. E. Hineok, Cs-___________________________________ .hi e 31iJ.trite Astiashier.4 THiE ANN ARBOR ARGUS CI GAR S w CIGARIS WE ARE IN IT JEINTING and NN __________________________________ 'itl ne trLise of Imsportcd sod ~,rPUBLISHING ' 5 at10u1Or in cEach. Doesisc I OTrEI __05ig 50 )C u tails FAhR5 Student Work a Specialty. oaab uge l1a1 2' oal 3rnnr srs3 iee UMER RD test Wourkmeinet td Lutes-s Prs i5 the ttf . o 5.Har Ct ters .3.5 1 " Charmner tigurn .901 1. leLa ~oa a r s-----t.t lie F R tASHtIONABLE W5EAR. Buslty tlt 5 arn -_5:3o ____ ___ ¢4SuhMain Street. EN&C MA Y. G 4 WL3 Ann Arbor, Mich- E N&CM A Y .1rW1LP kti~flt uon A teedofidE LEA DING TAILOiR, UNtVERSITY NOTES. M.Dw ntuco nhsoy Hno.SleI. - Xr w ntolti hsoy o2EWsigo tNEAR ihoaunul oli:wllmk a recovered from his recent illness N.E ahntnS, MAIN. io lpawraeusday.oWi:stloaeantI will takce charge of his classes. Diolil euehs oki r. Chas. IB. Nancrede specnt partpoicaoooty of the vacations in Cincinnati. poiiclecnmyt Ir.WalterMaalatsoen.If The Wayne County Legal Newvs, , pl ~~~is sick at tlty University hiositial ssdwhichn S. XV. Curtiss, formterl1y Rbsns aae fteDi 1 is /\ _____________ wllstypsoi feer.hiuiness nmanagerofmte itslfrst p- Dr. A. Payne, '9 5, located at IEasthsnsssaarndoisfstl- Lake, lllichigan, has estabtlised a licarance, Saturday, in Detroit. -- tory lucrative practice at that place. Dr. Hlerdnian has been to PTrash- VICTORCce Lad Messrs. Mharshtall, W6ykofd and ington, D. C., during thse sacation RCce ed w.Rn, eht Ftit- ii i it lernuson, U. of M. engineering attending to husi ness cotnnected with tilIsain ~ste ls tt i-l Sueror al'tii r tnpocl x h le h111cr-t.rteui oieyo Stoelsten's Cycle. E1lsportiis, qr~raluni, re mplyed y te D- th Flctr-theapeticsocity f 1 W. WASHINGTON ST. Ann Arbor. troll electrical commissioit. Amnerica of sthicht It is presidot. A Junior Paromsenadcestill ho boldI Walter J. Cahill, '96, has revelsv- Friday etening intshie nita appointmnit, and passed t 1neES -iie licy cle instrunctiona free i«o our catalogue. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Ladies' Artistic Hairdressing Parlors. I 'ADIES' hairdressing, manicuring, face -~and scalp treatment dane in thse tatest ashien. Mra. 3. It. Trojanowskt, 30 E. Was-= . nason St., over baber shop. 'rickets are ons sale today. 'rTe act- -ntrance enaninations tor snout mtission charged will he one dollar. Point, aind left the Unitersity this A party of senior mechanical ett-'imluming for his home in Chicago. gineers, consisting of Mcssrs.Wcare, After niaking a visit to the Midwin. Conant, Starrett, Chickering, Smith 11cr fair, hc wilt enter the National and Adler, assisted in a forty-eight Military academy. hour test of the elevator plant of tse Thte senior class vote for cap and Auditorium building, Chicago, dur- gown resulted in favor of wearing tug thte recess. them, commencing May 14, by a Mr. D. H. Wingert, '94 law, died vote of 96 out of t82 voting. Since at the hospital of typhoid fever the oxriginat vote, over a hundred early this morning. His body was metmbers of the class have signed escorted to the depot by the law in favor of wearing them. The students this morning. Resolutions sanmples have arrived and will be passed by the class will be pub- exhibited at a class meeting to be lished in tomorrow's DAILY. I held soon. SPRIING STYLES NOW READY. ELEGANT ASSORTMENT. PRICES RIGHT. SEE OUR LINE OF RAZOR TOES. Goodppeedl', 17 S. MAIN ST.