THE LU. OF M. DAILY. r - Dcz ' stars of great popularity witt be Two Lecture Gourses. 6 givens, as fottosws: Rhea, in "Queen ___ fSob,'tnorwn~tte The opening attractions of both r I'utuhcdIs tsuny Sos i s eepsted) durng .,~ tse tinity Ctub and the Intandt Boston tdeat Opera Cmanini the College year, byreati ilompranyvein.Th THE U. OF Mi. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION the "Pretty Puritan." Thursday Legeb t cn ts enig. The ^lt~ letrsadentertainments prom-,i t. 4+1 e%~~2!~~tio~s ~ niht; and aturdaynight comes the ya ybt ort Modeska, t t go n she e lettat< c , not yet announced. Besides thisarxcpoy at stet'o, withianyorfcthe editoms or the higth standard of previous years. Is hr LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS authoriced solcitiors. tefIcehrarray, ti ederick A. Dongtass tec- TngltMs.LurdrisoSCat H~ eORTHAN. agnieesduidingo; anie Commsticeationsashouid reach teofc y'tares in University Halt, Ttunrsduy Eglndsnoedwoa lctr r, U well supiedrnreadiiin o cciidilTc tut cs iselok Pru.stfthey are to appear she nx nln ' oe o a scue, anlyei, eeatton s; oenteienire year uar. Addresa all mater intended for pablies- night, Oil''The Race Problem.'' wl pe h ty lb ors, . ti hilaitisrpaistim lncsi pi- nu otettsga dtr t aies This series of amusements in one ewluen shec' sill.1deliverk herprlecture o ies communaications shoiuid heseat to the tBusi-whnsewldeiehelctronPr i Caogades nss Masoizer. sweek is certainly all that thre most "America as seen through an Eag- P. R. CLEARY, PaESs. THE U. aofJX. DALYic.cittca could desire and proves con- lish Wonsan's eyes." At the Dra- EDITORS.cusvythtAnAbrcnf- ciples' church the. Inland League TLD C, A. tENIONu, Lliw''4, Mnsaging Editor. (nios audiences that can appreciate cus illeoee rf NORMNsuoc Fsuocoas.Lit. '961 .As.istaint nt.h c ne-I y B Ii. A. Ssi _L~ No, Lit. '94 Assist~at. an support hghe gradeen r- L W leti alet eon IS v - 1. J4 _m' y Aslilette Edior. taimemnts as thsey should be appre- IL iilsi etuent'Svn . A'otoi.arola." l~e will be asoistedl by §'- NORTH MICHIGAN S. or. CURTSoS,. . 0.Lit., Bosiness manager. cratedt.AieB ailey solistassdPro. a RAILWAY. + 0,. M.Ko,. Lit. 't7, OAssistnt. Alce Baly, soloistnandmoio-. trissvnagodefconStuanley, accomspunist. ~ inQMAK ( i t, o.grati ' . Trii os'constant and rigid prac- Z' .r ils'iiii --n niiu Fo ividl.'4 thse playing of our tramt is proved e47 o fi A010 01na tu. s'cn_1Tic. . ha~le L. E. cuiiri:i---- by tse result of Saturday's gunse. °o1 N1 1 All cuoymuIn 1b ttheof~icclbctrvs'o li.i. Under unsfuvorable circumstances, ) tf 005 olith dayot iiblitioii 0. -\liihian soun fronthtle D. A. C. o5 , 'rhc Editoirs do set hiiit heinseles 'rc-iooa- .- - q t..,o - beforeo te oioon r stranss f crfound l i ite sae ' 5 ro~udectseoapealorooainste oto oruro e wea k score ou teamwhlondlyt crsf ord's Acid Phosphate K~C difficuslt to win from sloe same team I h sotefcieadate-~ lsesaioi by a score of 6 t0Oo. These tonSHEY-o n50i n. s gamies rousing so clone togetlher af- able r'emsedy in exmstetsc~e for'; aI, WSa' URN WVE are lad to add tlseLUniver- ford a good criterion by whirlsw ore prvettimtg indigestionsantdre 4 LNIGHWL r ity Courier ofthtle U.niversity of can judge thse improvement ins the;. r BtlC.I nia801Ly '-, Pennsylvania to our exchrange list playin fortanudrteTeAn-tNsedsae tttl 0 again this year. It ensues to its this adrmirable coaching of arbour. If ftoassa dsorere otAsdrian__ year in a new dress, and is a credit every nmensher enters into tire rorkSot TOE. to thse institution front whichs it owith enthusiasm and a determin- Dr. W.07 'W. Gardner, Sinfeioldi :ei~ittte'ti:tOo~vu d is comes. ation to unfurl Mlichigan's banner Moos., says: «Itvaro tor as anitoexcelleni i tili Allon Arbo5~r 5iy Centrrii lcvitndeindfrpitc-over usany a victorious field this 1 etotlie f tti~steosiu Itessoll liot, tion in the'DAss'Iv colurs mnust bear year, ore cannot fear tlre result. It acidlated i k i l thes iiiroperly ilted lviso i i . 1.1:45 a. II. e 4:1) p:011 ii. Mi. the namer of the writer, viit oil is to be hoped that thse students Water, asit'ie etee." tnaT rguin,: \othIat 0: 1I5 a.:II hrtetd awositeta. I o- till ito all irs their poorer to assist +_______ ,iiinlt - lrinritlist lveei p. is:. beteaesofde taltco -!;111 il ' n_- uciona rut:. 1Leavit int ztii- the teans by turnsi5ingot i i olasin 0 itl 5 i t ~oi i orbl~Swl ~lsl ihti e-5cititvp tlhctfe n pli~to c.ili:,ui ti c tlit at . Osetare ter trhuor o11cosilyovll tisrewhlenever a pause is played on the lRumfordicChemicsralWrks7Prvrrence.Rt :ili riplonstrhs troit. quest,tteryowill assist th e ceditors ruocsAro ctit:i i _l;i -field ansd lenstt rncourageenrt andl n e::uieCo bSot iitur tie t ndIiit li to. I. RNCO DAgninArx. maeralynsirtont teplayers, such as For Salle by all Druggists. 00 i. or hALET, 0.1'. ., Tledo:. IN a feow clays season tickets '"ill GnotisiDog riseJtrill elo be placed on sale for thre (Chural1 - GI{2DOii~~ IO S Uinsre.Tecourse tin ar- Women's Leaffle. B$s0RS4-! Unio seres. he ~TUESDAY EVENING, OCT. 17. ranged for thss year is ass expensive one and one of thse best obtainable irs this country; therefore every lover of good music should arraisge to at- tend the course this year. The concerts given by the Choral Union are one of the features of university life that no student can afford to miss for it is inmprohable that the most of irstrill ever he helter situ- ated to enjoy thse best nrusical en- tertainments than during our colle- giate residence. Wait for the announcements of tire course and he prepared to purchsase a ticket, so that the course may be an assured fart, at once. To the lover of true amusenrent, this week is an exceptionally fine one. At the opoera house, thsree plays of established relputation by The Wonmen'nsILeague had its; opening mneetinsg last Saturday after- isoon. (Oing to the very incleruernt wreathser, the attentlance owas not large, but in every other tray the meeting owas a success. President Angell's talk owas an interesting and delightful as though it were not raining and blowing a most uinpleas- ant gale outside. Mrs. Thomas spoke a few cordial orords of owel- route to thre girls in behalf of the ladies of the faculty. A statemient of some of thre work planned by the; League for this year wvas given by the president, Miss Sunderland, and the hope expresaed that an effort might be made to get the active membership of every girl in college. The talks were followed by an in- formal half hour. tatinrly New.DICTZIONARY .dR rain odoenter Sinoooti ci i ucessorofe/h' i - o Tetn years spent II in reiig, 100 ed- mortn i$300000 ssrF exendered. ;shul. owniiiithis Lninitiinrg.ot'sani- A Ial'-tyn "ieilf. ( so oioir i c iicerig te s tort', speilli n, rori- sit itn i pino sairs _ ':... n i. iolnrean bletiwords teotnit iredIi'tormati.onloicernir- .tn jwion a sco. crin h conti ill cti III11: ,. andEnatrala 4 ae offl' ost t, --,toill: aite Dtsconcering nted "'0rndonspe~rns n paes ras us1:kper nte T lesinoe fth Newi The Queen of Sheba. W. 'S. IHAr as 14r.m of'yre, .53cersri o -lloatiet'tlCIis-'o at i ChairacteritiDaces.. ReservedciiScals on ;aleat otti.' Ocu elty Store. 1'.'riiistte tnd first: towint iPallrqurteCircle, Stec Partete ire le bsk0 oftfitst coin , :- ANN .ARBOR- THfIJYIL4A1ND1RY CO. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SsRviss, - Alanag er. JA EttsS W5. GOODIIEW, tlortat.(Grower sin RooeCanantionsiaid Fttowersofoialnl vart- ityo. Flotal designs ma~de 0uiltitshurtnotttice. No. I Oitotrcatovy street, opp. cemertrirgate.