Vot. IV.-No. 141. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL °1, 194. PRICE, THREE CENTS. NEW ATHLETIC BOARD I dents Christian association, for the COLLEGE MEN AND WOMEN.I NOW ON SALE benefit of the Mission. Besides the Higher Education Leads to a Better C Transacted Some Important Bus- Performance of the Duties 1c T LatNgtCmi- contrihutions placed in the oxes, iu of LifeX.~t ness Lsofgt.CmmtLife.o 1 \r{W W tees Appointeci. very satisfactory collections were yLc«H.CentDicorfth('eu- __-made y passing envelopes around Fro HarardVale-Pricnnegnchesta. tt- -est The newly elected oard of di- amsongst the fraternities and oard- Columbia, Cornell, Willians, Dart- le -AaIc--- c ~~~~~~~'ts' el-liSc- s lt i g .ri Vet rectors met last evening in roons 9, ing houses. An acknowledgement mouth, Amherst, John Hopkins, see." and passed off considerable business of all amounts thus collected sill Oberlin, the University of Michigan, ieatutty 5;ustrsteted ttepstc. Esery s- of importance. be made in the report. CiaouiestLln tn etstttts sy President Cleveland announced -.- --- ford, Jr., university, also front Wel- 7tAn yro Y C the following standing comunittees: Inter-Society Debate. ILesley, Vasser, Snith, front sub- 51SoSuth Main St Baseball-Messrs. Cadwell ,Went- stantially all te leading institutions wcorth, Shields, Weeks and Rich. Tefrto eiso eae e of liberal learning in all sections of Football-Mlessrs. Charles Baird, twen te Webster and Jeffersonian the country, come reports wicttite ilb edtngtatSaonst hs Tefeha Jantes Baird, MacPierran, Iatavia o'clock, in the lawv lecture room, ls sts a~s nIt ts and Bartes. casi h ags ntehs Trc-'tsrs 'lrirulI d he program will be as follows: ory of the institution' Tis 'iavi ssMrtna le.Ln- Edsicvafrs oni.an re; idegate, sswisl tsts sayssueto n r say, Freund, Bourland and Prentis. MuiJfesnamqatt rbtnight be expected tobetrtt, Tenis-Mssr..Codos Csik-resolved, That the Souths presents a unless whe were to look fr te at- ering Cummer, Hill and Bliss. betrfldorevop nthate ural growtlh of the total nuttmber of ncswthea-.rnptanc-s- Printing- Messrs. Cadwell attd et fiuaieieseD .students throtghout etlsentcoutryfto 0152, t.84ortSltesat,515 pntsas Abu oe ee t Aa air ttst TFie. tennis committee was tn- Jeffersonian, A. L. Curtis, N. O new coleges and universttes. Tlhe I strcte toputtle curt inconi-Coltrane; music, vocal solo, Miss educational needs of the conitry *~ *.I L U Campbell;toaccompanisttsMissonPfeiYhowever, Oti C ion for immediate use, and ereCtielunsicvocas, Miss CaP.-hoeerare much better uet by ot 13-185 WuiotantAi-c. furthser attlitoric-ed to erect new back 'l;msc oa slMs ap enlarging and strengthening existing DII- - IMCHIGAN net. 'iletrak cmmiteewer diec bell- Judges Rev. J. M" . Iesln, institutions than by adding to teir ses.ibrs. J. T. Sunderland, Prof.E.I number. Tieirakeonntte t ernpar dtrectla awak ottnson. Dean Knowlton silt pre- 'Te increase its college atten -itorpirtt taklya akstde. All are cordially invited. dance is nmuchttits excess of the in fronthtie entrance gate to the grand Aiisosfeices t spsait.Tssts statst and uake such further repars ih enee bu h t- NVRIYNTS us ssghthrnccrid bot tseats UIVRSTY OTS. led to thse fear tist ot only tie PHOTOGRAPHER, - 6 E. HURON ctic scitfsnied.o ntat frs nbt its. ,- 55i~ssi hfi si Iu 5oW. '0n,[ - t tas lecidedthtat ts ccn tcr vl i -tthec-ssc-rton dnin dutsaasmlk butse tscilhresic-_________________________11_________________ ionn Day ganme siouldt ie pluyd s c-i{Thursday evening, April tu. at S serted- FRESH ASSORTMENT usual in Detroit. ( ss'rlock, its Frieze Memtorial hal. I. T'his fcar is gounssles, for --sc--- Tise baseball conmttetr satson- ie S. C. A. are preparing to atsr serve hos sany college grasisates strssctetcsso lt the fielsinto courts tange a scial net scc-ck for tiosc- annually gs instohsusisscss ratiscr -rnzxQ}-OOcJ C tionsforcthisrst gantc- Apr ci 8 sc-Io spentespc lring vacation Iere. tan professionssl caeec-cs. RTse ls MCt-s c Y is ansi toc-c-cct a tswo-ine hurls uire tic-it irescott icft fsr Europe of professions Iss bentenlrgludc-l '11f '-i-I' S, - 48S. Slte St top on tthsefence, to pre-venst''sicart ycserdtavafterisootn. A nssmber of util literary- stott sincludsing5"}or-,~ eals"' froinsslting a grasnsdstistandplsrtsics asnd erics saw lim sof. susistuandscinttits s wsk ssslsss THE WAVERL-Y WHEEL sflc fe'nc-c-t101. 'esterda's basebal pratice w i"mass sslcs- ctcss--5s5t -t s s-ls Ar-pattnsfrD~t~ncciretty- rgge, alprobaily', t mCor3 si --ss 58 .00in - sc-scindowsof ert, rlsse, Dbae lsc~et ence suitable foriralesdriucd tsts cs i-- ______ EstotheIthe sweathertians tosnthtiing Illis almossst certain thsatele Ac-el- else. te-B OJ' RJ T R ac- d Assl Apiha N'uscill arrangec-tss Mr. Mcothll's class iss flcrman iilsrttsuis sntsased ss c-ttisory, hsavec-their rdebatinsg contests scills finishesd 'Dc-c-(cistersclscr' and lbit of lte i lss cis nevi-cser I~ 1 cac-l other before the-cecur of Ilis still nosytake up 'the 'Thtirtsyyear's before, a ic-it fotho.Istis -ta-t sesse ster. RTesissing society scill War.'' the higher learning is goc-sd in itsclt, thatsstsold itself open to a challenge Fergusot, '94 las, was tie one I tats object is not to sitake prach- BASE BALL GO D for a final contest withs the winnitig schor won the lgltt-eght wrestling ,ocor, laysedtro socictv of the last departmsent. in the indoor meet, not Hlolmles, as cenmists, bit to tsiake rnen-as-nd, yesterday's DAILY stated. women. Sttts tscl Gymsnasitums Stp- Futand Flower Mission. Po.Tyo iluetIi ls So nosy se see each Autns sis The Fruit and Flower Mission in- in "History of Political Econony' I ths-oud ofeyoungeuesanduhnd- reds-woulda thereawere thousandstYisut re ini -a ic-xtottctuk itidries. tend to publish regularly in te fu- onWdedyintaofFdyt -of young women entering college _________ turf a statement of all contributions the same hour and place as usual. wih-- ain.o-tday ie received. In a few days a report of Tonight occurs the joint debate purpose to enter professional life, W H ' the Easter offerings will be made, between the Webster and Jefferson- but fully determined to make their W A R ' in addition to which will be given ian literary societies. The meeting life, whatever may be its special UIJ'RSITYBOOKbSTORE thse amount of the collection taken will be held at the law lecture roost channel, as broad, deep, high, op at University hal by the Stud- at 8 o'clock. strong, and luminous as possible. STATEc STRET ANN ABORE