THE U. OF M. DAILY. Publisbed Daily (8undlays excepted) during iheLColteaO 5 tar. tby ihE UI. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION All copy must be at the othee before 8:80ta. to ot the day of publication. THERE will he a meeting of the newly elected :Board of Editors of THE DAILY at the office tomorrosw (Tuesday) night at 7:45, sharp, for the election of officers of the Board, and every editor is expected to he present. THE: Convention of the American Republican College League, at Syr- acuse, New York, ivas a striking success.- Aong the addresses, L. G. Long's on 'The Scholar in Pol- itics,'' is conceded to hare been pre-eminent. The intense and ipro- longed applause wvhich folloswed his address, the hearty and repeated congratulations which he received, and the immediate re(]usst hy the tic, Syracuse University; 3rd vice-HAI1 re. .J ennU Wso-sin; sec., Win. C. White, Cornell' 1 [ "I N nvriy ra. .W ubr, jadUiest fPnslai;mm htIL ildofry u ad o oo - her of executive committee and dele- ti h m gate to Denver, Wnm. H. Cox, of _____ Yale. 'Thus it will he seen that of TRADE RECEIPTS. the ew Yrk sate he pesi e ouons)05 issued by omerchanots for the psuipose of showing the- only wvas elected. Michigan was amount of casho trade they get fromi subscriber's fot' the Coluiotuhusn farther honoared in the election of Cyclopjedia. Mr. F. C. Kuhn for chairman of or- ganization for Michigan and Ohio TRADE RECEIPTS. and Mr. L. G. Long for member of cats be sectored to floe foil amount of your purechases from all osoes'- executive comomittee. choanots ott our list by presenting an Idontificatioon Card issued by om A number of noted speakers were showing flint yooo are a subscriber for floe Columobian Cyclopedioa. present and moade the convention TRADE RECEIPTS. and banquet which followved in the i do miotomenany itncrense lot the price of goodls pirchausedl, or that evening, an occasion long to be re-I youo most buoy anty ooore thantt yooo are now buying. membered. Among them were,' TRADE RECEIPTS. SentorCh.s.orSmithSRoat.Fats- cost absouttely nothling except floe trooublo of gooig lo the stores- sell, ~~ Chswmr nilHb. xher'e they maosy be obtatiniodsand moakinog your puorchases there. Porter, J. M. Langston, meumber of" Congress from Virginia, and :Prof. TRADE RECEIPTS. George Gunton. sos ftaruss iierclostots ste cooncernted msesans inscr'esedtrsade for therm 'Te next convention wiii probab-osoid thast cuostomsersar too-tOtsharel the benefits oft it. ly go to Chicago or Wisconsin. TRADE RECEIPTS. Followships for Women. wiii be asccep~tedl by ussast onie-tensthi their fasce vsalue itsflull lssslrsrt aiuii tutg srsauosicfl-))ci. . '] Q io it, "1 ihiiiifti,ri. at .0 at 1010 lication of the address all attest the 'rie Association of Collegiate TRADE RECEIPTS. snqualified success of Mr. Long's Aluosnae hass two fellowvships open will tlherefore secouoe fotr yots absolutely free of cost so sefer'esice li- efforts. He has not only brought to womenm graduates, one of $5oo brary of 32 vititttiis, 2(),000 pages and 7,000 illustratioons. honor to the University, but has for study abroad, and one of $350TR D RE IP S also establishoed lis reputationo as an for study in this country. A scholar-TR D RE IP S orator, and the hU. of Mi. Republi- ship affosrding hoard andI tuition for to lt-e sounsot of twety-fir-e dolilars sectored fromssainy or sloiif liii. can club can justly feel proud of its one year in thocAuterican Honte shtos txill eontitle oult tsosaVolsoume of floe (iCooltbiso Cyclopediai able representative. I School in Boston, is also offeredExrOle idl- tlsrongh -- I ttis association. Applica-, THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS ISSUE TRADE RECEIPTS: Michigan Remembered. tions for these fellowships and forIMIIBXi H EIWI C, A.X'('IISPotgrpe- Janmes J. Sheridan, Franz C. Kuhn tlcsloassp utb sd ySTEsItvr'r & I('HAEL, I.'Iojuisa lilliii eis. and L. G. L~ong, of Michigan's rep- May z. President Angell has the EMEIOAZBACH I)(I SAND CI-W OICA.1,C(> resentatives to the American Repub- circiulars giving fuller particulars, ,)< . IZOEII( ZLE, M1tats. ANN AI~IR STEAMV1 LAUN I)Ity. lecan College L~eague convention and tvill shtowvthenm to ant-ote in- SI'AEIIL.iE & ('0., (irmcelies 111111('al ,(i returned fronm Syracuse yesterdayteeidnsengtem mvI7ru and report a msost enjoyable trilp.PA CE+BR tI+SO Tfhe contventtion twns chararterzv.e d Ma, tlt i""'- I.V,. .OWE-N, ]t'n. by earnest andtthsssusiastict\ork. fN. 1a s mtox tt. t ~tiit' cour 'rienty-five colleges and usiiver _ Cre-aii iti bii.I sities swere relpresented bl a ooo 200 5 O x~~ msen. 'rie election ot ofticeus in- voived a u-urns context. Harvard, - O' & "AL, Oi 5 toi tti Cornell and University of the City The name stands for just what it-is. of New Vent eacho putting foriward Horsf'ord's Acid Phosphate Theo best Bicycle built fr$2.0 candidates for the presidenscy. Batecilllan l zawvn Tenis. Vale, Michigan ant inbe other of isthe ossost effectiv'e and agyre-easdocsivuaI stho t ooeL.gioat Ii $NES enetrivoiviiiotltt tfep.Soi the league colleges favored Harvard's Canada--'O. titt-vS lriv lit1. I tiviieilli- able reerredyV in existence fortvittatl,-voy.viire. candidate,1\Mr. Shirley B. Johnson, Jand s-c A. talg. e SpadiugSe&tros., of Kentucky. After a warns fight preventing indogestioon,anre Chicago. New York. Philadelphia. __ M1r. Theodore Cox, of the Uliver- lievinig those diseases 0511G _______________ sily of thte City of Netv York, was1 FIRST NATIOINAL BANK OI ste LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS declared elected, the vote stood 12 frosts t disordered stonmaci. OF ANN AlROR. antd SHORTHAND. Aftgni~itithiiiiii'o nine teachrlrtt oge attendance ooeisc-itoipline;snpo~er- toued olg aigoevt.Capiit, $50,000. Surplus and Prot ts, N30.000.toorit; welleosupiedreainom; dailylectur~ev Tt0iIsateaecherollegekihavingtone tvne..-Saturdty eventigecepitin; oethe tire ear Dr. . W Gadne Spingiel, Tansetsgenralankngbsinss.For Ix~etioai acii-tb-,ies o placiog stuidents n post- iescigan's efforts in behalf of ' ~Spighleign exchatige booghut aad sold. Leotters of titonihotlyt-tlgra'biototgniroiis-vgtt-to. Ziitrgt Mass, toys: "0 saint is as ans encellent credit 5procured for travelers abroad. eoiaetsrsV to $2.15tpre ekwa itpreivate failies. the league which twns organized P. BACvit.Preos . S. CLARRKSON, C'asltier. For ewemcataloguec, addiresn here ttwo years ago sins recognized preventative of indigestion, atid a pteasattP.__R.___ CLEARY,_____ PRES.__ and heshe gt enns e givenportheciunext drimport-ropelyidluteowihdScdrink Dacinhenrulurchor rrr ,dnd seetndd.wishARDSTRhn.n?1 of aDancing, OtonnamsmShriFloor ate an ofieIr hl b-wir odsfind"MYADSRE 1h eners antdefaulhC 311h log elected to the frst vice-Itresi- Descripttiv-e pamphleuit free sit applicaitiomi to G N~ 'R ''M ai li.t5tdl i)Pot ib dency. Rumford CealcWrks, kpovdnR tIit.l I)J .J. D~toes aenettl bastingbuisineen. Fays ioter- rrvano.- Catn betrttedI for iv us at iUes, ecp- esu tsnSaingst -Deposits. las Safety The oilier officers elected tw're as Bewarte of Substiutes and 5mitatiotns. t lonBaqutt etc. oa p u Ift- hll.lepsi oxes for ret. Stran -ermusnotube untoductdORidence ttR.tKEMPF, ti-en. Fi. e.SEacCasier. fsllowvs: 2nod vice-pres., L. 1:.NWhit- For Sale by all Druggists, tnoi tttvsAcademy-. Bank open Saturdaytvevening.