THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during [ita Collao-v iar, ty THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscriptiott pricer 511.511 per year, intariably io adenanre Single copies 3 rents. Suhscrip- tons may be left at the office at the DAttLo, at Stattlet's, with atty at the editort or authorized alicitars. tommunicationsshtotuid reach the cffice hy a'ctork P. m. iftheay are cc appear the next (lay. Addresa all matter intended tar publica- Students, Attention! The ottudents from Ohio, Wesct Virginia, the South anod Southeast, whlo contetmplate going honie for the spring vacatiotn, are requeoted to meet in rootm 52, law linilding, Wed- itestlay afternoon at a :3o, for the pulrposte of seccuring intro and mak- intg arrangetacots for tranoportation. It is esetntial that all students fronm the above named territory he pres- ent. CQLIJJIIBIfII T'RIIE RCEIrT'S. What they will do for you and how to ob- tain them. TRADE RECEIPTS. arc cotupocis issud by mierchanits for the purptose of shiowicug thyf atunitt of cash trade they get fromtiscubscribers for the Coliiclbiarc Cyclopedia. icon to the Managing Editor. All bustinesas 1r. Tibbals the operator for TRADE RECEIPTS. aensManiater hol. e et t h Cti Corlis, has been connected with the o OTHE. o .DIY leading galleries in the U. . IA cani be secured to the full aniotunt o your purchases trotm all nier- Anns Arbar, Mich. example--six years with ''Toolin-chats ot otur list by presentittg EaIdentifications Cacti issued by t cv fDtot ewl eheesoigta o r usrie o h ouba ylpda EDITORS. April 15111. T A ERE EP S C. A. U l[oSOo, 1law '54, Stanagiug;lEdttor.TR D RE IP S 11.A. SPA'.sttut , lit. '94, Assistatt. ctctec J. . one ,Lit '.>,Asistnt hene Caenar s owreadly d this t att-anyincrease its the price tof gOOlS ltll'clluSetl, or tit P. WALTERSo, tawe'Ill, Assil aol. for cdistributiotn and cas be had on FoIitlist by ally 11101 IluthaiynarVolt w 115'btt-ytig. J. A .1, tlas',t. '9to, Athletic Editor. R D R C IT WtM. A. ttto, ,lt. '97, Biasiness Matnager. application at the Steward's office.TR D RE IP S sAW. iG. IL. Chapmtan, '92 lit, formerly toot absoliitely nlothintg except the tr'outble of goinggto the store"'' H. ti. ttautttttta, '15 St. assistanitmanataging edlittor of 'PtIis where they tmay be obtaitietd itd mtinug your purchtases there. R. o. Acoin, '95. MtDtCtL~t. E EP S r'. 11. satlilt, 'l6. .. CI.Tartridaie,'. . D ait. , is on the staff of thte Detroit 'TRADERE IP S E. '. Lyle, 'till, UEiif Ic l '9-t .i CAreie Snctcv lu'y 'I. ' ' I littottil . as farl'as titerelianits are cOtaci'tied tiietoto ietraSeiltratde for thetu lavirV.Su~oaitptitblv C; t . OtltutAki ''9. 111111 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n ,tctttilit'.IOttht~'1att. cutt stttomiers ire ho shlart'the benefits tat it. Alt copy must,-Ibe at the odcbeforett:1W'a.tolR CEP S at the day of Itliuatioc. TRADERE IP S y10 N .p wlf sillI bc' accepotedlby tis at ote-tethtlihleir' fact' saltue in ftillI iaxin enl _______________________________HOUON. _I for ti set of the ('iotmbianti C'lopedia cit regutlat' price. TRADE RECEIPTS. Mve'rx c o tit caeil~' lecte,-itll tilereforle secutre foi' 'ouI abstltutely fi'ee of 'cnst a ref' t'ril' i - DILYts statf tonight, 714:.5 o'clock. brtv ~ l il1115 i 0)pte tlTo l ttslus sharp. Every membnler is expectedl Horsford's Acid Phosphate TRADy f:1 , oune,2,00paEs RECE00iPT srtos to be lpresect,.R D E EP S -Is the itost effective and ayl'ee- to the alltll t oafItwenity-fis'e dollars secuired fromtiatiyo'rtill of tll(- Vie canno1) tcimtend tooigbly stoles sN -11 entiitle 5(oll to 11 solutmte if thet' (oltlIialti Cvl opedia the lan of a class scolarshipa as in-I able rensedy in existenice for Extra (olist' Minding. trodtuced lay the class of '93, tad lroptosedi ly thetcvl'ass of '9a.. Thie only mtethtod bly lich Mii gan ships is aty the establistiittect III 'aic liathe Bavd of Pel ects should 11 act upon11 by al ici no. Ii1'.t on was itor the 1mar11to putii 111?. iltiiEs in every accredited hig1S schol f tihrotighioaut te country. Inits1 mnnuer at clo'ser titil o culd Ib'e e- tiblisitl.d lbetweeni the iniversits' and the htyli schools whichtitt asi feeders. 1t\ ', are lnlt slrpriseil to see our "nmodest" c ontenmporary, the Cor- nell Suni indualging iti a bit of self- itraise. Vie have alwvays observed! that when pieole have no other! means of praise, thley lraise them- selves, and in the case of otur "mod- est'' conteniporary it mutlst htavere.- If aired an endless amioint of "nerve" ta write te editorial referred to. It is more fittintg ainiikeepainig woith thte''modesty'' of te Stun to leave the ptatter of ptraise to out1- title parties. As far as 'lii e' l).sut1. s concerneil we otake no claimi as to our excelenciae, leaving it to othters to judge. iesiiL :theGse Iisec si's ,i li.,ing fr'omniac IisolIIcccii sto)titach. Dr. W. W. Gardner,5tpringfiecld, '51., a'a'.' "I valuit-,is anall vsetlentll ItuocrvdCheieaucaiWorlaa Pto'adencc.I. For Sale by all Druggists STRAI ARE THE BESTJ CIGARETTE SMOKERS 5111 ihvtoir log to pay aitle mre th n thepre charecd for the turuinary traudtigiletll', wiltliad THIS BRAND suptirtoaialicothers. The Richmond Straight Cut No.1 it tavor, ttnd iigteat vcstCOLD LEAF BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, tant obuervet hvelw is ccuasvey luackage. Fie G~f1lA4MRIC zancaeu e - MACH 7C, RsahMNDVIFcG1IA STHE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS ISSUE TRADE RECEIPTS: IIBEISDSACII IA.DWARlE Co.,. AVs. ('iIaIS, Plaoog-laiuii' SFI II"I' V MI(I XEL tLopits 31illijvcas. 't. F. M I OEI .,,:wets. -XNN .X IIPOl s'I'E.\7.ILA l l SisEIIIA ' . t tsaistsa atlr' l{ 5 a 1 I Thse namne stands toe tust what it is. Thte Dest BicycleDuit toe $125.00. I'll Il ali. tt tita'lclt Ia i itt 'rit 1illtli. tt till .1111 tlmll l- ll al[L i itlnis good 'A. G. Spalding & Bras., Chicago. New York. Philadelphta. FIRST'INATIONAL BANK Oav:ANN Atiti0R. Trattsactsasgenceraibaningtuiness. Fcr- eignch au'geau u'otght acid sold. iLetters of ceedit tu'oclieftaveleersabroad. P. lB iclie'. S.0«'.ta AltySO", 1Cashuier 7 Schooslof Dancing, GroundthFloor S MAYNARD STREET. GBAPNGER'S, DEM cc cc ersmist beaintdc. t'iee ancic tttxAcalot, Ctd8 11I of it''1. 4iCMU I HaL . 1orittI I eleph'n11 1 1 Itte LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. attt SHORTHAND,. tialliti cal huldin,, lti. l- a a k;wllsie read "ttingtromt dily 111',01111'- I t'0oalfailities or t l 1111ig'til 1.110itc' i eltllt-shrthandt tttlrtesillllativelhtl. falllla Fcc flete atatouaddres P. R. CLEARY, FatS. l xt atrei sati agd tttitita Wi41v esltnSaivincgs Oeposita. littoSafety itetoit. Bco's tar retnt. Hanktlopen.alturdalycevening.