_____________THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'ZC. of 'M.1T(.Jifu. Publihed Daly (Suaytas exceptd) drin. cuc{College yeear, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subcriptioa price +R:.0 per year. invariably io advance Sige opira 0 cent. Sbcrip- lions may be left at the otie of the DAaaY,v at Stolietas,teth ay of the ediora or athorized solicitor. tommunicatioaa hold reach the amfier by 7o'loch P. M. if they are to appear the exa day. Addreaa all matter intended oe pblica ten to tte Managing Editor. All batines commuanietion hold be ent to the Bsef aeasManager. THE U. f . DAILY, Ann Arbr. Mich. EDITORS. J. L. Luain,,,Lit '5, Managing Editor. F. P. ScLEt, Lit. '6, Asistant. E. H. WLLTAM, Lit. '5, Asistnt. S.B. OSiaue, Lit. '5, Assiaoet J. A. Ltoec, Lit. '5, Atletic Editor. Wm. A. MesonG, Lit. '7, Baines Macager. LY..A.vtchoety9. C H. Twer.'0. I. A. Prattl,'0 , . BFeate-, 019. Mtinnoie' 'T'omcpsonte9. F.'T seetc. at5 arre'.. ScoihiS I.fee- ..FL. Saidil, '5. Illcr Cll eteceStel. P. L. Ntlto,' .0 All copy mstbe'eatte ofice beriie5:30 m o1 te day opuebliatio. M111. V w Avr the metiug of the regents during the holidays, notting perhaps wao of so much interest to the student body as the appointing of a physicat director for the gym. It shosed that the regents meant business and that tte coming fal wilt find everything is readiness for good hard training in the big build- ing. ____ _ TxlE stowing made by the base- ball team on the trip just closed aa certainly been gratifying. When they left, they ad hail only a badly broken up period of practice, with- out thse experience of anything better than practice ganmes. ''le record they hare nmade is ter-fore one to he iproiud of and we cigrato- late the management on their suc- cess. As for Wisconsin's dirty action,se can only say that se are sorry that se shall probably not have another chance at them. ic' becomes our ad duty to chroni- cle the death of Dr. Corydon L. Ford, who for forty years held an honored position in the nedical faculty. Dr. Ford was a man who added to the reputation of the Uni- versity in which hie taught, and who in dying has left a void which will, he very difficult to fill. As a teacher Dr. Ford sas at the very head of the subject whicha he taught and many doctors who are gray now re- member withs reverence the man who made anatomy a delight. For hit services to the University as a teacher alone, we owe him a lasting debt, but even in dying he has re- nmentbered the University he loved so well, and left a gift to our library and the Christian association sehich is atepreciated beyond measure. No such bequest was needed to perpetu- ate hio memsory, for as long as the Unieersity stands his namse ill be cherished as one of its greatest bene- factors. A Victorious Trip. CjOL[MBIAiA TRAH REcE IrT'N. What they will do for you and how to ob- tain them. TRADE RECEIPTS. are cosiponis issued by msercbhants f or the purose of showing the- amontt of cnslh trade they get fron susbsct'ibers for the Col slabian., (Coctinurd from fras eage.)TR D RE IP S heavy batters. Hit fielding wasTR D RE iP S good also. eati be secured to the full anmount of your purchases froto all mel'- Bently's fielding was very accept- chatits on our list by presenotinlg an Identification Card issued by us. able. He weent in to pitch against 'shoowing float yots are a subscriber for the Colutmbian Cyclopedia. Center, but was replaced by Hollis- TRADE RECEIPTS. ter.~~~~ Ido nttteeastanty increase in tile price of gocods pcurcltased, or flint jApperson did no svork, except as youn musst buy anty sore thans yott are now busying.- fielder in one game, for Smelteer TRADE RECEIPTS. proved more thane equal to the taskc otctcting Smlter' ovrk e-cost eabsolutely niothintg except flee trloble of goig to the stores ofcachng Selze swok e-where they tmay be obtaitsed antd msaing your pttrchaes ithere. hind floe bat was phenonsenal, con- sidering his lack of practice, and he TRADE RECEIPTS. tied Wentsvorths for secondt place inO as far asv tierclhatnts cre cotncertsed tieans itncreasedl trade fur thetis the batting list. antd thaeeustolllers are to share fthe benefits of it. Prof. Mechem Will Stay. A rumlor among the lasv studenots that Prof. 1\techeni intended leaving thoe Unieersity to accept slhe position of dean of thec St. Louis law school at a large salary is without. founda- lion. Wehen interviewed in regard to tlse matter yesterday, Prof.: Mech- em acknowledged thast be had re- ceived several calls to other schools. One had been received recently but bad not been accepted. The idea of severing his connection with the University had not been seriously considered by hitu. Is the noost effective and agree-{ able renmedy in existence for preventing indigestion, and re- lieving those diseases rising from a disordered stomach. Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfield, Mass., says: -It value it as as excellent preventative of endieestion, and a pleasant acidalated deink when properly dilated with water, aad sweetened." Descriptive peemphet free on applicatiotn to Rumford Chemical Works, Providence,R.I. Beware of Substitatesaend Imitations. For Sale by all Druggiats TRADE RECEIPTS. wsill be eaccepteol by us ostoise-tetthefirs'facevealsuein foil 1loaiuoct for a set elf the Coluiatinet Cyclopedia lit regsular liie. TRADE RECEIPTS. will tiserefore secure fot'y-ousssbolutely free of ciost e reference li- brai'yiif 32 volones, 20',000 pages soil 7,000 illustratioos. TRADE RECEIPTS. to floe oioousttof twetyx-five dollaris secsiied front any eor all oif the, stores will etititloevets to a voloimoe of the Coilumsbiatn Cyclopedia. Extrai Olive inuding'. THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS ISSUE TRADE RECEIPTS: EItE''tRIACH I 1IIRWARfE CO., A. '1V. (.ORLOISS, Pliofestceaplst. ST1EMEITT& 1MICHA EL, LUtotpia 3Milisers. EIIE,.RBA('HDRLUG AND CHEMU11ICAL -AC0, J1. F-. II)ELZLE , 3Meats. ANN ARBOR IISTrEA.11LAU"ND-)1Z S'IAEIBLELE & ('0., Groceries and(1 (rockery, -'L'akes First Place." The name stands for just what it is, The bent Bicycle built tue $125.00. Ilaselsall anad lawix Teusalis. Opeldiogs Basebacll ad acc tcc in'e'nneis. goodees are usc'd exclusiv-ely ohecoglioccothce UiS. anecd Caecadae. Spalding's 'l'rade marl. iseet'ua rante thai thec;:,oods are' the'ble-s.Compcete ilice- treeted cataloereadvey. Sent freve. A. G. Spalding & Bros., Chicago. New York. Philaelphia. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARiBOR. Capiteals$50,000. Surplasstend Profits, 930,00. Trasacts a general banhing business. For-. eign exchage bought and said. Letters of credit proured earstraevelers abroad. P. BACII, Pres. S. W5. CLARKSON, Cashier. Sehsol of Dusting., tGrount loolrs, MAYNARD STREET. GL3ANGR'S MICAOEMY Can lbetceated fat t ricate Parties, Recep- tions, tanquetsre.Not.e picblic hell. Stangers mcust be introduced. cRedence and office at Ataemy. PALACE + BARBER + SHOP An teh iioitomsee.IW. 1H. O WEN, Prt)., NO. 4 East H..ros St.lOppositeCoteet Hoee.c HeeltColdl ad e:S.alt ts.Par- FL OWVCS, fJ ( QWZ9 COUSINS I HALL, Florists, Tlpon l5 esbte LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS accd SHORTHAND. O1Jagiiec ibueildigt ine t techrs ael catteda cgood discplie;sutips tiorceerk;helltscupplitedreadting room- daily letues-e O:,atayeventingreceeptiacs;op leeiteetitre year Exetinl aclties ttafeerteplact telcetet ic peei- ccetae-tctochaletatcsgueeeaetedcetei , lvitt ruies!t o 0Ic5.0per week naitteae fsauilca.. bar NFc Catalogue, addets P. R. CLEARY, PRES. iI4TeJlapiers' ad r 1ncs~n Capift, $50,000c. Surepluseanotd Profifts Ryoi. oeo a general bankeing business. Pays inter- est oen Savings Deposits. Has Safety Deposit Bases for rent. R. KEMIPF, Pres. F. B. BELSEB, tasitier. Banh oarenStturdriy evening.