THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. (CLEMENT, 51 So. M1AIN ST. IDirector anid Manager. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 20 EAST HUIRON STREET. Good W~ork Guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. NANOTER 11 C , E 1RM Street. 22 Years in tine Busnenssk./-' CITY LAUNDRY, IM. M. Seabolt. No. 4 NI. Fourth Ave. DANCING and DELSARTE MRS, ANNIE. WARD FOSTER 46 S. State Street. MONDAY-8Op. tn.Advanced Ctheslor La- dies.and Gesntleaen MONDAY-7 Ladies' delsarte class. TUF.81)AY-7)p. ito. Gest lesmessdsncing class. SATURIDAY-1 i. in. Geleen's dtossing clts.. I n. tLies' dancisg class. 2:150ip..Cliidre'..ihircig clss. 81.m. lrivste advaniedtclas. Private lessons 1)y appointment. MWHIGAN GENTIA Timse Table (Rlesised) let.11th,11894. Atlantic Express. 5.50 Mail., Eip......8a D..&tJ..Expres.. 7.55 liii. p..... 70 G'. 1R.Rap... iiis1105N.eS. Litmited.-l 10 io Fastiast' Ex. 41921) (.R E .....t~ N. S. Lilitst. lii ii '3 PacifcE prs ..I : i. W. Rts'asi v', 10 W. HlAYES G. P. &'1. Apt., thicar. At..Ass Arbor. i. l,''irsilsle tii Arboieby Ctit)))~ 15 lit. 11. il : It. 31 it 15 tl .L 1 1 I:Mhlt Ii , 23 SOU(xTH FNtOUR Aet AVEiiAr. E. S. SERISIS, - -Manalger. KEEP VOL1T1AtCOITNt~r111TH THE +STATC $AV1flG$ BAI2K+ cor. Matin itdthssltiogt Streets. A.I.. Nsct:n.Prea. tiostTis slute3ls,tI islir CaN PEN CsO. "rOUNTAIsNe AOL y I8 TAESTEE, i PE MKES A8WARDE R TE FULDE n FA SELPN CLAS WTO'AR. 4 l~iaStretit, FirstdooriatWest itf)Slte Strteet. HODGMXAN'S liACKINTOSIES ogn~ DA. TINKER'S, &Gis~ No. 9 South Main street, (Formerly TicSass.) THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. Official Photographers C'HIC'AGO, 106 Wabash Ave., 11. F. CLARK. . O. F TO-WIT: 4Vril,'A\en, I:203. 4,00 Pstiotns Fillei. 985 Positions fillein 7 9let. SEND FOR OUR AGENCY MANUAL. }1a 1} t STUDENTS' WVChiliA 511- AGENCIES: Botston, (hise, Poltlainl, M A T Y0.IP P. PAC pcraogdi CIALTY . Newlor, Los Ateles, Tortot. ~~bA siil~AjIIS ~ _______________ THE G- _ Sa - 7 N0A EZ? flRFOU JTVAI2T PNJ2W ili 11011(1 FEDING OF THEIIT. ittd wihesquly oGldPna l Itsi Ii t THE COLUMBIA Coi Jansilewt.Sheehan & Co L. ltist 551 tlsi lt Atx, IohitiStandard Bcycle U. OFs' M. CALENDAR. BUSINESS LOCALS. ~ o h ol Th an ts. St.t.i shitut lss Feii or fine soaps, tooth brusihes and its 1 ii Ittie, . e Apr. 12.Hn. Rger . (til5. it Cigars, go 10 te B. & . lDrsgstore tildutot i . n I t nierlaes . 1L. A. liaise sict "eTholtaas 101!4, is iI~a\e yo011l.t0 i laelessiot'S 131- i i.ilil.) ittiii iii i ti l e li rteitsi eetttetat ti. rd al yt. New cus and1111ev1cit- i l,'::'ltht I d A thingi Ice.Statstsreet. j i)15iii iiilii For roted edlrate tickets tel Ohies. pIII ie , I Primrose and Wet's Minstrels. FoW\est '.111111Old V .X its01 ap ~ply to Iofa. I n( iiiIto 1H. 5. (reinwiot, Ticket At ,Tedt o iH i. I 1 'I id ItiS Operailouls, 'Tihurday, pril 1 2. AnnI .\'lrb & North Mihll din:crt Ii "111111at The Chicago Times, iMonday, Nlarch ..* 11 iii)'hst lo)iitle toi i's)lii iii - R'19, 55Ieduced Rates. fI entfI i S ito i5lei t. 'ile greaut bl hlitls ic hlha11l11P'~e~lfo o rse PipetitCo.,at the (Chlicgoi Opera Ihouse 'Tse Ichigali tentral will ;aks c t g" dulrinig the lst titol seeks tbids fan1to rediucedi rates toi studletts at one he unlinterruplttedlsdurilng tir, tureut I il C l, New 1015, I enlgagement, I1st light Primose anti on-thirdIare. rickets will e 1 alnd Wst's mlistrels oipenedl 1week's issued April 12511 13t nd 21111 sit', ~a" ~l enigligemen~it tol the callillity ofthtie gooti for return till April 24111 i- hiouse. This is remarllkablle ill view of< lcive15175 . 14 1-tvsArt. v1IuriII I I II fllowuing butsines111111that the geneal r- .. -,I ti~, tI>Ii ilS. pulici is inleliedl tol le 1 little saispi- Oratortcal Asociaton. C T 2 fiuls itt minstelsy. .mlothler srprise_ till lltlV ante 11111 I tat 'everythinlg 4is 't'e eecutive oard 1o1 the 0a lies ' the iiiilln llt is stroninnil ell torical association will mieet at r.(1 sour sthe ild-tmetr' eis er g shtiase m ,Ird y pi ;,i o m5a .n w il(w or o i~ctn joktes, andtitlhe there hi tttlf lie 1121mportant business 1o te transacted.el. iie. ls o iiiii1tsilti d dI Ill~lgs. 111ay it 1ittf n t el l ttt iliitg character. J . H . ()l~vt' hiS,1 11he'st i titlies tile exc'ell t, 111111the fotbl g 11 tine Iistne of the mosk uhi-esitet t (111s11 l rritgeiililis seeni ill this ily. - .I1 eveni'sil lp e 11(111 lllsltient is f- 1'iiis :.ti 1pralti'ews ,hbe u i o n101 11111eVrian itlthe ir limettit i l lughes- a ls.s r .E CIIE 15 et i head ft'lihisi et 11 httin l th 55.t( Capt i Trenchad an it ak andi setstpinip theI i i band Iof lair, tu T(xAG TeT lt ISc thors 1115.. SlltIlore Iii5 itt1 CHEAPpt : il ti'hiusespoittiif5thifirtlpa t i :i A NL D 11 &F C To V E i d i de d t h anIl e aill he o5Ittditwny liiC iOtE O P ICiIAN:s AND Sit E NS ,.S 4li," ;, t U 5Ii ofht e hst i'utr ie attefo illaniithe Jeldii e1: Ilsl 111i ! I sirl i i . te)). r >i') , I i h i n i t rllhlteo il t.fortge Il liis, philP, hiss S Ciait Itlitiis ri.sI is Cu, i> ~ I. ln ,ti esi kLuIlew a ittis A. ll1 deserves. to l tlei i Sri uie. Mt f h u ,u u l nii') 5.111 atI' oin'll'th lly, 1] to 22 i . le' an rIII iid kit Iii taiiitiittii51IitiiiOjt 1 5 ii c ] I~ ~lR psudh1lensudReduce Raos.efu 1)15vnti~. . C.e ils idN 'e, OWISI t'i.P'rer. -I or thea sp ingo vaalbtio nitthe isk i________sciy oAir, ilit,- _o____o_____ Normal sand Clear hhsinesas aCo t a p o lpit olm 1, ), hege, thrats 'i'oled"hei,.,Ais itArhori tad o u ho thloh ts poperulcer titi kn ' mlan i t .na adteJ I 'II lliiI tiio l ai theriiy Pstctanhi ttI pctoeiallypointstiintnottlich terit tlh ue111,ra.csuyory. ______ sil I,, s1hi s sc rf 'ric s ll hy w ae socl< A rl 12th] - [ lit Cl n c -ed 1~h r t r3 c171I ar ason h ndsrithet hmtoe i. tops retur nrlcuaofinfrmlio ntQ 51114, ABSOLUTELYi00 DSPKE DRY 0. S. C le tiN 14.1110, Ap. ( 1)1 i sf I Cl liiu 1 11todntiscRduced april 24112 . E. QtI\I BCOIS1C. __ 1 -19 cS.MAopretos.