VOL. IV.-No. 144. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. A VICTORIOUS TRIP. one base on balls, and struck out NOW ON SALE. six men. Griffiths was as wild as of FINISHED HIS COURSE. The Baseball Team Returns With an___ Almost Unbroken Line of Vic--. old, and five hits were secured off tores to its Credit. him. Dr. Corydon L. Ford,the Oldest Pro- Th . fM * . ,. t fessor of the University Hy Lew H. Clement, Director of the Chequa- At Madison, Wis., April 23, Mich- Passes Away. megon Orchestra. The spring trip of the baseball igan, 9; Wisconsin, 8. This game 7c prettiest W a7sit, ii"A tWlieer- team is at an end, and the most ex- was a fizzle in more ways than one, On April 14th at 3 a. m. occurred sehe." acting cannot fail to be pleased with Wisconsin's action being calculated the death of Dr. Corydon L. Ford, Reauslitlly il 0statitOe page. Everyst- theshoingmad. Oce orearedent shoud uy a copy. the sbowing made. Once uore are to make it so. Our team came on at the family residence, 64 Washte- we easily at the front in the West. the field late, and with no dinner, naw avenue, in this city. Dr. r 1 C The following games constitute and made an agreement to play Ford was the oldest member of 51 SouthMain St. the trip: seven innings, in order to get the the university faculties, and for Michigan, iS, Ohio Wesleyan, 4, train. Wisconsin's first move was to many years was the head of the " Delaware, 0., April 14. 'or eight refuse to allow two umpires and our medical department. He held the innings of this, the first game of the team had to submit to the decisions professorship of anatomy during his season, Michigan put up a strong of one. At the end of the seventh connection with the school, having game, three of Delaware's four runs inning of the rather loosely played but a short time ago handed in his being secured in the last inning. game, the score was 9 to S in our resignation to the regents, which Krogman struck out nine men, and favor. Wisconsin was allowed to took effect the day previous to his Smeltzer's work behind the bat was take her half of the eighth innings, death. On that day Dr. Ford com whenyouwanttheLatestMetropolitanStyles surprisingly good. Michigan's field. and got three more runs, when our pleted his fortieth year of continu- tnAi b Arhs, pcee sd frCataloue ing and batting were excellent, team left to take the train, consid ous lecturing in the school, and had At Granville, 0., April s6, Micli- ering the game ended at the close of a short time before left the campus igan, 8; Denison, 8. This was a the seventh. Wisconsin notw makes when he was stricken with apoplexy, 10.l I tn vsA very closely contested game, Deni- a show of claiming the game 9 to o. which caused his demise. DETROIT, MCHIGAN son's nine being a strong one and Captain Shields put up on the Dr. Ford was born at Lexington, Michigan's fielding being rather trip the same reliable game as of Greene county, New York, Aug. 19, poor. Hollister's pitching won the old, in spite of his injured arm. 1813. His early education was r 9 game for Michigan, together with His batting was a noticeable fea- gained at Canandaigua (N. Y.) the team's batting. ture of his playing, and to his vig- academy, and his medical training At Gambier, O., April 17, Michi- orous work is due much of the credit at Geneva (N. V.) medical school. gn, 1s; kenyon, g. This was a of the trip. It was at the last named school that Co, tei le ue tlon~lyA ', iah) tike. rather loose gane, errors being a Pitcher Hollister's showing is one he began to lecture on anatomy, the > ue. a s feature. Michigan's stick work was to be proud of. He played in every year following his graduation, when again a winning point, and the in- ~ame of the trip, pitching in three he was but twenty-nine years of age. FRESH ASSORTMENT field tork: as agains sonsewhautte- "nesrgt n fs ha-nOr- ie rgamesand playing rightfield and His reputation grew so fast that in A cie xtA second base in the others. His 1854 when the medical department At Lexington, Ky., April 1S' work at Northwestern showed what was founded here he was called to heavy rain prevented the ganme with ie is capable of, Kedzie securing the position of professor of ana- ' Is 1115.1 u etucky State College. u aal f T TLE', - 48 s. State .. Ken .. the only hit off him. His batting tomy and physiology, and to be ________________-_48_StteSt. At Danville, Ky., April i9, Mich- has been uniformly good. dean of the department. Dr. Ford THE "WAVERLY " WHEEL igan, 8; Centre, 12. The rain and Krogman's work in the box was possessed remarkable ability as an deep mud were responsible to a con- also good. He pitched in four anatomist, and it is told Dr. Oliver tWeigh, 28 00 pndiit inusher (. J) siderable degree for the ater ragie 5 istsenstio of the sederayi ent y sr t eat kerocag-games, of which the game with Wendell Holmes, who at that time Ioun. Seeit io the window of ged playing. Gently was knocked Ohio Wesleyan was the best. held the chair of Anatomy at Har- out of the box in the first inning. Mackenzie, at first, has played a vard, once said, it was worth a trip BROWN'S DRUGSTORE. and Hollister went in. The battingIvery creditable game, besides doing across the Atlantic to hear Dr. vas heavy on both sides and Michi- some good batting. His work is Ford lecture on that subject. gan's fielding was poor. safe and reliable. The funeral which was held tMon- At Champaign, Ill., April 2o, Russell's weak point was his bat. day afternoon of last week was at - --- Mi'ichigan, 2c; ellinois, 8. This was ting, except in the Northwestern tended by the students of the medi- BASE BALL GOODS a rather cl, though loosely played game. His fielding, too, was not cal department in a body. They game. Ilanois is not so strong as a up to standard, formed at the head of the proces- team this year as last, and will not Pepple, who played short in five sion and marched from the house to-Suits and Gymnasium U- be a dangerous rival . Her batting games, was especially deficient at the grave, to pay their last respects plies. was responsible for the size of her the bat and fielded very indiffer- to one they honor. score. ently. Dr. Ford left a large fortune, You are invited to examine stock and prices. At Evanston, Ill., April 21, Mich- Deans' work on third was a mate- $2o,ooo of which he bequeathed to igan, 7; Northwestern, r. This was rial aid to the team. His fielding the university general library and the game of the trip, so far as indi- was almost above reproach, and he $3,ooo to the Students' Christian cations go. Hollister and Smeltzer led the team in batting. association. The rest of the be- clearly showed their superiority as a Wentworth, who played left field quests were to relatives and to var- UNIVERSITYBOOKSTORE battery over Griffiths and Kedzie. and second, was another of the ious charities. Hollister allowed but one hit and (Continuedon second page.) STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.