THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, 51i0 So.INo ST. Direetor anod Manager. EXCELSI OR LAUNDRY 20 EAST HURON STREET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods colled for and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. isE ahntnStreet. zz Yearsi in te'a CITY',,LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. DANCING and DELSARTE MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER 46 S. State Street. MONDAk -8 p, m.Advainced tClas s inL- die. andtGentiesoen. MONDAY- p. mn isdies. dei..iii clain.. TUESDiAY-,' p. mi. Genilemn'sndancing SATURIDAY-1i0 n. in. Getiliemen'sn ining 4 D. n. JLadies' dancingeclass. 2:05 p. in. Ctildren's dancim- ciass. Sup.m. iPrivateiadvnedclas'.. Privati'lessons by appointment. HODGXAN'S iWACKINTOSHES rgijI 'r-oe ,$16.50 op in $25.00 ;ii D_ A. TINKER'S, G b . No. 9 South Main street, Forl iTgwons. ° THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. CHICAGO. 1060Wabsh iAe.,LB. F. CLARK. Virail1, Aii, 1:208. 4,40 1Posiion illdi.ii SiPoitigo n e l 3 Official Photographers O I TO-WIT: MICGHIGAN GENT L Tirnr'lTable (Rievised) iii. iiiii,14. tt nicEAp S. ii wiil .. 00 A. ti. A.. f AtR.lani xres ,50M iiiiiiid Sin8:5 N. t.. xpLi ..ited 11ii N. S i .v1030 0.. W. liitY.HW Hve Gl. P. &T. AgeCiica~o. Aolt. innArboir. 'ioTable itkiiioefectiSundny, Ii on.bI:35 iS94,'i'iin leviei kin Aiibor by Central NORTHhal , dalyev )li 0 illly ii12 1 111. n il l 11:11) a.An 1A ATansrn tenAnrbor adTld . S. (SEVISS, AentAii Arbor. KEEP YOU'llACCOUNT 15.1151 IRE +$TATC $AVII1G$BAflK+ (. 'nMin nd Wshingt on Streitvs A. L. oims.Priso RoBi 0P1,A li, Cash'r. CROWN PEN CO' "rONTA50I5N DGLD 4T TT SRE.PE AES CnHICAGO.? ~:WM.R. .F LDE,: MAWRST CSSTHEAORE Avi D mSiEL P ivtE oeNSI i Soe ti'v SENDO OUR AGENCY MANUAL. STUDENTS' WORK A SPI;- AINCL.Nen York, LoXiigeles, 'ronata. VPE? (AT. U. OF' M. CALENDAR. The musical portioii of the fist part antI 0110thirud fare. ''ickets ill be _______is a decidled eciiange from the olid way issued April i all i I31i andl04111, Aeonii., .Apr. i.-_Seondiilecolron Iblseii,roomso ofteii oeeiihere before. ainilthe lehd. :34, at1511. in. worni-ot slings are caretfilly avoidedil good for retuirnotil Apili 24112 11- Tin., Ape. lil.-Melino of lirnoittnie clni a The singiiig of George Evis, Toms elusive. II., W..HAYSoe, Agt. at WaSiiin avnue, ia2110p. II. Lewis and Jamies A. Wall deserves. nreo BU1 u li h ore"sn 10,iilSIRENSLOCALS. TriursEv Re., Aiir. 12.--Hon. lioger' Q. imisi, pleiseil lie large audience wooderful- C A. I. A. oor :e, siest: ,hoisii Jeteraon ly. The game of football between the leesiieisialigepo aindthe Priniplesiof 11FreeGo..ernmnit.'" '"Hayales" antI" Hearties" was a de-illeiilfor It.e 11ummeir should ad- Vr.Eve., 'ipe. i:3.-S rieilivaclatilonlben-ins. eldetl burlesque on thatpopulalr gamneidress P. XV./Ziegle~ro.BOY it.iSo1 - - - and brought forth lots of faiu, adii lkiaeliu Pa, iocffr great Unity Cilub. kept the hiouise in a roar. 'teis comipaniuy miakes a.(Graniil 11,1iiiduhcemlenits 1(11 111ecial nvork to adle on Tislay, 2l p. ill. whic 10- ov src; eli fittedi, and Thse lecture aniniusicetdto lie given "'' wh- ulich pils S,- otopr nmonith. by M11iss Itartlett, of IKalamazvoo, 0oai.In oi.-l so e i}e this Monday evenling, wili be gisven Pinafore at the opera houseiciint.ilte atl aesat owshk~. by rs.I~uon It Wt Iaun, rol-April i o aisd iit , oughst to idraiv-Mtteson's. crow(' «f stiudents. IHome talent' , ine ils0111110tooier ruihesanid ored womian of Chicago, wvho has caiin>o lure a far better opera thanU s . i P&' lanoe beens lecturing at IKaamazoo, unuder foretgii talent, judging fronitihe at vI 11.Io 1btinlersos M\isBartleit's patronage. NMiss tractions svkichi have appearedl at 'ai t owil ,yltes Bartlett was 1o speak uiponl the the graodth lis year. If you wish 1t iio i i i II i otlii << enjoy yourself thorougbly for a lit -2VFO l'r. iii (lii \ ionls allpitoi 'Rights anai Wronogs of thse Aumer- lipoepot isPnfr fr I teoli 10 uk' y'g Jlol icain Negro.'' Sie thouught that lProf. Renipf aind his ovell trained, I Anii Xibiri&,SNnorthMich Mrs. \Willianis coiilnl Iresent thieI chorus are wvidhly knoswn in .tril a--- subject iiore satisfactorily. Mrs. Arbor. Sonic Universityltalent wil; Q TiiFin LA N R WXilliamis' subject will be "T'h'e Pro- alsii appear, naniely in Woi. A. 1.1.11 1AS gross of Colored \Vonien since their Spitziey, Psi Can Joseph Porter, K. BOWDINI & HOUSioL. Proprietors. C. It. Members of the ge 'clb oii . :>z 1' lltO 3r sxar Emsatncipationi." yli all wohkne sill also appear. gleci hiearil her speak, esplecially at the "+----.-. ------ Woiian's Congressluhelol in May at Studenits Reduced Ratos. Ckicago, and at tile Parliament of -'or tile spring vacation of tile Religions hieldl in September, she University of Michigan; Ypsilanti- was spuokeo of as an able antIacm Normal aisd Cleary Bsiness ol- plishsed svoiman. 'Ske is to be intro- lege, the 'Toletlo, Ann Arbo r& Ydcdb isBrltadteNorths 'Michigan R'y will sell tickets ;$rRA1 tilel y isltrtet ail til o studlents lholding0 proper certili ARE THME BEST. cluib fools confident thait its platrons rates, at 01n0 and one-third fare for CIGARETTE SMOKERS iho ae 00111 soul itosel pao al m,. little 1 1 1110 1110 11 1L11t110 ulli(e 1110ewelplaed teroluno trip to ati points in 21Mich- Icha~rgedi 111r0thellordinary 0110trae Olt-e, wiiill idTHIS BRAND nsupeoolnO others. gunrrilt ueCerry.''alc s The Richmond Straight Cut No.1 Primrose and Wont'.. Minstrels. 'ikessilbisel l1ISt, ('idLE"'E 'tik t wilperas ed Ap il12h ise llu rsdlay. ioi 1 I. t t an 11111.tiu and llinmitedl to return1arli vie 11111 11)11 1111.1 11111 .0 111101111 1. 1 p Ir ts' '.1 pto ani- l udin npil 24th.u i ilvorand11111 s, cost111. 111GOLD LEAF 'h iao''ms onouday, \Maruc lll ichtlg i - 1 groinl01111111 'ie Ci4,sago'si: e, t S7ua..lrooBEt. tWARE nF IMITATIONS, till observe1 r'She greait business rlili his lbieiRueRaes kotit h nel a010 1t)Ith n110.attlies uoiiirili'iiat the(Chiieagoi Opesra hiiuise dulrinig'the loist tnwiu seeks bllls fair to 'T'he MichilgaisCentral swiltlohmake, i re lT"£e antoc leiiIt'ritiiirlg tue lcuret reiduiceulrates 10 stutdeints at oine BROANClI '' REjcnOnvtcNVIaA enigagemcent, L~ast night Primiriise! a1nd1 Wests mnstiels openeo eoI50eks enigagemcenittoo the caipacity iofthou TKE JG-_MtO_ SS AN2K 1 CIT'O TJ~I 'L ATIN 'ItZEO hio~use.'Ihils is remarkabodle ini viewof.oil,. the fact thiait Herrmaninuuilaneid to over- flowsiiig business soil that lie geinerals 1111111 1 15.F1- lIt6O IF N K.illitieu liih I inesI oouliot% i l u ii Il n..l'yu tn putblic' is inclinled to hoe a lttle siuspi- theIestask fiiithe PARKER. It uluo istate l i I 0 1r10 1)~t;,~tit io I ooT le ia rke loll liouisof iiinstrelsy. Anoothier surpipse Col1,10nstilel ies'o Sheehan & Co .. elnioi n tvto .\5tiii tt us the fulfillmnent of the promnises of the nuisance 0ma11that "eveiythiig is I, I5tfl iiew," the comspaniy is strung in iiewsr r songs, thin olid-tiiie circus gags have .e:~~ beeni replaeo with modnuern aiid apt .1 s jokes, andl while there is lots of horse z plasy it is of asi entertusininig charater. The specialties are excellenut, indl the y >i foiotball gisme is ose o1 the most huhd~-1 L crois Irrooigenieiits s eeniinP this city. All evening's clean amtiusemienit is if- s s 0 fordedl and.1the engagegenit will lbes___a___ _______ suiecessfuil onue. (Chicasgo enjoys divr_r tiseint, andu this is certuainly affortdeol I ~ rv by the prougrani preseintedl ty Primlroise STYTEl ABSOLUTELY dNetaPDthi bnED SuhexTYE, O RET uiacoid Wetaulterlouo o uogI o COLORS, CORRCT i1 -I) S. '31A IN ST.