THE U. Or' M. DAILY. _____ ANt) HER FURNACL M .U0 1 rtnlo . Lleni i sn t~e he ha t s' 1 @nl's' KlonsE Slippers in all thiE 1atsst otyiEs. ALt icssADA,,GA.Calkins' Pharmacy AT THE ~ wih& M teo 2$ TT ~ 34 S0a. IlA3E SIRLI OUTFITES jcJ h ateo D2$ TAE$: !-\I[ocx1ER IE a& W WJ rr1\/-A0RoL,7 NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. IHave a hull Assortment of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all his of STI)EN.TS' SUPPLIES, which they offer' at tihe Lowest Prices. TH 'is ,siAlDIiSCOUlNTS GIVtEN TO TL DENTS. SECOND IIANDJ 1BOOiKS LiOUGH1110i 1,' LCIINtl 0. CARETS SJSKG IAJVNSJD lIT TISUSI M=ST SJTYZLTEJS JAY C. TAYLOR,1 6111U °T HE VOICL VOCAL STUDIO, 51 S. MAIN ST. 0, K. BARBER SHOP. J n connection: Fiee Showe aeths,55tieo stpo- cloints t. is bathsfor $5.00. Ladies' Ha1r' Djitee-P arlor utirs o". J. It. TimatANOWSti, ii S. ttashin ton St. P 110NZ OwFN'Sd II''t lSHt1'. SNo a'st I Isrnn Steet. UNIVERSITY NOTES. liss Sadic 11. Alley, '94 lit, is ts'.cniug in Kewaunsee, W1it. Ms Agnes-Masone, whlo el trad wit '96, 1has returnead to 'tllegL. Ten coat iserie seets ons Iar- varl's foodbaill leld, Titursdlay, coathing ltha leanm. F'rank V. Sloseley, last year tll '95, is instrutor in biology in tlse; U'niversity of Colorado. :lits Maude A.IBarrett, A. L'. '93, is teachsing Latin and French in tise MIt. Clements high school. The freshmaen will elect officers next Saturday. The meeting is railed for so a. in. in Rootn A. Miss NM. Luella Dennman is a metmber of thse facttlty of Wesleyan University, at Bloomsington, Ill. Mlits Estelle Field, last year with S Ij, is teaching Greek and Lathsnits L«,a Benton Iharbor Ihigh school. lDr. 0. Laurent, physician to tlse St. jean Hlospital, at Pruxelles, tBelgiuns, is the guest of Dr. Marlin. Sitss Mamie L. Cady, with '9 last year, has a position in the Milan Il-ugh School, as assistant principal. All '97 football players are re- quested to he on the campus every afternoon at four o'clock, for prac- tice. tDr. A. S. Wheelock, '88, and Dr. Cifford, '89, of Manistique, have been visiting the hospital for the, past two days. iiai Burset Laps t celPadSMllrLamp, N. ,cce Ni telcilPlited Rol a mpttet, No.. 0, reter Nickel IPtated Roesttrs Lamtp, No. 2, seter drt,'t. sc. edraft, $3.25. ice Pllt- ~atedt Yale Lans, Ixo. 1, entter NicktiatPlat'l edeaanStent LtamitEm- dinft, 51. mss, sa2.5 N intel lated 'tale Lampt, Na. 2 center Nickel elated Germsss Student Lsntp, P'er- Nicake lated Jttno aLnntp.No,. centr NiceetPlated Gertman Studet'sL amp, Pets- d raft, 11.75.ces-a, $3.50. NsndlL imps'Backtel Lamp,,tibrary Lam,ns atsseit IamtpePiano Lamps. Niew tylt1 aind tct lotsver prs.'sathaallast set.".It. Estttine ostoottk Sette tonin, and-', e motey. 41 South Main Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. DEAN & COMPANY. I Slits Lennette G. Stillimne, A. It., '93,isthtis year lady principial of Southi Dakota Utniversity, at Vcr- milliotn, So. Dlak. lrot. Lsvell ota U'rinlay fittisited tis coutrse of lectures witll a lost msortem lit the msedical bitilditng, andl tail for Chicago tit evening. The ansnouccment of subjects of sermnts for lte seeral Sttnday clhurchs services is posted in Nest- berry I-ail the week Ipreviouts to their delivery. Reserved seals, good for thse ets- tire season, will be placed on sale jWednesday mornsing by thse S. L. A. Fifty cents extra wtill be chsarged for these seats. Seals may be reserved at Mtoore &\Wetmore's lowtn towvn store, or in Room 2, South Wing, Univ'ersity Hall. L. P. Jocelyns will appear before the Athletic Bloardth lis evening for lthe purpose of presentinsg the views and recommendations of thse tennis meeting that teas held a short linac ago. Illis expected that tite board will look favorably upon the requests of the tennis players. Harry D. Jewvell, register of pro- bate for Kent county, was admitted to practice in the United States Su- preme court at Washington, yester- day. Mr. Jewell is the youngest member of that distinguished and exclusive bar in the country. He is a bright fellow and merits the dis- tinctions he has hewed out for him- self.-Grand Rapids Herald. President Ladd's Address. An audience of fair sire yester- day mnting listetnedl to the opals- itng address of SMr. Laddt, tetest iresident of thse S. U. A. After dwvelling uspon thse recent expiansiatn in the stont of the Associatiosn, so tat it htas become a vital part of university life, lie proceeded to a statentent of plaits and prospects for the coming year. Illis proposed to, renmedy thse financial embarrassmtent always experienced early in thse year by requiring payment of dues before the first of Novemsber, a not un- reasonable demand. A tlan for so- dials was outlined. Thse reception to married students next Friday will be the first of this series, to be fol- loweed by a number of socials to those of different departments and slates, calculated to reach every student in the University. An at lractive course of lectures statspro- mtised for later in the year, and the expected meetings under the charge of B. Fay Mills wvere nmentioned. M~r. ILadd believed that the outlook for the association was more pronm- ising than ever before. During President Dwight's ad- ministration of seven years, $4,000,- 000 has been given to Yale. Only twelve hours a week are re- quired at Harvard and the faculty discourages those who try to take more. l~~~'',,,~t',iIoa., t Z-.,,aate c2 to :Ii~ naetoehi, e eta'-" tat ti's ti..tli it tdaaorowent:ofat et, iopp. I..... ilin AZRJSOLTOT 1 'd- I.Flag1Pin.'- Din. e 'a' iii,'. itt-e. fWM. A RNOL, Jewveler. fTLOWVEfOS f{. OVVI R n FoR UNRY1,11 5. AN tit.RY At'. C'ap tool'lhlfI)'t d,. lc iii cj tl f i ifi t id7,00 lioe a g etetal h~ a' ln.tta'nc's Pay- inter-'oe t-es IZ. l'tc1PFle's. 5' H.5 lttSER tt. .'tier. I( O 9 1---Vt STAO ARE THE BEST. CIGARETTE SMOKERS wto are aill- lig to payp a little mere thanthie prtice chtarged foerthe eedinary trade Cigarette-s, wit idTaS'HIS BRAND ssperior to alothers. The Richmond Straight Cut No, I CIGAR.TTES are made feonmte beigihtest, most delicate inflavor, and tighiest teal GOLD LEAF gronn V 'irginai. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, antiobitere tat tenamne eofthe iianusaturscas telttweis n sevecypackage. p LBANCH Ret1nsNV1Zm1N The Leading -4 TA1 LOR. Haos ihe lewest Fdll anin siter Wooens asnd largest clock in she city. Yen cane get anys seleetinounare taoking fur. COME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington St., near Main