THE U. OF M. DAILY. Do y~outt know a 01( knife when youttSee oe7 Take a look at those :30c, seALNd )PJIAIIcMACY.I TEN PER CENT. TEN PER CENT. r Are you interested inl the Base Ball Team? If so buy your HAT athtie OUTFITTERS. TEN PER CENT. TEN PER CENT. MQQF- EJ &W W JrrO.1, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. TENNI, BAE.BAL AND SPORTING GOODS '61hi-b thes offer at ii s ii (o~sallteed to 3e as ILoA,%as eall be Obtained I asevw hres. . . Ann Arbor Savings Bank W N H L ' 1~?il AnAo rttot Silob ( aptt ttocab, $30)00,£ J J t J £IAL±X.J 5 orpltoo, $51 ott . b Or rootoort ude r t ,nluBakint,rot, v;L 7 =C11TRJF =To-j,_1iu- o1 thitsStatr. Receves.tdtposits u ,01 In't sels (xchoar ."eon toe' iilmI c ao tie frhfo 262Wabash ,Avenue, Ciicag o. AliliAetd with therlt ono'trorchrr' t ' Eoy, tattoo. tUtedtStates. troft..caothed oto rrrtr ttt~icrr inplanl. lot lieito I0110 boos. MOtobo aospecialtty ottli_,herpositionslectore identitiotiorl. SOllttydotton l..ltOortll t lt.r"' 1" ,fna '( ooot, 1.101111101 ', ork , tc', SEND tto mtt tntt)t RitS . . toatta.spcilCtI C ITCERrtat Chtristiantt Moclk, PITS.: NV. it. ptlaeottoll oo iArtor. tWrtte for special te rms. tturrtmar, ViePres.,thou. E.Itttvock, Ca- shter- 'itJ.. trite Ast. Cashier. " e" THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS CIGARS pm CIGAR PRINTING and =- "IPU LS IGit, 1-Io10lort:.For0 It, Student Work a Specialty- Rtoyatlr1sttr n. tat x totu3t005110c Ilouct'iOotiutocuoodt- ttor t5't> ut tctSam Scotttoottt.3 GO : Catrmr igrs .< 10tC 1 . , t Atttty Iy ti sco---1.10 1 7 r KeyWet Ciar-ttl.310 WARWX ICK1rs1:3 44 South AnStbre. Mich...(DEAN & tCOM ANY. .i j auu M LIU , AYJLI LL- - ---I l 4 46 10 " , * I Woti~ ood trPatnt , 1tt ii ? Ila ndlei a ll Lay ill - iprlljl lI t' Xk.vikIl it Iteel '9-I- ,ptrtoad tiew a C1 fV s iek riad ats y4, o f ott ,! i 01 shogest, ligttost graceful t.Ldies' Whtels in tettatket. Tey ore tte fulillted' sutggestions of lie test lady rtders, andt are JA bemdaly Gutaranteedt. Sead for Cutaltogue to WARWICK, CYCLE MFG. Ca.,, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Ladies' Artistic Hairdr'essngParlorsl, fi AllIES' hsardressing, manicuring, face IA ad scalp treatment dune in the latest fashion. Mrs. J. R. Trojanowski, 30i & Wats-; tagton St., over barber shop. UNIVERSITY NOTES. I~Te secotndtdiscourse in tite series Indor eettongik. Ott "Tite Ihtoate'' entitled '"Homte .Miss llarnaby, 1931 is visititngbMiss atndlHeaven'"xiii he given Sttnday Tirna Thomplsont, 94. evenitng intthte Presbyterian citurcit. :hl. IF. i. Jack, 195 lit, has goer The ltrohtibitiotn Cloit, xviit old a to ihis itotme at .Decatur, Ill. mteetintg in root 2 of the law buid- Miss Giiiiette, '96, of Coilwater, ing~at 7 o'itock titis evening. Stuhject ts visiting Miss C onnor, '9 . for discussiotn, 4'1the College Mtan Te ciass its 1-istory of Music in P'oliitict." wiii tnot mteet tiii after vaoration. At tite t'tsity tluu in Siotday tsr. George Hofftuan, '9Jntedir, evening, Mrs. Fatnny ii. Wiiiiants, ii visiting friends in boson titis week. (coiored) of Chiiago, wiii iectttre PTe N ortixteuterts reitresentatitbes on "Te Progress of Coiored WVo- left fosr Chicago at 1 0130, this morn- nmen Since the Eutanciipation.'' ittg. lDr. Sowermtan q1utz naster in W., A. Ilearti, 195 lit, ihas gone to ophthalmology, htas resigned, and htis htotte at St. Josepth for tihe vaca- lr ilaaRcgaitt n'o tin r ila ie rdaei g,rot. IDewey xiii examtine the n o og special swork ttnder lDr. class in Ethics next Wednesday at C'arrow Ihas acceptedth ie Iposition. 11t:30.'Tomorrowo evening, at the 7:30 Mr. John B. Cloyberg, lectutrer service in St. Andrew's church,Rev. on mining law, left for Chicago,yes- E. M. Duff will give the first of a terday. series of Bubte talks upon "T1he Dr. and Mrs. Marlin give a re- Panmphlets of a Political Idealist, or ception to the senior medic class the Book of the Prophet Teua." this evening. Last ntght after the debate a very Miss Moey, '9s5, who is now pleasant reception was given at the teaching in Battle Creek, is visiting home of Prof.Thompson in honor of friends in town, the contestants and judges. Among Prof. Hudson will examine his those present were Governor Rich, class in history of Europe from the President Asgell and Prof. True- Middle Ages, next Tuesday, at 8:115. blood. ,. U. OF M. FLAGS. 4t utl'tint0tiltvet, eualletld ill 'orrltl'ttpiu. tPrice,t.t50. IVYM.tARNOLD, .,'(it I,. WE ARE IN IT Wh'ith a ine tire of Imiported atnd omestic SPRING and + FOR .14E WNAIL WAR 11112 LI'-4D INGT--ttLORt. No, 2 E. Washington St., NmAta. VICTOR Cycles Lead. tila~lllcttllland exlic ne111 -II I 11 tt 1t W. WASHINGTON ST. Ann Artbur. S$tOES SPRIING STYL.ES NOW READY. ELEGANT ASSORTMENT. P0RICES RIGHT. SEE OUR LINE OF RAZOR TOES. Goodppeed')S, 17 S. MAIN ST. i