T HE U. OF M. DAILY. 8.B A DAGE8c At 9 a .m. Tuesday, A ri 10, our One-, y jWXitch hal, 11111 a, liniiiiits half Off Tie Salei commences. Everything goes, and inanie other athletic acces- soies lea he houl gt to; irls iiiAt T E OUTFITTERS, tage at Atr T Calkins' Pharm acO 2 ViTDISE & A/_&= ErSONT_ NiQR~J &WJLEQS8 NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. --- ___ ."L A FJT- .z Ati O3M 'MEFW Of__ - - - -- T j'orIS, BASE BALL AND SPORTING GOODS wi~cili th1ey1offerIat pr1ices (, iii .ii t o ( be1 )1 I 0ow as cll be Obtinjed II.elshere. . . . . . . . Ana Arbor ..aV ngi;Bank Oi-aiiiil'11t lao .5t i iar a, 0ir 511iia. r It-f r.,ialal Ikis1a.Y, ofIrbi lra iri I i'ir(l(posts, ba-s Ira , , , , a , i ; p i l l - ,w I i rA- a o f t h e iirr 011, t~ar Sill iea a..ittnctiirIn -I..l 8abi -r' a.1J.Pril s sbt.(ii bahir. THE ANN ARBOiR A; GUS PRINTING ands~ -4-PUB0'LISHING Sf-cut IfrI saSpecialty- lae t 4tct tzncisasi l[,r4 t Yi~ si theI I WINCHELL'S TEACHERS' AGENCY a- 26 WabshSAvenue Chioag o. AIliii fierwiib lclira trrrbrrc Scrarao t }, 'si-i a t il it) . i-Gab Io ihbri to iii ribrra li e i t a prrci ilia 01f rin,e -iiot.lai i tuft U. OF M. FLAGS- '1rlia Silrii, eaniaeled in .yeoi-aiaribilii, stickin i o~rii chpin. Pra icel.G CIGARS __ liiribll. lar Or5ciaai a. Facr i. 11>.115 iStola ics iiii li a lrc Pradigy- i1 iuhiiino tsi a- 1 i5ll 5 i R oyual It, NVIbri-ina o i-iibi 1l.2li 15 11 :'-e a bailc For 5. 0,-ireyC .90u iso . 1 2 t i Laoea A~foazo (iiiai- ---- 1.00 13 1C2 K y 1Sr Bually lioy Cigia-- - _ )1.W-5c 5 jIM.IuTN1OLIl, Jaaralai,. WE ARE IN IT ______ X W iha aie tinae af Importedranai liarars. laul_ i00l10li i ga r s - ;.,ai :s Tfl lb ~ lk Cii i-lrFABRICS ( ai --l 4 :il litF k ASiIIONAiILE WEAR. EAN & COMPANY. a i, WLPj 44 South Main Street. Ann Arbor, Mich- DI UNIVERSITY NOTPES. The Ioley Guild will niart toiht 1011 14.aarlat St. Thornasb' School halt at riglht in-shol. --- 5011i 111 -alo'clocka,ahiarp. -Fine probgrami tre- The inext i qui izi11s3 chloiiy w 111 1 I 0lOl ri be aanFriday, Apriltza7. Tha toiloaviag is ihe naumaber ot 1Prof.lDeawey givestai-i crassilnawomenin.iiithe 111arilousdetpartmlents 1et11c0 a written quiiz toaday. ot the t. ia-ersitll literary, 463: Mt~r. C. I. MIix, ot I larvada na dia-ahmeopathi, 5 detalaracS. aversiy is visitinag triendtsintowloa. h~lrtalii3 etl Slisa iMarie Schmiernaona-l, tit 135, I INTERCOLLEGIATE. andt iMisa Carrie Palmer, lit 89, are te achinig in the lhigha schiool at Ceidar The fieat cointeat for the aetection Rapida, Ioiwa.I of the reparesentatives of Vate in the 'There are onlty a limiitealnumboter detiate sith H arvardalltbe held of ticktes to be sol for the '9( Thunrsdlayi evening. class social toniorroaw night, andl iteGvro o er\obtr they aree Governfastf-New aoin cas thy 0r ig at.sgined ahiltlniaking lhazingig c1 rail, Thompson willtalk toi the' I-fe a nmisdemeanior purnishahle by Political Eaquality clab at Newberry ie or imprisonmsent. hall on Friday, April 13 at 3 1). in. It is reported that Gov. Pattison All interested are asked to he pres- of Pennsylvania will he made presi- eat. dent of Lehigh University when his Miss Osborne gave an excellent term of office expires. No. 2 E. Washington St., NEAR1~ VICTOR Cycles Lead. Cill liiiaiii..iiaci eaiir l eli ii a t i MW. staebk r'.C ( i -e ihporsum, Il W. WASHINGTON ST, Ann Arhor. S14OES SPR"I NG STYL ES NOWREADY. ELEGA\NT IASSORTMENT. PRICES RIGHT. SEE OUR LINE OE' RAZOR TOES. Good4peed's, 17 S. MAIN ST. oration yesterday in the course of the Great Orators. Her subject was the grand old man, William E. Gladstone. Mr. G. M. Moore, '94 dent, has been entertaining his mother and Miss. McLean,. of Fondulac, since the junior hop. They returned home yesterday. A state intercollegiate football as- sociation has boon formed in Mary- land, of which Stuart Symington, of Johns Hopkins, is president. For reduced rate tickets to Ohio, West Vs. sod Old Vs. points apply to Ri. S. Greenwood,. Ticket Agt, Toledo -Ann Arbor,& North Mich. 'Lades' Ai tistia Hairdressing P'arors. LADIES'iiauiisiii