THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMVEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW A. CLEMENT, 51 SO. MAINn ST. Director and Manager. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY ;0 EAST HURON STREET. Good Work Goaranteed. Goods called tar and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. HANTSF 1,IE Wahigtn treet. zz rears iii the IBust iess.m2-_ CITY LAUNDRY, M1. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. DANCING and DELSARTE MRSe ANNIE WARD FOSTER 4658 State Street. MONDAYT-8 p.m. Advanced Clanstr ar- die, and Gentlenmen. MONDAY-7 e.on.Latie.' delarte(lass. TUESDAY-7 p. m. Gentleime'dancinog SATURDAY-10 . m. IGentlemen'stdancing 4Do. am.Ladle.'tdattingclots.. 2:30p. m. Childrensdanciniglatss. 8tt..Iri ate advancedlclass. Private lettons by appointmenot. HOD3GMAN'S ]XACKINTOSHES ra~~ Frotm $16.50 ni) to $25.00 at 0. A. TINKER'S, -so No. 9 South Main street, (FornierlyT'o Sats.) THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. CHICAGO, 106 Wabash Ave., B. F. CLARK. Verril, Atc;' r20. d,540 Pos.itions. Ftlled.l <'105 Potitions I'tiled i n t93 SNFOOUAGENCY tMANUAL.}c10 + ltoton, 'ENDaFOORPortitni AU E+NCIES: Net ortlo, LtoAttgeles, Toroatt of AEI ,M Icrred. Offii -ARTH-- OfiilPhotographer s srJErOT©-wOTIT: SE ('IALTY. i WH'lE aGEO. SS ~A.ERK E lE FOUNT.A.INT KELN_ P'ERiFECT FEEDINGOFISPTIlE INK Fttiedwtth fitnest iuality of GotdtPtnt. Itf itoinvt the hest,ask for the PARKER.,Illusantnetcatalttgue fDee oponapplteniton. TheIParker Yot Cot., Jitnesville, Wis. Sheehan & Co, Excltusive Agentts inti orbAr, Notice. The next smeetintg of the Political Equtality Chit itlviihe heltd at New- berry Fall, Friday, April 27, at 3 D. m. Allsaenv~tited. MICHIGAN CENTLn L TimeTbe '1 (R1vied)hlFeti. It, Sli. Atllaetic Exprerts. 5250tt Itili& Exp......8,0 D. S- .t. Express.. 155 (hic.. Sit.'.... 705 0. 1. E. It.... ill15 N. S. Litoitetd. lt.103 Maltanod Colt. dl4 is'tiPWes't'n Expt.1225 Faist Rat'oExit. t9ttt i,. R. IEn... 60 N. S. Limited...itt0 3tPaifi'cExpres....9 55 U. W.RUGGnLS, IH. W. HAYES, 0. P. & I. Agt.. hilcooti. Agot.. Aim Arttor. Time Tattle tkitngetrect Sttidtty, M1aitchI 25 I Id, Traiin cave AnnitArbtto y cetatl Standalrdime. :15a . '7: 111a. rn. *Train ronteen Ann Arborthet~t Toletdt only. All train'. dtilr exeept Suntdaty. Rt. S. O;REENWOtID, Acent,.Aiti Artbttr. Wv. H. BENNETT, 0. P. A. Titirti. -ANN ARBOR PH)IJA Jsj1UND1 Y (C0. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SERVISS, - Mana~ger. KEEP TOUR ACCOTTNT WVITH TRE +$TATC $AVI12G$ BAflK+ so. Main anod Washngton Strets.a A. C. Nitnin toes: ROBE tiPHL iiio v I it CROWaNPEN Ca. eONTsAIsNAD GO on TATE Sgnno,, PEaN MAKRS.C aHIWAG.R.F L E: FIARSTD SSTHEALOR,' WCOiNCSNTr E' st rWxtoDSASRee U. OF M. CALENDAR. ported that as far as ho knew the Thrs, pr 2.To\Vt: snirla nov i lwfaculty was lot favor of thse ,. 'rit.,At.21 oIlt rtteli ttitt change. Instruction twas then given Tiue'. eve.. Ape..3ti.-Organtirecitail at Freet to Dean Knowlton to have preptared I'. pr, ,?6.-.tutniotrtprhotenadte ;11 ."31 a programt of studies for the thsree ttn I. years cotirse, withs an esticiate of I? 1M C9R5i Atet. .i H eld.t i A .ttttte financial assislance wvhich twould Frei , Atir. 27 -tIolitWl ettt t v.tllyrtiltmeets be retluired. 50M AR HEBET Nt~t~ttte~ tttt tI5 t iiThet. 'i o irf Spitzley bros., atlDe- CIGARETTE SMOKERSIwotell iowitl - + - ^ iog to paya littte tore ttha the pric Regents Moot. trolt, for contpleting the wootdwork caedinnefoe the ordinrytratte Cigarettes, of tli" ntoe-roomis of titegynsu willitind THIS BRAND supeetor to all othets. Thle regttlar tmonthsly tteeting of S 2f,C> , ,), a eoregymRegetll T heRihmond Straight CutN. reporteddofbygenFegetttel The-Ri Ut No. I Shehoad o Reeits ina hed Wd-Fletcher, wvas acceitteol, andtih~e C1 A.ETE nedy tprl th. Thse teeting arermode frthtt ritgthtest, mtost deicate nedy Arlcontract xvas given themt. T'he itt savoe, totd highest costl GILD LEAF was called to order at ten o'clock, rosaetbefnhdfrte n grson in virgiti. roomsnarstoalbeerisCteckfor teooen- BEWIRE SF IMITATIONS, atd otserve Reens abe, oce, oofor reception at contmencementthait te nms otie mtaufatutrers a Kiefer and Fletcher being present. time. Regent Fletcher alto tmoved' belowo is on every lick'ge liresidlent Anigell statedl that hsexvas thmat bids be advertised for, in order T"+, tK, 4EIA "'0aACtc to possession of thte repSorts of thme to estinmate te cost of a cetntral A >ANCH 'Q, 0,iftiASIVIfG5RivA hseads of tdepartmsents, which hsad heating and electric lighting plant, j t ij) 1 - [1If benasei o b is oai, nIfor all the buildings on the campuits. II N 'I EAR~~tIIf they were filed for future reference. Tis motion seas unaninmoutsly car-AttOit5 dlrtpluii Sanitel A. Miatthexxs was appsointed rneil.nwin~iiol o upiai as assistant professor of ruateria copietot if Nxxitnt sttd drawings. metdica, So take the place of Archti- BUSINESS LOCALS. bald Mlirbead, weho resigned on ac- Fofnesatohbrslsad Frfn'optohbuhsadcount of sickness. 'The regents cigars, go to thte I}. &MA. Drugstore. nois formally accep~ted a collection ii~ym IPlStIa~oxodx]t of z'oological spsecimens fronm the liaird litill yet. .Nesw dites ttand.5 every- __ ~iJIH Phlillipine Islands, nmade by Prof. tiliniic1e.0 State street.- Steere in 1883, and tendered their For reduteed cafe ticeto to Ohito, SIMPLE, CHME AP, Shnsfrth ae est Va. and Old Va. points aipply to AND EFFECTIVE. thans fr te sme. If. S. Greenood, Tieket Agt.,'1'oledo Is place of Dr. J. A. Lenfesty, AnnhlAtrbor & Nortb Mich. EnlIoti Ifbyotier 60,000 1.1e011 hlouoe physician of the Ifomeopathic wti i.ith n eW i s ran e-11-ivitt hospital, lDr. George F lrk o- Handsome Pictures. ctilts ypt . .tt t tte.rit podcei Such as nature alone can titake i i' ih e: is itioitt~o Sls sssat ote house sur- are the scenic views of the old htis_, LAWTO~iN 1C0. geon, was appointed. Salary $3-o tonec 'Kanawha Valley," especially, A>' per year. dear to many old veterans, both of - Upon recomomendation of Presi- the North and Soulth, are tlte mem- jIdIl~i )". t 'lo1stc. Grower nit dent Angell, the rerquest of Dean oe{f hsvaly Ib tew y 1 4 h'i'ttt ..,ttitt timae uphtonhorttotitot is traversed its entire length by the Nt, Io.t0,5aovitt ti. 'e .oIp. Cenmetery egate- Vaughan for She establishment of a prgesv.Oi ela"i t preparatory course for the niedical route to Washington, Richmnond, I8 AR ' T MX LAUIDRY departnment, was laid over utntil the O~ld Poit Conifort and the South- t IGtHtCIitittititti next mseeting, after beisg discussed east. BOWDIS _ iG & HOUSE, P1<1T; .rop..reo 10 executive session. The htomeo- pathic dlepartmsent msade several re- (uests for improvements for their equtipsment, which were laid ttpon the table until the nest meeting. They alto asked that their Is pital' be kept open during the sunmmer tMILLER nmonthn, and this was granted, after IIfS' IES a thorough discussion in executive 1G10100i. 1 UALITY, If In regard to the lengthening of STYLES, ABSOLUTELY 0 uu10Dr, LG1 I ) the law course, Regent Barbour re- COLORS, CORRECT. \)15-1) S. MAIN Ste.