of . a l . VOL. IV.-No. 140. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1894. A GREAT SUCCESS. received as usual. Messrs. Reed, OUR SUCCESSORS. Fischer and Williamson gave a very UThe Indoor Meet a Credit to the at exibition on the bars. The Newly-Elected Board of Edi- University.-Thoroughly Enjoy- xtors who will Control the Destiny ed by Those Present. The event of the evening was the of-the Daily for One Year. exhibition of wrestling given by The indoor meet on.Saturday Reilly, national champion, and Bar- night was the most successful ever clay, Detroit champion. They met given in the U. of M. While the in three hard fought six-minute crowd numbered less than five hun- bouts. In the first, a draw, the dred, it was very enthusiastic, and wrestler gave a magnificent exhibi- it is safe to say that hereafter the tion, showing all the falls and ways indoor meet will be a prominent of getting out of them. The next feature. two bouts were each won by Reilly In the featherweight boxing, Nor- two minutes and a half. Through- -is, '97 lit, won from Hubbard, '97 out the exhibition, the work was lit, and Holmes, '97 medic, won brilliant, and the crowd went wild from Work, special engineer. In with enthusiasm.I ,he final, Norris bested Holmes. The officers of the meet were G. The lightweight boxing had but W. Kenson, manager; Prof. Patten- two contestants, Cockett and Dun- gill, master of ceremonies; Mr. can, both '95 laws; Cockett besting Keene Fitz Patrick, referee; Prof. Duncan in three very interesting dePontreferee of fencing; Drs. Nan- houts. crede and Lombard and Mr. Glid- In the middleweight boxing, the den, judges of boxing; Dr. Nancrede contest between Holliday, '94 law, and Messrs. Wagner and Dwyer, and Wilcox, '95 lit, was close and judges of wrestling; Prof. Guthe and tierce, the judges giving Holliday Messrs. Rogers and Swift, judges of he decision. fencing; E. Batavia, timer; J. Con- Larson, '94 law, easily won in the don, scorer. 'leavyweight boxing over Freeman, ---~ '94 law. These bouts brought out j The Law as a Profession. some pretty good boxing. Prof. F. R. Mechem gave the ad- In the featherweight wrestling, dress at Newberry hall on Sunday Holmes met Ferguson, '94 law, and morning, on the subject, 'law as a got a fall quite easily in twenty sec- rofession.'' ends. Law is indispensable. It is abso- Vernor, '96 medic, threw Salter, lutely necessary to the life of the '95 lit, in a seconds in the prelim- individual as well as to society. inary of the light-weight wrestling. The administration of justice is con- The final resulted in a fall for Mar- filed entirely to the legal profession. indale, '94 lit, from Vernor, in e Lawyers heve had control of public minutes, 46 seconds. and governmental affairs, and have In the welter-weight wrestling, fought the people's battles for them. Ford,. '95 law, threw 'dartindale, The profession offers great oppor- '94 medic, in 30 seconds, and in the tunities for usefulness, for social and final threw Martindale, '94 lit, in , political preferment, and for the ac- minutes. . cumulation of wealth. Middle-weight wrestling.--Mapes, The qualifications for success are, 97 medic, threw Michaes, '94 law, good health, good education, men- in 30 seconds. Mapes and Ford tal fitness, (genius is more than a met in the final, and Ford won in a capacity for hard work), and moral good, hard bout. fitness. It is a libel on the profes- Welter-weight boxing.--Ford won sion to say that knavery, chicanery from Harmon, '94 lit, and in the and mere acuteness are elements of final lost to Locke in a very clever- real success. No one should enter" ly boxed round, the profession who has not a special The fencing bout between Kuy- fitness for it, because the competi- per, '95 dent, and Oluns, '95 medic, tion is too great and the field too resulted in a draw. A very interest- full for anyone else to succeed. ing rapier exhibition was given by Rogers, '95 medic, and Swift, '9J Prof. Knowlton will lecture on lit. "The Criminal Jurisprudence of the The club-swinging by Reed, '94 Jews," in the law lecture room, to- law, was a feature as enthusiastically night, at the usual time. The annual election of the DAILY staff of editors occurred yesterday afternoon. The general meeting was called to order by Managing Editor C. A. Denison in the law lecture room when the terms of the election were explained and the recommendations of the board were made. A proposition to give any surplus funds remaining with the DoIive at the close of the year to the Athletic association was dis- cussed and laid over, after which the different departments repaired to their own meetings to conduct el- ections. The laws completed their work first by electing C. H. Towle, '94; E. L. Evans, '95; 1?. Ii. Ham- mill, '95. The lit meeting was called to or- der by H. A. Spalding and D. F. Wilson was elected chairman. Be- sides the recommendations of the board F. H. Willets, Minnie Thomp- son and L. A. Pratt were noninat- ed. Some time was spent in dis- cussion of the manner of election but it was decided to vote for all on one ticket and the eleven having the highest number of votes should be declared elected. The election resulted as follows: ). L. Lorie,'95; J. A. Leroy, '96; %Vm. A. Mogk, '97; Carrie V. Smith, special; F. P. Sadler, '96; Harry Coleman, spec- ial; S. B. Shiley, '95; Minnie Thompson, '97; F. H. W'illets, '95; L. A. Pratt, '96; M. A. Cutcheon, '94. In the meantime the medical de- partment elected E. L. Martindale, '94, and E. L. Niblack, '9-. No elections were held in the dental or homeopathic department as neither is entitled to representation on the board. The editors elect will ,meet Tuesday night and organize the board. The Graduate Club. .The Graduate club will meet at the home of Miss Pauline Wies, 51 Washtenaw avenue, tomorrow even- ing at 7:30 o'clock. Profs. D'Ooge, Thomas and Hempl will speak on "The Trend of Present Investiga- tion in Greek, German and Eng- lish." All members are invited. PRICE, THREE CENTS. NOW ON SALE. The U. of M.WaWt By Lew . Clement, Director of the mhequa- limec 5 nge Orchestra. 'hc prettiest ldlzl sine "ufJ IFiler- sehen." lteautiftlly illustrated tittle pag. Every stu- de't should buy a cop. 7Q 011 b C rgah Co. 51 South Main St. When youwant theLatestMetropolitanStyles nest2, $-;, $4 or$5Shoes at 5s o,-$I0a pair-les- tan AnArbo,-iie see eo Catalnueo 101. 13-185 WoomwA,,nAvF., 3e 1)TIhTto-, - - MICHlIGAN. - PHOTOGRAPHER, - i E. HURON, llas scu red the service of :dlr. Ht. W. Tibal- >fDt ot s rtor. ee dodgers and le FRESH ASSORTMENT _o- JJo NIVY'.sa s- --4 seTI -:VEs v-- 'L'UR ' uS, - 48 S. State St. THE " WAVERLY" WHEEL weilght, 's loundl-with celiftcher (G. S .) tires-for $$5.00 is the sensation of the h o r. S ee it int htw w in d o w o f BROWN'S DRUG STORE. BASE BALL GOODS Suits and Gymnasium Sup- plies, You are invited to examine stock and prices. WAHR'S UNIZVERSITYBOOKSTORE STATE STREET, ANN SARBOR.