THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LENV H. CLEMENT, 51 So. MAoN ST. Diretor and Manager. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 20 EAST HURtON STREET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goodo rolled for and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. 22 Years in tihe ]Businesn.t- CITY LAUNDRY, M1. W. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. I HODGXAN'S MA ,CKINTOSHES Norgaijq Prom $816.50 0u1 to $25.00 t 0. A. TINKER'Sj ibso No. 9 South Main street, (Formerly Too Soms.) THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. CHICAGO, 106 WabashaAve, 13. F. CLAR1K. Ve~xl, tt [f:0. 4a8401 Positos l .F1 985 Position Flletd in 1853 Official photographer's OF .lI TO-WIT: DANCING and DELSARTE MRS, ANNIE WARD FOSTER 46 S. State Street. MONDAY-o Gl1ss1.orIa- do.s and Gentlemten. ?ONDA.Y-7 Lakie.'dellre claos TUESDIAY-7 o. im. Gentlemoen'sdancing class. EATILIDAY-0 a. in. Getlmen's daociag 4 n. .odie'dancing c lass. 23o0p. .Cildlren's. dancnlasso.. olt. i. rivate advanced clas. Private lessons by appointment. ICIHIGAN G!En2TIL A. 1. 0\t D. . Ex Ppress . ,7:5 Chic. Spl.... 10 Ox. ft. Ep.s. .11 5 N. S. Limited .1030 N. es..S. Lmitled..10311 'a(°iO, Expro.. . 1W. R01soLt2, t1. W AYtO, O?"P. 1'rOP A,-t.,C dl.'o. At.,AnnArbor. TOLEDO N 15 itI. w111 :11) 5 eA A 2 12l: N 15 2 2 . 1 1:Ua1 ft 23 SOUTH F:VNOU, RnTH ,AVEAr. E. S. SuleVass, - Manager. OZEP Yo[.t PA(TSIIN'.VI'WITh SHE +$TATC $AVJI2G$ 13A12K+ Cor. Blash tnoWashogton Streets. A . L.No1r, Pres.1101111112 "0111112s,1 12k . COWN PaN mCO.' oFOTAINOAGOL-D otWMSAT.SR.ET, . ENUMAES. CHIAGO.) SS TAI, R 221 1%' e11Pti ._lt Wel l rt lv1 SEND FOR OUR AGENCY MANUAL. Jj STUDENTS' WVORKI A SPE- PrlnAENCIEO :Now York, Ios Angeles, Tlotol VWD 1D OQcxu' TE3E GOEJO. S_ EUA K R FOTJ'aalrTASTKl2T PE27W ~ A P1Ilvot110 la~..e ll~yG1t ati 1111 TH-ILCOLUMBIA fi Co,1anesvilleWis. Sheehan & (Jo ,>2 ctiavI Omerits 11 SArta ArborI Standard Bicycle U. OF M. CALENDAR. BUSINESS LOCAL S. o f the World, 151., Oeve.r.1..-dopoktollas 1.socS)ial College students wanting employ- i0 (itig r alr1,. reent for tihe summer should ad 0 1111 11 01 ;nc stn ,hi Tor.1-.Ap.1.loRI-e . iv.i)dress 11. XW. Ziegler c& Co., Box 1801, 01 lilclmeot ll d 10 01 stllre 0.S A.L1.-_ cou rlj, ctI.12: 'hi ns 10 . olt 111 allt the rrnil)es 2'A'te G vernt(tit" hladelphia, Pa., who offer great a ins 1lI'= 1,1 100111 Al11121 lrvi . , Alit. 1.- St11=is vacati11 be,-ins1.. inducements for special work to11 111 1111111o1 ttl, , tle i -- + --vjlwich stuldents ate swell fitted, andli .1 nci. tee !i-0o~ 1stt1 lio Primrose and West's Minstrels., which pays $75 to $15o0l)p100o111. 1111111of ;1110 aifai1 Operatioluse, 'Thulrsday,.Apil il12. Reduced Rates. .1111 ;, r .1 1 11 1. i t '1112Chicago Tiles, Mondlay, AMarcht1 1 . io 111111 5, 1894, says: '11 l chigan Central will make 12111 111 11 Tiegrl l~llt0 5111 11 ~ ellP11 111rates to studlents a1t11 on Ppee kw C rl(1lI-li at tilhle 'icgo Oper-a iHouse 110(1 le-third fare. 'rickets will he rp f.C . Illriigtile12st tolweeks 111112fair to issoed Aipil 12111 i -th and 4h be unlinlterrplItedl durling tile Centt gondfor retu~rnltill 1april241 1- 111111 West's1iniilsopl2Oenedl a soeel's eiusive. ii. xv. iH rOs, .At. Lhicago, Ha l iotd. li0ouse .1T 110 10 remarkab~tllel' ilt viels of I' I o 1ti'r1.i. 111=11 ,. )1 l I , tile fatthtait I'Prrman laye111d11tol 112r- Pilaf(2re at t1112 p0ra2 hous11121102 1 11111.11111 1 1111 etc y,1o2 flowing bu~sinless 111nd1thalt tile genelral AXIpiio anld 11, ou~ght to dirawe pulblic is inlined11to) bee'alittle 2112110 Icrowdvls of tuden1ts. Honme talent -.- ' is tile flflillmenoflt 1. ht-r1oin issofP P0an1poducelPa far better o15perathan r 1101 111t 11111' 1V111 11a11tlhat '1eeytliig ris foreign talent, juIZgillg frotm thleat- fiLiI IA1jjj 1jj iew0,"~ the compat~llnyis 51t11111 ill 11210V tract ons wohichl lave a) 1il earedi at isonlgs.,t t'e old-im~1 esnsgalgs 1litv(P tile Crand tis year. If you soish to IA..11211 0lv-iilm11i 1r111lpicatiig .11122. 1111 1 l wile then- is 1lo 1111101e enjoyy 2ourself thoro1101ly for alt ossO rtl- iddaiit play it is o i 1enClte't1ining1112 I1112er lie Omoney, don'1t11iss 1Pinafore, fori 1' 1.111 ielltiPO11'ie101111111 1121aldte11(11f.tentpf andliIs ovellI trai ned football1gili is eo 1le111 m11ost1(11111-1t chn1115 11 1 1 or u ar ti1i11knon A1ND 10 1115-11 21111113 111111s1en 1i l l ii 12t~. 12 11111 .111122 Wal 112 ersity t1alent212, 111 In ev1111 11 111111111 011211 i(tI21 . Ar-,1 11111, __i1_I_5111_ _-__ -_ --- fo1 ed1111 sllitft. lI 1 1115 IIIa 11111, appear, 110 11121in W i.111.10,1111=1=l suc(,sfi ne flu'1(if~.IcsdierSt 110. Wl.s 1a7. o(elIn l ot , BWDSh&=.5',Pa nto' ts( (ttdeoIths RedceRa'1i ltes. l W Oar t:oa 01,, 1111c1t e1r1c1,111 r 0 For 1112 sprinlg vacationl of 1112 University of 'Michigan, NYpsilan~ti Normal 0011 Cleary Blusiness Col- lege, tile'T'oledos, Ann Arbor 11 North Michigan R'y ill sell tickt 1o stu1dents5 holdin~g IpoIprcertifi cateeo, at one a nd one-third fare for , 1112 round1 trip to all pointsin ith- igan 0011thle Central 'T'rafflc Ass 11 territory. 'T'ickets will be issued Aplril 12tlht 13111 and 141th and limited to retortn I QALT~xl11 ABkSOLUTELY 111 to 00(1inlulding Aitril 24th. Svyixt/o('[r, t4rr It. S.-C Agt.011, 111 ('101A111, 1'C GOODSPEED'S, S