THE U. OF M. DAILY. ? ofPublished Daily (undays e ce pted) during ul, g~ollee sar, by "HE U Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION DESITiE the many unfavorable cir- cumstances which have arisen, we look fora successful spring trip of the baseball nine. There is nore or less of doubt as to the result of te trip, to be sure, but se are confi- dlent that Michigan will again thus early set the pace in baseball for other swesern colleges. Hfowever ssccessfsl the trip msy be, on be- half of tie student bidy, we assure she tears of loyal and hearty support.__________ IN a tribute to the University of Minnesota, at a concert given at that place, te following- verse was sung: "There's anotier U. of 3. buit we blush to speak of thems In the same breath wih the I of M. we sing. Michigan is big of luig, lit wse fear her knell is rung Bty the hand of Western football's omighty ing." In viewv of Cornell's action toward Minnesota last fall it sens that Cornell is nosy tryng to pet avor wills Minnesota. The reason for sitch flattering allusiois is too ap- parent to escape tie notice of te msot superficial observer. WrTHth iis issue te DI)Nsiuis- pends publicatios until after the a- cation, when the nesv boad of edi- torns wl s' sume5lflCcontrol tf the The aerc.'Pie retiring dboardlof edi- tots ldesire to thank the studeill body for the mtany favors sli v us' durinsg the past ,sear. \hie (wetcall I not ay, asdiditoneIof ou t r worthyv local contrtmporaries it long since in a boasting manner, that "wre have. msade hbt two mistakes'' driig our editorial tanagemet, the perfect otan isnuperhunman andi artificial and if se hare smae istakes curing ottr career, it was tie to tie fact that swe are all liable to err. In cc- tiring swe bespeak for tie new board all thse favors which sve tue enjoyed. Withsthese few words se lay down our editorial pen and "make way for betterue.'' -Faculty Conert. 'rie following progranm in menory of Hans von Ituelow will be re- tiered at Friee Metmoria hal by thse faculty of tie school of muic, this evening: . "JohB lrahuss" Sonata, for piano and violin, 0o. 7. Vivace ma non Aroppo, Adagio, Allegro motto nsoderato. Messrs. Schmasal and Z.eitz.. O a. ''Jolt lraltis.'' a. Vergebli- cites Stuendelten. ib. Wiegeitlied XW hat they will do for you and how to ob- cLebestrets. ¢Miss Alice Biaiey. ;. "1J. S. Buds." Saraband e. tamo them. liolurree aisdiFua, for violin solo. Mr. II. /Zeitz. 4. 'i.van Beethoven." Sonata TRADE RECEIPTS. (quasi uota fantasia,) op. 27, No. 2. are coupons issued by mierchants for the purpose of shotwing titE M1r. J. E. Schnsaal. 5. i. sa Betiivei. ' '' amasoutit of cashs trade they get fionssi sbcribers foi the Coissoabiac. ture's Adoration."'' Mr. S. R. Ccoeis Mills. TRADE RECEIPTS. 6. "jolt.iBrahmus." Rhapsodie, cats be secuied to the follunsount of' your purchases froms all titer-- 01.o9n o.s isS. o clhants ott oui list by presentinig an Identification Card issued by ut4 " -" "------ shalowing ftat you are a subscriber for the Columbian (Cyclopedia. Albion college is publishing a new 1,T A ERE EP S senti-weekly ipaper, the Btoonmerang. TR D E EP S Thse susic at tise '96 social tonight s do slot mteans any increase intshie price of goods puirchtasedi, irtliat will begin protsptly at eighst o'clock. yott utist bray any msoredtan'oyoutare niow'btuyistg. The siest '94o social tutu take place TRADE RECEIPTS. is thse''gyns' May 4. A ftull or- cost tibsoititely ntoting exelt the troublie of goitng to fhn storm2t citestra hs been etsgagedi for the whtere they sisy be obtained andsid akintg yousr purchases tliere'. occasion. TR. A n T _V O MTlD cI sHorsford's Acid Phosphate Is the mtost effectirinduchagree- able retmedhy its existence for' pteventintg inudigestiost,Fwre lie'vingtlitose (obsetises arising ft-ois sa:disotrder-teddstomiach. Dr. WV. W. Gardner, Sping~itietd, Rutofrd Chsemnical Vlorks, PsauidenceI. For. Sale by all Druggists STRAW ARE TILE BEST.I The Richmond Straight Cut No, I C1GA1:~T'TTES ar efrom c~5tilebigtecst,.mst tdelicate I int tassu, att it tghtcovt GOLD LEAF BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, and obsiere beluo sson vseryekyasiige. Tt U Y2BtGi uid''h 5 5uMEi"CSBACCO CO I { I I , t 4 ais far is tmecrchatnts aite contcertted tteans increased tradcelstforttim antd tiaosttttomters site tosare the benefits (If it. TRADE RECEIPTS. still bo iccrelpted by its it ttte-tetthe ttir fasce salsse its ftti I ym( - fos a settif the ColtumsbiatilCy-clopedia lit regutlar pttice. TRADE RECEIPTS. nill t 1hereftoeaecusse fat-yost absolutely firee of cota arefeiritte ii- bi-ary f v solumtts, 26l60dpages anti 7,0t00 illustrationts. TRADE RECEIPTS. to thit' ttttosttof tsw'enty=-flit-edllarssecuired frttms aity :orslI if Slit stores still enttleytu to a voluttme if thte C(8 tisti) tC3ycittjsecia- Extra ls ils-cBintdingi. THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS ISSUE TRADE RECEtPTS: EIiE1SIIACI-HA-IIAI1'V-X II1:CO.. A. 1V. CORLISS, Pholigraphier- 1 1ItI3 CH( DRUG-151 NI) CI115311CA1t" C() J. IF. iI() 11IL., Nmets. ANN iit3Olt S'l'ISAM iiIA \l)ItI S'I1aa ISEIS. (., (Is-oces-ifs and (1 ('sosks-s- ,A~N ~ PALAC~E + BARBER +u SHOP t iiitcBath Boon.ii V1-1. - 2 I hitS- riv /Q ./3, r; dteftLQWGeltb~tWi.,Oppoitet'=u THeTosFrs hie"~ use. &HtL, old n e(th, ti .cAr- tutiui ' . 1tttlilliut Inn is-t t , 51 t tuTetttttei1icr Thicago.BicyNew Yuilfr$15.0 A. G. Spalding & Bros., 0 ---j FIRST NATIONAL BANK tIsll1 LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS IF. ANARtBORi. aittt SHORTHAND. Nuttanit iu iiiO ilu nn Caep rital cet0,00 ttSrpslrsbdrts t ietor,5'we supplied te stingo ;ily ui tuii -t P. BA CII, Pres . S VCLARiE5ON, Cashtier. Fat e Ctet lotule, taddres P. R. CLEARY, PRES. Scthool of Dacing, Giound Floor , MAYNARD STREET. 41iefatlflers'ihan~d 33fl 11 G~\N3T'S.Do ~es onesiali biti.ists. sines. Pays intier- t'ns het et ed ttrtI IItt v t t I Par ~ It itiess Oepposit- s. siaetr- toisIael i t tc. Tts t pubtic i till uDepasitRtsfor ret. 'Ittttptetttt mostt troued etidec Utt I tPrIes. F.R.It-tELS,dCishiter. ttttl huet a t y.tBanktopetSt urdaltsvlyeven-ing.