THE U. OF M. DAILY. ORGAIZE ,8$. ICORORATD 136 U. 0OPM. CALENDAR. THE CHEQUAMIEGON ORCHESTRA. I 150 H. LEMNiENTr. Moo., Oct. 16-[oland Lealgor Series. Prof. 1t. 51 So.iN'unSr. 1)im totvr and Motto eL..sVillett's lecture on "'cosnarolo." EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY Mon. Oct. 1.-Mrs. Launra OrmsontCttnt in 20 ESlittoIN STEET. Unity tintsbvCor-e; "Ansericsto seen nte n oododeltsvereetki[. A .F. uc OVERCET, l R, adProp. rTitors.,ot. 1S--Hun. Frederick Gonelito.. in _______________________________ S. L. A. coutter;'Tihe Raoe Problemt." CAETOIOiI, St., Ott. ?-Freshmanotselectionof notce i i 1 E.G nasitto:ton Street 10:0oi a. n., Rotom A. Ftri., Oto. 00 Siley atti Sitesry it S . L. A 22 Itears!u tihe lnusinesus.10 ore CITY LAUNDRY, I Football Games. Im. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. - KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT 55ITH3 THE IGGoobalI games Saturday resolted +$TATC $AV~l2G$ BAU2K+ an follows: Lake Forest so, U. of Coit Main anti as~btngtn Stres. Chicago o; DePauWo 20, Butler 6; AO.ttsntenHot tt assts.,ttts.Denser A. C. 58, Iowa o; Minneo- The 13. & P1. Prbig Store, ta 12, Kantas 6; Chicago A. C. 22, 0- the place nl tttob tg tintestrugliste. Wisconsint o; ITareard 52, Williamon Msedtttne-ttSponecsBtusotes',Etc tc. G-O TOu; Yale 2f, fDartnotth o; Irince- 1R0- s . L & G .5s o 6, Crescent A. C. o; Potossyl- 5 tett yoswat;l a Pine Chcte vantia034,Volotteors o; Leltiglh30, oandett t tintttety atcosot.i'gtto-,Tlottttcot, iest on ' C rel1 no O - ss ttt o.tot th ine t.t1st-t fip iitn i ltti ; C r el , 1> 11 LADIES' andtGENTS' LUNCH ROOM. Cleef tnplsot ~con R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St. sol o0. _ _ tis.- D}AN CING 'iand DELSAR TE Ileli totisThu t teUnvr MRS. ANNIE WARD FOS T ER [.-I lltt~le Oltilift tile t'llulitiotlO 46 5. State Street. MONDAYSv-Oe-ot lasis,,;p 10111iifuedytile factulty or sltdets of THl'ItAll 'ro_ tttttcd CIt.-.fotntat tOtt SrPom. satdt Gentlemte,. the [I itt ersily s 0tte hook of ad- sATi 110 N:010etlletttsoss 10ls. it. _Ilidtens- 5 tso, -.2. st resses retenttlis001101 by the Stut- Privale It -ott-1)y appoitent. dnt'Chtristian Asstociationo. _ Ann Arbor Savings Bank we believe thoat this took loan not litttAtlt. Itict. Captal cStl, Ittlll t. beett broughlt to the attentitoi of Or.tnizetd untdert t nt.ettti ttniti, t t too ttlttuOldelitssoe give hore a nmore il.s exchassste tttnthe pinipaotctti tes t)I*1t eetetttetl notticettf it thano we have Unitesd StatlesDrteet. ed uponttlttttottter idetntificationt. 5tt lety ttepl.lbotxe- totrent. beeto able iheretofore. OsOrt t tts t itittL a uktol.Pttie s rW.It. Hsrimtnt, Vite Ors.;t lsts. E. lltttss I., Ca- Die volunte contaitns twenty ad- s~ter;H. . Pite Aut. uohor.ofreuses by mtemubers of the faculty, valuable contribotton 10 general re- TtE PIToAN. ligious literature. Rut its utotre itm- The attrttetiott at lte(GrattdfOpera1 lotuse 5on lltttttdty i'seli tngt.,sit nmediate design, to convey sotte idea ]ticlr & CVst Ostet's Itotiti hifell of the religious thoughst of our groat te operatie comedy "Th~e Pretty Purl- tt." Thsis Oucopysppeared htre University, malres it of especialin last seasont intthle opers "Gatlatea," terest to every student in Ann Arbor ansi gave thte best ott sattisfacotit. t.a fact it was otte of thte tetif nost the and to every altumni ansd friensd of very best etitertaitntetot thsat we were Ite University. favoredl witho tutritg the settsoss. The pla1ty itself is news, attli tasteeno writ- - _ lt.,t ostesialfy tu sntit the te(tltits' ttlt U. of PT. Ltei)iiean Club. fo te comspanly. Itnez AMeettoler, the ptrima sdsonita of the comopanoy, is S fav- A mooting of thete3. ctf 'M. Re- orite htere, as5 indeed she is everywhere, publican Club will bte teld in tite an~d intshle purt writtetn for hser site is letue oo o hela bili gievest antoppoilrtuntity tosdisitlay Iher ltue ront tlt amuidsgnagnifictent voie ttt gs eatest atisa, - Tedy, Dl 7,at7:30 p. M. tage. Mr. Fredl Dixoni, thte stage st lts Speeches will be mtasde. Let all nosy men, as wuell as the old mem- born, be present. Ct i -. WI. FU LIER, Presidentt. MICGHIGAN GENTPA'L tot I'ille( t ' )S~ptI 04111j19.. Daty Exptesst..-.510 DayExtress.-.0119 N. S. Limtited . -- t, S.-0 L iitd - il-5 N. Y.tLimtited 9t45 t. M N.FlslSpseti l]112 ltsea-uEs press.. 1550 N. Y. &Cid.t nit 1 1 G(0R. &ttal,-Ext.. 6it8 A.0} ttthiN.Euprer-s... 8051 Atlattlic Ex spt .5. 33 il Its t. 1p0oo. -' 1 D. N. Expes...60 G. it. Espreso 1.104 tOW. RGGESt1.or.HAvon, o. Y. 4.-r. A-I.,Chito1o.t Al'.. Ann Armor. THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS PRINTING and - ---PUBLISHING ETOtSDJ. Studeut Work a Specialty. nest Workmens tandLorost Prices in Ite ily. SUII3oCTs'TIONTS FiOt THE DAILY $2.50 per year. atod a hoistory of religiouts life at thoe Utoiversity by Prof. D'Ooge. Thte addresses note origitoally given at Sutoday'tmortnitng chtaftel services at Netvberry Half, and owere received wetit stuth favor thtat the Associationo felt it self jutstified ito giving themo a woider tearing amtong thto utdetots atot also amnto umtittti, anti friens of thte sttudetits. Thse article by IProf. lilloge wvmasprepared ospe- cill ais010.10itotroduictioto to thte ad- tresses. Mvr. D'Ologe's long coto- tooctiont sith te University anotl lin untceasing interest in te developo- noent of thoe religious life hore, emni- nentlfy qualified hinot for Ibis task. Thle vork of mditing loan been nn- dorthOfe chtarge of Ptrof. Scott, whlo htas givetanomuchtof lis timoe to Ite classificatioto of tihe articles and thteir preparation for thte press. The addresses ate grouped otoder fotur hteadsut Iistorical Aspects of Chris- tianity, Social Aspects of Christian- ily, Scietoce and Religion, atod Thoe Chtristians Life. Stoch a ssork as this, containing not the ideas of one man or one sect, but comlprising thoe best thouoghts of earnest mnr in many different litoes of study, eaclh con- tributing sonte idea ito the line of advanced Chtristian thought, it a 1 1 c r f l i 1 i i ANNOUNCEMENT. Thoere spill be a meeting of the Oratorical A\ssociationt in Roomt 24, Wednesday evening, Oct. 1f, at 6:t_5 p. no., to fill vacatocies on tlte cx- ecittive board. P~residtlc. fttoltird- owill be opeu tor tthe re- set% t ,) seats for the entire S. L. A. c . soe tWednesday noornoing at 7:too, at M\oore & Wetmore's dowto towvs store antI at Room 2, Sototh Wing, Lbiversity Ifall. For Social Furposes. Gran~ger's Acemeny caitobe renttedl for pt-itt It lDacinlg Parties, lteeeptons, 1 (laiss Banqtt~s ete. Positively no pubhlic ihops allosted. Spoeciad rites madile to cltths vishintg to hold a series of pairties. Outrelaisses f~ inlaeing n-ill all Ite opeth lis wreekt, those thtthave starttedl, Itave 110110s50wi than inereassed asttendtance 1over formoer ;years poinotinsg to a lisely socital season. Pupils leartn withut emobarrassmntt as oto visitors tire admltittedl. (Paorents excepted.) Stilfy atschftool, tahll ttust fte puspils. (ielotleoioet tmeet this s'venting tindlSit- turdaty mnsinsg. L~adiss Sasturday7 1uifte-itoos ost 4oock. Atvlt-etl class eveing 8lito.'c1slock. Adr1511ietBrhiusse tfluttlttrtof iH hhc. lli ests newo plty '"lTh uen l oetsfShte- lus,' svhichl osill Ite Ipresentedlot thue Grand llOluera lHotuse, F-rida~y es's., Oct. F1ils, is fifty yeasofOhage. LikoeIsis conttemiporaries, Geosrges Ohntet a1111 Alphtose lDaudelt, lisehelontgs eosen- tinily to tihe literosty set sot tParis. Ile tss as remaiorkabsle slislole to publllicity, andt is tievotedi t1o Iis charm-Iintg famtt- ily. hlis dusties ill bte departmtsent (If te miisistry of linse atosiwhere ise 111101ds anenvsiabhle ptositions, permiit o~f lis tievotinig a cetinitremount (If lei- sture to the wsrititng of ptlays. Sine tse comptiletiont of the "Quseent of Site- 11a" hse tasreceived Iaessommission fronm CIIIdlelins 101 a1[ceoedy based Iuponl an (originlal subfjectf. 5Honst. uNlit'k, thseI sdirector of tihe (Odeson'1Teatre lParis, after hsearinthse (Queen of Shseba reasd, svishedi to negotialte for ai.lParisians prot- ducetionofs the play b1111Mlle rtheoa's enigagemlens sill.\toniet luprecllusded her eniterCtin~intg sy offer hoosever temsptinsg tefore lext seasu~o-whenshsie niay possib~lybe inducedi 1olimake tsr- ransgemnitts wsithi Mosis. Mlarck. Mean~- wsiile hser Amnericanlitour wsith ti- e "Quleen. of Slieba" pronoises to be bte most sitccessul she 1101 ever hadss. Shse svilt be suire of a cordlial reception at Ann Arbor, where Msise has manly warm adlmirers amtlong studlens anlos citizens al ike. tiger of thse companil~y, isicosnsideroet its' bent moatn tin histe illts te pfessont anti masny of tile.ttot su~ccessflI opensthait]lavbe1 brtought out int ftle mast tell years-ca't laflthi success Ilo hsNo rO. Thote wotten~joyta1irut- bo peratic tetriormanctIe sisholdit "iisseelig the lBosttouiaIIteah sest I Thudy esestilig. Otobert1,I1 LOHINESS LOCALS. 0, 5 Itit 1 .f.' I'.I tit's Ito.11andget larsges It dh .1 t .1 - tetorc ue intohle se1ription tfur I.ireeIPress, TibunettlI o Nms oto hoe deltsveredh sitht F.Stoflet. Ostert Iilituse Nesdalr.1 A. L. Rots .s, Leadintg CloCtier ati lastter is sittis oa ine sf-ssor tmeont of Mackuintoshies F01It SALE.--IiladsadPool. (OperiaHottse 131k, hitonts ustaotir. m I-5w. A tilte'stlit of roomsosutittable fot cot- 1,-ge soit-lforIlls t 0itt ithe Masontic= block. Aply o .1 tilut tArbout'Say- isigs Lank11. il-G. ,I)e1 ill ttllt depatme-hnts osre en- titledl tosnsitor rates on 1phtotographie -work It ltuttsihtll's. Psed Kuytet. 's Dest, Iessons It 1t'ultii9g-t5 Go o i i101155N'v )s0t xStotoN Efor asiĀ° Lasbortatory supiesl . IDistsecting eases, apuronts andilsleeves.-.Loute iiw Chotice Tobiacco, Ciftirs att ip ~esot 'tlhIhttol'5 lillisrtil lt, No. tO Roritl Moinstrit i. 1--7 l'he hoge,-t andi beshtsituek itt cigale an ftancttty stoltiltg ttittios itslIthe city is tiCtBrowni's 1Ivtg story. Clo o hIlzlht \ l'too Bllitart Itil - "'tat-'storeelt. NI-Islyrenovted. et li.- t10111ny oattettianot. Aotn Atle 1 De Workts illt 3 est Unrtotlottr e't.S p ciat lttOntit gives: Cs cheainllhg 1a11d1rfep